Little Sister tells Big Brother how the cow eats the corn


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
MY OPINION IS THE TITLE! I like the comments too :p

Israeli Arms Trade, the Lobby and the Meaning of Chosenness

Atzmon, who now lives in Britain, also says, ā€œIsraeli pressure groups seem to believe that they are actually more powerful and certainly more important than the American constitution.ā€

The text of the interview is at the link

A disclaimer: In the Interview the Iranian outlet refers to me as ā€œa Jewish political activist.ā€ I wrote to the Tehran Times and pointed out that I am neither an activist nor I am a Jew. However, by the time I posted this article, my request is yet to make any impact.

from the comments:

By now, the USA is practically functioning as a remote and subservient Israeli satellite.

That should come as no surprise since the USA has long functioned as a groveling subservient and key satellite of the thoroughly corrupt and vicious One World Talmudic mafiosi such as Zionists and Communists while decent Jews, like the decent goyim, knew it and opposed it but with essentially zero effect so far.


I remember back in the 90s when Martin Indyk, an Australian turned US citizen only in 1993, and who got his start in the US by working for AIPAC, became a top US official as Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Eastern. Such a meteoric rise for someone who had only been an American citizen for a few years was unheard of.
But now, it seems like small potatoes, and it seems much more brazen. A bipartisan bill to allow Israel a say in Middle East arms sales? It now seems almost absurd that Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. What he really should be doing is moving the US Congress itself to Jerusalem. As far as I can see, the only inconvenience will be the time zone difference.

Re human rights distortion, the outside world has been officially onto this since 1981. A/RES/36/103, the non-intervention principle, is customary international law. In the opinion of the ICJ President (NICARAGUA v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Judgment of 27 June 1986,) ā€œThe principle of non-intervention is to be treated as a sanctified absolute rule of law.ā€
Para IIĀ§l of the declaration affirms ā€œThe duty of a State to refrain from the exploitation and the distortion of human rights issues as a means of interference in the internal affairs of States, of exerting pressure on other States or creating distrust and disorder within and among States or groups of States;ā€
So this prohibition is US state and federal common law and judiciable in the World Court, the ICC, or other international forums. With the right kind of pressure the public at large can shut down Israeli human rights distortion as foreign interference. The Human Rights Committee has concluded that Israel does not interpret its human rights commitments in good faith. This breaches a peremptory norm of international law.
You have to look ahead to the endgame: decapitating the GOI with prosecutions until it dissolves itself.

What he really should be doing is moving the US Congress itself to Jerusalem.
But think of the convenience for Netanyahu not having to travel so much. Arenā€™t his wants and needs along with Israelā€™s more important? Isnā€™t Israel always the first priority?
This bipartisan bill will be kept quiet so the bulk of the population wonā€™t learn of it. Even if they did, they canā€™t do anything about it as the people have no control; they gave it all away to their elected representatives by voting.

If nothing else, this should tell the entire world that the laws donā€™t mean anything to the people that write the laws. They do as they please as long as they have the threat of force to back them up.
The UN, ICC, etc are just social clubs for their denizens. These people are paid exorbitantly to write pronouncements and stomp their feet on occasion but to never actually do anything of substance. They exist to merely pretend to do something, and they know it and want it that way.
Just another govā€™t run scam.

A good one

ā€˜ā€¦People do see what is going on and the general discomfort with Israel and its lobby is growing rapidlyā€¦ā€™
So we would like to think. So I would like to think.
But the sweet little old lady that my wife goes to church with explains that we have to vote for Trump because ā€˜heā€™s the only one who will support Israelā€™ (Iā€™m going to vote for Trump, but for rather different reasons).
My daughterā€™s boyfriend overhears me ranting about the evil of the Zionist entity and asks in genuine puzzlement: ā€˜whatā€™s wrong with Israel?ā€™
Do people see whatā€™s going on?

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