Looks Like Trump's Instincts Were Right Again On The Kelly Bitch


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
NBC, the liberal-est of the MSM networks just announced that Megyn Kelly, ex-Fox, Ex-O'Reilly Alumni, upon leaving Fox as one of the many supposedly harassed by now-dead Roger Ailes (what Ailes you), has signed a contract to have a Sunday Evening program where she will compete opposite of CBS's 60 minutes.

Megyn Kelly’s new show to compete with '60 Minutes': report

Looks like the Trump Radar was right again (after all, whatever is not Right must necessarily be Wrong!). I can't say I'm surprised giving the way she lit into Trump on the very first question of the very first debate, and Trump was right to see the warning signs. No way was she ever on the up and up as a true conservative square shooter if she left Fox to join NBC! I bet she had that deal in the works already before she left Fox at all, and she used Fox, Ailes and Trump as her springboard to launch her career after Bill O'Reilly gave her her big opening (not her mouth).

You mark my words, on NBC she will be towing the party line with all kinds of constant unsubstantiated attacks on Trump and everything he does, passing it off as critical journalism. And I bet one of the first guests she asks for on her show will be Donald Trump.
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