London turning into a war zone

Isn't diversity grand???

Yes it is.

Recently, I had a pleasure of passing through London's airport. One of the things that stuck out was beautiful Muslim girls (airport employees) with their beautiful head scarfs. One of them actually helped me find the airplane I was supposed to catch. Not only that, few minutes before the plane took off, she came in to talk to me to ensure that everything was OK. I was pretty impressed.

I wonder how she would've treated you outside of work. You do realise her outgoing, helpful attitude is what keeps her in work, don't you?

apparently, to him, all you have to do is pass through an airport and you can magically become an expert in domestic issues in that nation...handy trick, that.
Isn't diversity grand???

Yes it is.

Recently, I had a pleasure of passing through London's airport. One of the things that stuck out was beautiful Muslim girls (airport employees) with their beautiful head scarfs. One of them actually helped me find the airplane I was supposed to catch. Not only that, few minutes before the plane took off, she came in to talk to me to ensure that everything was OK. I was pretty impressed.

I wonder how she would've treated you outside of work. You do realise her outgoing, helpful attitude is what keeps her in work, don't you?

all you have to do is pass through an airport and you can magically become an expert in domestic issues in that nation...handy trick, that.

You need to sharpen up your comprehension skills, boss because I have not claimed to be an expert on ground realities in London. Calling you racist which you are does not mean I am claiming to be an expert on the ground realities in London.
By the way, is that a Nokia cellphone? I think iPhone or at least Samsung Galaxy would have been a better choice.

The face of policing in London in the age of Islamic terrorism Daily Mail Online

NO it is a special trunking radio that can be used to make secure calls via a system of repeater stations. Acts as a standard two way radio between the officer and base, or as a mobile phone between handset and telephone networks. A selective tone system means that the information is carried on a silent spread spectrum radio bandwidth that needs the same computer generated tone to resolve the signal

The snarky know it all and his smart ass comments look pretty silly throughout this thread.

fun times!
That's what it comes to when one lets 3rd world foreigners infiltrate their country.

Take it easy here, boss. There are other threads for relieving your racist urges.

You don't know much about conditions in england, it appears.

"racist" :blahblah: :crybaby:

You need another guys have used that one up.

Will bigot suffice?
Use whatever it takes to allow you to change the subject and skulk away...Do carry on.

By the way, is that a Nokia cellphone? I think iPhone or at least Samsung Galaxy would have been a better choice.

The face of policing in London in the age of Islamic terrorism Daily Mail Online

NO it is a special trunking radio that can be used to make secure calls via a system of repeater stations. Acts as a standard two way radio between the officer and base, or as a mobile phone between handset and telephone networks. A selective tone system means that the information is carried on a silent spread spectrum radio bandwidth that needs the same computer generated tone to resolve the signal

The snarky know it all and his smart ass comments look pretty silly throughout this thread.

fun times!

You are an example of a wasted mind.
Isn't diversity grand???

Yes it is.

Recently, I had a pleasure of passing through London's airport. One of the things that stuck out was beautiful Muslim girls (airport employees) with their beautiful head scarfs. One of them actually helped me find the airplane I was supposed to catch. Not only that, few minutes before the plane took off, she came in to talk to me to ensure that everything was OK. I was pretty impressed.

I wonder how she would've treated you outside of work. You do realise her outgoing, helpful attitude is what keeps her in work, don't you?

all you have to do is pass through an airport and you can magically become an expert in domestic issues in that nation...handy trick, that.

You need to sharpen up your comprehension skills, boss because I have not claimed to be an expert on ground realities in London. Calling you racist which you are does not mean I am claiming to be an expert on the ground realities in London.

sure..sure..whatever you say, ace.

That's what it comes to when one lets 3rd world foreigners infiltrate their country.

Take it easy here, boss. There are other threads for relieving your racist urges.

You don't know much about conditions in england, it appears.

"racist" :blahblah: :crybaby:

You need another guys have used that one up.

Will bigot suffice?
Use whatever it takes to allow you to change the subject and skulk away...Do carry on.


You are the one who is engaging in racism.
By the way, is that a Nokia cellphone? I think iPhone or at least Samsung Galaxy would have been a better choice.

The face of policing in London in the age of Islamic terrorism Daily Mail Online

NO it is a special trunking radio that can be used to make secure calls via a system of repeater stations. Acts as a standard two way radio between the officer and base, or as a mobile phone between handset and telephone networks. A selective tone system means that the information is carried on a silent spread spectrum radio bandwidth that needs the same computer generated tone to resolve the signal

The snarky know it all and his smart ass comments look pretty silly throughout this thread.

fun times!

You are an example of a wasted mind.

The fact remains you thought you were clever with your snark about the phone...someone who knows what they are talking about exposed you as a fool...great thread, though...keep typing, ace...
Isn't diversity grand???

Yes it is.

Recently, I had a pleasure of passing through London's airport. One of the things that stuck out was beautiful Muslim girls (airport employees) with their beautiful head scarfs. One of them actually helped me find the airplane I was supposed to catch. Not only that, few minutes before the plane took off, she came in to talk to me to ensure that everything was OK. I was pretty impressed.

I wonder how she would've treated you outside of work. You do realise her outgoing, helpful attitude is what keeps her in work, don't you?

all you have to do is pass through an airport and you can magically become an expert in domestic issues in that nation...handy trick, that.

You need to sharpen up your comprehension skills, boss because I have not claimed to be an expert on ground realities in London. Calling you racist which you are does not mean I am claiming to be an expert on the ground realities in London.

sure..sure..whatever you say, ace.


Although, it was not intended but this was the only meaningful post you have come up with so far. :)
That's what it comes to when one lets 3rd world foreigners infiltrate their country.

Take it easy here, boss. There are other threads for relieving your racist urges.

You don't know much about conditions in england, it appears.

"racist" :blahblah: :crybaby:

You need another guys have used that one up.

Will bigot suffice?
Use whatever it takes to allow you to change the subject and skulk away...Do carry on.


You are the one who is engaging in racism.

Really? go ahead and quote what I said that was "racist"? Let's see what you got, ace.
By the way, is that a Nokia cellphone? I think iPhone or at least Samsung Galaxy would have been a better choice.

The face of policing in London in the age of Islamic terrorism Daily Mail Online

NO it is a special trunking radio that can be used to make secure calls via a system of repeater stations. Acts as a standard two way radio between the officer and base, or as a mobile phone between handset and telephone networks. A selective tone system means that the information is carried on a silent spread spectrum radio bandwidth that needs the same computer generated tone to resolve the signal

The snarky know it all and his smart ass comments look pretty silly throughout this thread.

fun times!

You are an example of a wasted mind.

The fact remains you thought you were clever with your snark about the phone...someone who knows what they are talking about exposed you as a fool...great thread, though...keep typing, ace...

As I said, you are an example of a wasted mind. Not that the mind in question is wasted, it is that nothing can be done to salvage the given mind. Therein lies the tragedy of being you.
Take it easy here, boss. There are other threads for relieving your racist urges.

You don't know much about conditions in england, it appears.

"racist" :blahblah: :crybaby:

You need another guys have used that one up.

Will bigot suffice?
Use whatever it takes to allow you to change the subject and skulk away...Do carry on.


You are the one who is engaging in racism.

Really? go ahead and quote what I said that was "racist"? Let's see what you got, ace.

Are you really that simple? It is unbelievable.
You don't know much about conditions in england, it appears.

"racist" :blahblah: :crybaby:

You need another guys have used that one up.

Will bigot suffice?
Use whatever it takes to allow you to change the subject and skulk away...Do carry on.


You are the one who is engaging in racism.

Really? go ahead and quote what I said that was "racist"? Let's see what you got, ace.

Are you really that simple? It is unbelievable.

evasion alert.
By the way, is that a Nokia cellphone? I think iPhone or at least Samsung Galaxy would have been a better choice.

The face of policing in London in the age of Islamic terrorism Daily Mail Online

NO it is a special trunking radio that can be used to make secure calls via a system of repeater stations. Acts as a standard two way radio between the officer and base, or as a mobile phone between handset and telephone networks. A selective tone system means that the information is carried on a silent spread spectrum radio bandwidth that needs the same computer generated tone to resolve the signal

The snarky know it all and his smart ass comments look pretty silly throughout this thread.

fun times!

You are an example of a wasted mind.

The fact remains you thought you were clever with your snark about the phone...someone who knows what they are talking about exposed you as a fool...great thread, though...keep typing, ace...

As I said, you are an example of a wasted mind. Not that the mind in question is wasted, it is that nothing can be done to salvage the given mind. Therein lies the tragedy of being you.
evasion alert
Will bigot suffice?
Use whatever it takes to allow you to change the subject and skulk away...Do carry on.


You are the one who is engaging in racism.

Really? go ahead and quote what I said that was "racist"? Let's see what you got, ace.

Are you really that simple? It is unbelievable.

evasion alert.

What evasion are you talking about? I have already concurred that the mind in question (you), a tragedy that is, cannot be salvaged. So what is your gripe?
Throwing away one's culture in order to get good Somalian restaurants is a fair deal.

Exactly what has Britain "thrown away"?



Yorkshire pud?

Posh Spice?


Last time I was in Britain, the culture seemed to have been more enhanced by multiculturalism than worsened by it.

This illustrates exactly what I wrote earlier in this thread. John Cleese is a member of the Liberal Democrats, the leftest-leaning establishment party, and is always campaigning on behalf of minorities and loves to call people who rub thier face in reality "racist". But now, like the video illustrates even their own members can't ignore the ugly truth. That concerns people, which lead them to question their party loyalty seeing as they're beginning to notice their own tribe's displacement.

When a puppy makes a mess on the carpet you can rub his nose in the poop in order to teach him not to make a mess inside, but how on Earth can we make guys like John Cleese live with the horror that they've inflicted upon society? They just up and move away. Look at California and New York liberals - they fowl their own nests by voting for all that liberalism and then when the state loses it's charm they fly the coop and settle in a nice red state like Colorado or Virginia or North Carolina and start up again with their liberal policies.

Rik -

You said British culture had been thrown away - what exactly has been thrown away?

And did you seriously just use UKIP as a source?
Yup, you're an unbiased journalist. Uhuh. Your methods give you away. Never mind the content of the message, focus on which group uploaded a UK TV clip up on youtube.
That's what it comes to when one lets 3rd world foreigners infiltrate their country.
How dare you call the Windsors third world foreigners

The future Charles III has made several strong public statements endorsing Islam as the solution to the spiritual and cultural ills of Britain and the West. His public advocacy of Islam appears to go back to 1989, when Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued an edict (fatwa) against Salman Rushdie, a British citizen, for blaspheming the Prophet Muhammad in his novel The Satanic Verses.6 Rather than defend Rushdie's freedom of speech, Charles reacted to the death decree by reflecting on the positive features that Islam has to offer the spiritually empty lives of his countrymen.

Charles first delivered a major address on Islam on October 27, 1993, at the Sheldonian Theatre at Oxford where he is a vice patron of the Centre for Islamic Studies.7 He declared that the usual attitude to Islam

suffers because the way we understand it has been hijacked by the extreme and the superficial. To many of us in the West, Islam is seen in terms of the tragic civil war in Lebanon, the killings and bombings perpetrated by extremist groups in the Middle East, and by what is commonly referred to as "Islamic fundamentalism."
The Prince of Wales then explained the causes for this distorted understanding:

Our judgement of Islam has been grossly distorted by taking the extremes to the norm. . . . For example, people in this country frequently argue that the Sharia law of the Islamic world is cruel, barbaric and unjust. Our newspapers, above all, love to peddle those unthinking prejudices. The truth is, of course, different and always more complex. My own understanding is that extremes, like the cutting off of hands, are rarely practised. The guiding principle and spirit of Islamic law, taken straight from the Qur'an, should be those of equity and compassion.
Charles suggests that European women may even find something to envy in the situation of their Muslim sisters:

Islamic countries like Turkey, Egypt and Syria gave women the vote as early as Europe did its women-and much earlier than in Switzerland! In those countries women have long enjoyed equal pay, and the opportunity to play a full working role in their societies.
Charles considers Christianity inadequate to the task of spiritual restoration and denigrates science for having caused the West to lose its spiritual moorings. Echoing a common Muslim theme, he declares that "Western civilisation has become increasingly acquisitive and exploitive in defiance of our environmental responsibilities." Instead, he praises the "Islamic revival" of the 1980s and portrays Islam as Britain's salvation:

Islam can teach us today a way of understanding and living in the world which Christianity itself is poorer for having lost. At the heart of Islam is its preservation of an integral view of the Universe. Islam-like Buddhism and Hinduism-refuses to separate man and nature, religion and science, mind and matter, and has preserved a metaphysical and unified view of ourselves and the world around us. . . . But the West gradually lost this integrated vision of the world with Copernicus and Descartes and the coming of the scientific revolution. A comprehensive philosophy of nature is no longer part of our everyday beliefs.
He concludes by suggesting that "there are things for us to learn in this system of belief which I suggest we ignore at our peril."

Among the many titles borne by the British sovereign is "Defender of the Faith," a reference to the fact that the monarch heads not only the government but also the Church of England. But the prince has reservations about this title. In a June 1994 television documentary he declared his preference to be known as "Defender of Faith" rather than "Defender of the Faith,"8 leading to a rash of speculation that he favors the disestablishment of the Church of England.9

Charles has continued to discuss the role of Islam in the United Kingdom. In a speech at the Foreign Office Conference Centre at Wilton Park in Sussex on December 13, 1996, he called on Islamic pedagogy and philosophy to help young Britons develop a healthier view of the world.10Praising Islamic culture in its traditional form for trying to preserve an "integrated, spiritual view of the world in a way we have not seen fit to do in recent generations in the West," he went on to say:

There is much we can learn from that Islamic world view in this respect. There are many ways in which mutual understanding and appreciation can be built. Perhaps, for instance, we could begin by having more Muslim teachers in British schools, or by encouraging exchanges of teachers. Everywhere in the world people want to learn English. But in the West, in turn, we need to be taught by Islamic teachers how to learn with our hearts, as well as our heads.
The results of this study will help Westerners

to rethink, and for the better, our practical stewardship of man and his environment-in fields such as health-care, the natural environment and agriculture, as well as in architecture and urban planning.
In addition to these comments on Islam, Charles has taken steps to give that religion a special status. For example, he set up a panel of twelve "wise men" (in fact, eleven men and one woman) to advise him on Islamic religion and culture.11 This caused much talk, especially as the group was reported to have met in secret. Some noted that no comparable body exists to inform the crown prince about other faiths practiced in his future realm.


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