Looks like Baghdad imploding

Saddam wouldn't have let that happen. Nice going, Dubya! Our interests lie in a stable world. Saddam's actions towards his people were the interest of the Iraqis and it was THEIR responsibility to do something about it. At some point Rumsfeld understood that.

View attachment 31064

It's good to see a liberal asshole supporting a mass murdering dictator.

I didn't know Rummy was a liberal. :p

Saddam wouldn't have let that happen. Nice going, Dubya! Our interests lie in a stable world. Saddam's actions towards his people were the interest of the Iraqis and it was THEIR responsibility to do something about it. At some point Rumsfeld understood that.

View attachment 31064

It's good to see a liberal asshole supporting a mass murdering dictator.

I didn't know Rummy was a liberal. :p


All you libturds wanted to keep Saddam in power, didn't you?
Saddam wouldn't have let that happen. Nice going, Dubya! Our interests lie in a stable world. Saddam's actions towards his people were the interest of the Iraqis and it was THEIR responsibility to do something about it. At some point Rumsfeld understood that.

View attachment 31064

It's good to see a liberal asshole supporting a mass murdering dictator.

I didn't know Rummy was a liberal. :p


All you libturds wanted to keep Saddam in power, didn't you?

Who put him in power, you boob?
Saddam wouldn't have let that happen. Nice going, Dubya! Our interests lie in a stable world. Saddam's actions towards his people were the interest of the Iraqis and it was THEIR responsibility to do something about it. At some point Rumsfeld understood that.

View attachment 31064

It's good to see a liberal asshole supporting a mass murdering dictator.

I didn't know Rummy was a liberal. :p


All you libturds wanted to keep Saddam in power, didn't you?

Who put him in power, you boob?

He did, moron. You didn't answer the question: you wanted Saddam to remain in power, didn't you?
Saddam wouldn't have let that happen. Nice going, Dubya! Our interests lie in a stable world. Saddam's actions towards his people were the interest of the Iraqis and it was THEIR responsibility to do something about it. At some point Rumsfeld understood that.

View attachment 31064

It's good to see a liberal asshole supporting a mass murdering dictator.

I didn't know Rummy was a liberal. :p


All you libturds wanted to keep Saddam in power, didn't you?

Who put him in power, you boob?

He did, moron. You didn't answer the question: you wanted Saddam to remain in power, didn't you?

You need to brush up on your history, you boob.
It's good to see a liberal asshole supporting a mass murdering dictator.

I didn't know Rummy was a liberal. :p


All you libturds wanted to keep Saddam in power, didn't you?

Who put him in power, you boob?

He did, moron. You didn't answer the question: you wanted Saddam to remain in power, didn't you?

You need to brush up on your history, you boob.

No I don't. You're obviously an ignoramus. Now answer the question, did you and your ilk want Saddam to remain in power or not?
I didn't know Rummy was a liberal. :p


All you libturds wanted to keep Saddam in power, didn't you?

Who put him in power, you boob?

He did, moron. You didn't answer the question: you wanted Saddam to remain in power, didn't you?

You need to brush up on your history, you boob.

No I don't. You're obviously an ignoramus. Now answer the question, did you and your ilk want Saddam to remain in power or not?

I gotta get ready for work, but by the time I get home tonight, I'll expect you to have brushed up on your history about how we had a hand at placing Saddam in power. Right now, you are at the "audacity of duh" level. I expect to debate more than just useless blabber, but thank you for your time.
I didn't know Rummy was a liberal. :p


All you libturds wanted to keep Saddam in power, didn't you?

Who put him in power, you boob?

He did, moron. You didn't answer the question: you wanted Saddam to remain in power, didn't you?

You need to brush up on your history, you boob.

No I don't. You're obviously an ignoramus. Now answer the question, did you and your ilk want Saddam to remain in power or not?

Ya know, back when Rummy was shaking Saddam's hand, was around the time Saddam was on his killing spree. Your sudden concern for brown people is 30 + years too late, but is touching nonetheless. Now I need some tissue.

For your homework today, I'd like you to conduct a poll of Iraqi civilians, and ask them if they miss the days of Saddam.
iamw 11094340
After Saddam was removed, and after the surge, Iraq had three years of peace. Something that had not happened for 40 years.
After Obama remoced the troops in Iraq, despite the warnings from his Generals and every military adviser he has telling him it would cause turmoil - he did it anyway and this is why you see the havoc in Iraq.

It is a lie that there were three years of peace in Iraq after the surge. Iraq was the most violent place on earth as far as civilian deaths from car and suicide bombings and terrorist or opposition attack in 2009.

Obama did not remove the troops unilaterally. Phew complied with the withdrawal agreement set by the Iraqis and agreed to by bush. Yet another lie you got going there.

No military adviser recommended keeping troops in Iraq if they were granted immunity. That is a lie of omission for failing to disclose that reality.

Now you are calling it turmoil , But turmoil in Iraq was caused by Maliki not moving 5000 troops from Iraq to Kuwait to join 10,000 others already there in case Iraq changed their mind and decided they were needed.

Iraq to this day Iraq has not called for US combat troops in a combat role in Iraq. The rest of the turmoil in the ME is due to toppling Saddam Hussein and empowering Shiites the majority to mistreat Iraq's secular minded Sunnis who like to drink and smoke but were driven back int Daesh arms by Maliki. Obama tried to get Maliki to quit but he refused so he's gone and good riddance. That was a correct Obama policy you should be greatful for.

The OP was written by a know nothing hoping to see Iraq fail.

In the words of Pacino in Scarface "look at you now"
MsChrL 11088916
My opinions are based in common sense and truth.

Your opinion has been that Iraq was lost. There never was any sense or truth to such a ridiculous opinion. If you keep arguing that Daesh terrorist scum have defeated and took control of Iraq we will know that you have no sense or respect for the truth.

Yes we have. Iraq is going to hell.

Yes, we should have taken control. WHENEVER we go to war, we should demand that the end game be according to OUR rules. That is our mistake.

I notice that you ignore my statement about how much better off the Iraqi people would be too.
iamw 11094340
After Saddam was removed, and after the surge, Iraq had three years of peace. Something that had not happened for 40 years.
After Obama remoced the troops in Iraq, despite the warnings from his Generals and every military adviser he has telling him it would cause turmoil - he did it anyway and this is why you see the havoc in Iraq.

It is a lie that there were three years of peace in Iraq after the surge. Iraq was the most violent place on earth as far as civilian deaths from car and suicide bombings and terrorist or opposition attack in 2009.

Obama did not remove the troops unilaterally. Phew complied with the withdrawal agreement set by the Iraqis and agreed to by bush. Yet another lie you got going there.

No military adviser recommended keeping troops in Iraq if they were granted immunity. That is a lie of omission for failing to disclose that reality.

Now you are calling it turmoil , But turmoil in Iraq was caused by Maliki not moving 5000 troops from Iraq to Kuwait to join 10,000 others already there in case Iraq changed their mind and decided they were needed.

Iraq to this day Iraq has not called for US combat troops in a combat role in Iraq. The rest of the turmoil in the ME is due to toppling Saddam Hussein and empowering Shiites the majority to mistreat Iraq's secular minded Sunnis who like to drink and smoke but were driven back int Daesh arms by Maliki. Obama tried to get Maliki to quit but he refused so he's gone and good riddance. That was a correct Obama policy you should be greatful for.

The OP was written by a know nothing hoping to see Iraq fail.

In the words of Pacino in Scarface "look at you now"

Yeah, sure he did. Lol. He did not. He wanted to pull troops out ASAP. He said as much. He didn't care about anything else except pleasing the dummies.
iamw 11094340
After Saddam was removed, and after the surge, Iraq had three years of peace. Something that had not happened for 40 years.
After Obama remoced the troops in Iraq, despite the warnings from his Generals and every military adviser he has telling him it would cause turmoil - he did it anyway and this is why you see the havoc in Iraq.

It is a lie that there were three years of peace in Iraq after the surge. Iraq was the most violent place on earth as far as civilian deaths from car and suicide bombings and terrorist or opposition attack in 2009.

Obama did not remove the troops unilaterally. Phew complied with the withdrawal agreement set by the Iraqis and agreed to by bush. Yet another lie you got going there.

No military adviser recommended keeping troops in Iraq if they were granted immunity. That is a lie of omission for failing to disclose that reality.

Now you are calling it turmoil , But turmoil in Iraq was caused by Maliki not moving 5000 troops from Iraq to Kuwait to join 10,000 others already there in case Iraq changed their mind and decided they were needed.

Iraq to this day Iraq has not called for US combat troops in a combat role in Iraq. The rest of the turmoil in the ME is due to toppling Saddam Hussein and empowering Shiites the majority to mistreat Iraq's secular minded Sunnis who like to drink and smoke but were driven back int Daesh arms by Maliki. Obama tried to get Maliki to quit but he refused so he's gone and good riddance. That was a correct Obama policy you should be greatful for.

The OP was written by a know nothing hoping to see Iraq fail.

In the words of Pacino in Scarface "look at you now"

What military leader DIDN'T recommend keeping troops in Iraq? Leon Panetta did! So did the Joint Chiefs! So did the State Department! It was a small group of progressives in the Obama White House that decided that THEY knew better than those military advisers!

They used the expiring SOFA as an excuse to pull all the troops out. Panetta's book reveals that Obama didn't even try to get a deal done.
iamw 11094340
After Saddam was removed, and after the surge, Iraq had three years of peace. Something that had not happened for 40 years.
After Obama remoced the troops in Iraq, despite the warnings from his Generals and every military adviser he has telling him it would cause turmoil - he did it anyway and this is why you see the havoc in Iraq.

It is a lie that there were three years of peace in Iraq after the surge. Iraq was the most violent place on earth as far as civilian deaths from car and suicide bombings and terrorist or opposition attack in 2009.

Obama did not remove the troops unilaterally. Phew complied with the withdrawal agreement set by the Iraqis and agreed to by bush. Yet another lie you got going there.

No military adviser recommended keeping troops in Iraq if they were granted immunity. That is a lie of omission for failing to disclose that reality.

Now you are calling it turmoil , But turmoil in Iraq was caused by Maliki not moving 5000 troops from Iraq to Kuwait to join 10,000 others already there in case Iraq changed their mind and decided they were needed.

Iraq to this day Iraq has not called for US combat troops in a combat role in Iraq. The rest of the turmoil in the ME is due to toppling Saddam Hussein and empowering Shiites the majority to mistreat Iraq's secular minded Sunnis who like to drink and smoke but were driven back int Daesh arms by Maliki. Obama tried to get Maliki to quit but he refused so he's gone and good riddance. That was a correct Obama policy you should be greatful for.

The OP was written by a know nothing hoping to see Iraq fail.

In the words of Pacino in Scarface "look at you now"

What military leader DIDN'T recommend keeping troops in Iraq? Leon Panetta did! So did the Joint Chiefs! So did the State Department! It was a small group of progressives in the Obama White House that decided that THEY knew better than those military advisers!

They used the expiring SOFA as an excuse to pull all the troops out. Panetta's book reveals that Obama didn't even try to get a deal done.

Which is a prime example what happens when decisions/policies are made for political reasons.
What's amusing to watch is how Barack Obama took the credit for "ending the war in Iraq" but now wants to blame what's happened after he pulled the troops out on someone else! If you read Panetta's book it's brutally honest. Obama's little clique of progressives running things in the White House ignored the advice they were given by Panetta, the Joint Chiefs and the State Department. That's their right I suppose...since they are in charge...but when you make a call like that and it turns out that you were dead wrong you need to step up and take responsibility for the fuck up. That's not something Barry seems to be capable of though...as usual he's blaming others.
MsChrL 11095362.
Iraq is going to hell.

What does "Iraq is going to hell" mean now? You have been claiming that Iraq was lost. Lost to what? Not one US soldier was killed or wounded in the liberation of Tiktit. Iraqis DOD the fighting on the ground as it should be. Keeping USctroops in Iraq to fight ISIS to prop up Maliki would have been a huge mistake. All those advisers wanting to keep combat troops in Iraq were wrong.

Tikrit is liberated today with no US troops coming home in body bags or severely wounded.

I realize you would rather have seen Americans die and wounded but you never make any sense anyway.

Wed Apr 1, 2015 2:57pm EDT. Iraq claims victory over Islamic State in Tikrit

. (Reuters) - The Iraqi government claimed victory over Islamic State insurgents in Tikrit on Wednesday after a month-long battle for the city supported by Shi'ite militiamen and U.S.-led air strikes, saying that only small pockets of resistance remained.

State television showed Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi, accompanied by leaders of the army and police, the provincial governor and Shi'ite paramilitary leaders, parading through Tikrit and raising an Iraqi flag.

. Ghabban and Abadi's appearances were an assertion of government authority after a military campaign bolstered and initially spearheaded by Iranian-backed Shi'ite militiamen, who have outnumbered the army in the fight against Islamic State since the security forces deserted en masse last summer.

Iraq claims victory over Islamic State in Tikrit Reuters

And you state today that Iraq is going to hell. You should be congratulating them on their tremendous victory.

You must hate them because they are Muslims.
OS 11098798
What's amusing to watch is how Barack Obama took the credit for "ending the war in Iraq" but now wants to blame what's happened after he pulled the troops out on someone else

What was the name of the war that was launched in 2003 to find active stockpiles of WMD? That was when whom was President? When did Operation Iraqi Freedom come to an end? That was when whom was President? How many Americans were killed in that war? 4484 right?

When did Operation New Dawn come to an end?

Who was President when the Iraq invasion to find WMD was completely over?

United States marks the end ofOperation New Dawn - Iraq ...
Demotix.com The home of World-Leading Photojournalismnews/969146/...end-operation-new-dawn-iraq
Dec 14, 2011 · Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, gives a speech at the End of Mission Ceremony ..

Panetta declared the end of the US invasion of Iraq:

. "They're going face challenges in the future," Panetta said Wednesday during a visit with troops in Afghanistan. "They'll face challenges from terrorism, they'll face challenges from those that would want to divide their country. They'll face challenges from just the test of democracy, a new democracy and trying to make it work. But the fact is, we have given them the opportunity to be able to succeed."

Panetta said correctly "we have given them the opportunity to be able to succeed"

Iraq Leon Panetta Announces Official End of War Fox News Latino

So there is no doubt that Obama did bring OIF and OND to an end.

So what happened last year was a new war and a huge challenge for Iraq. They have risen to seize the opportunity that Americans have given them. Not one American has been killed and Tikrit and much of the north has Been liberated by Iraqis from the worst enemy they could possibly faced.

It looks like the war in Iraq against Daesh will end or close to it on Obama's watch after all.

Republicans can't use Daesh in 2016 as they did in 2014 as a political tool siding with beheaders to gain electoral victories. Tikrit ends the Republican propaganda tool. Mosul will make them the laughingstock of the world.
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iamwhatiseem said:
Which is a prime example what happens when decisions/policies are made for political reasons

What exactly happened factoring in the Iraqis liberating Tikrit today? Your Daesh terrorist scum have been defeated and shamed in battle by many Shia fighters and fighter pilots from the figuratively speaking "Army of Rome"
OS 11095431
What military leader DIDN'T recommend keeping troops in Iraq? Leon Panetta did

No military adviser is on record recommending to Obama in 2011 or since that one single or 24,000 US soldiers should be kept in Iraq in 2012 or beyond if the Iraqis were not going to give them immunity. Panetta stated on the record quite clearly that his position was no immunity no troops can stay.
OS 11095431
What military leader DIDN'T recommend keeping troops in Iraq? Leon Panetta did

No military adviser is on record recommending to Obama in 2011 or since that one single or 24,000 US soldiers should be kept in Iraq in 2012 or beyond if the Iraqis were not going to give them immunity. Panetta stated on the record quite clearly that his position was no immunity no troops can stay.

In which case don't you think Barack Obama should have been doing everything he could to GET a new SOFA? Yet Panetta makes it clear in his book that Barry was totally disengaged from that. Barack Obama couldn't have cared less about pressing the Iraqis for a new SOFA because Barack Obama had already made up his mind to pull ALL the troops out of Iraq!

All you're doing now is trying to excuse his abysmal lack of judgement...and failing miserably because you can't refute what Obama's own Secretary of Defense related in his book.

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