Lockheed raking in the dough, F-35's Costs Climb Along With Concerns

fabb1963 said:
When will congress learn not to give all their fighter contracts to Lockheed? When was the last time we heard of a new generation fighter to be "under budget and ahead of schedule"? Sigh...


Now that is really funny; I found the quotes from Lockheed executives particulalry amusing. I presume that Lockheed fired those employees immediately. If the quotes are not accurate and I were Lockheed I'd be suing the crap out of whoever owns that site....
CSM said:
Now that is really funny; I found the quotes from Lockheed executives particulalry amusing. I presume that Lockheed fired those employees immediately. If the quotes are not accurate and I were Lockheed I'd be suing the crap out of whoever owns that site....

In the days when a President can do illegal wiretaps, pass out classified information, permit its troops to break the Geneva convention and torture prisoners, and conduct an illegal war, I think Lockheed's legal concerns of being made fun of by a satire website are close to naught. While the site is satire, the real story behind it that Lockheed is already asking for more money (as always) isn't too funny. Our checks and balances within the US government have failed us once more.
fabb1963 said:
In the days when a President can do illegal wiretaps, pass out classified information, permit its troops to break the Geneva convention and torture prisoners, and conduct an illegal war,

uh...dude? what the fuck, over? NONE of that ever happened. What is your major malfunction?

lol :)

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