Biden, Dems, & MSM ignore Native American issues seeing them as too insignificant


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
*When Joe Biden was a child, he always chose to be the cowboy and never the Indian when playing Cowboys and Indians.
He admitted this to Kamala Harris who replied: Joe, you do realize I'm a different kind of Indian, right? *Joke*

Seriously though the Dems glossed over for years Native American Issues:
“From Wyoming's Wind River Country to members of Canada's First Nations, the crisis of violence against Indigenous women and girls transcends state and national borders. Here in our own country, presidents of both parties have tried and failed to find lasting solutions,” Rose Dunleavy writes in U.S. News & World Report.
“To his credit, President Donald Trump has remained committed to our cause.”

Justice remains out of reach for so many Indigenous victims of violence. Scores of families are left to wonder if their mother or daughter will ever be found or their killer apprehended. From Wyoming's Wind River Country to members of Canada's First Nations, the crisis of violence against Indigenous women and girls transcends state and national borders. To his credit, President Donald Trump has remained committed to The Native American cause. The U.S. Department of Justice, for example, recently awarded over $560 million in grants to support public safety, crime victims and youth programs in tribal communities.

When Attorney General William Barr visited rural Alaska last year, he took their concerns seriously, joining their efforts by declaring a public safety emergency and devoting tens of millions of dollars to combating crime and assisting victims.

More importantly, he took their plight to the president, who responded by creating Operation Lady Justice, a historic nationwide effort to bring justice to missing and murdered Indigenous people. The job of the task force is to develop protocols to handle unsolved missing or murdered persons cases, and to provide closure to the many families who have gone without it for far too long.

This summer, the task force accomplished a major milestone with the opening of a cold case office in Anchorage, Alaska. This new office joins five existing Operation Lady Justice offices in Arizona, Montana and several other important locations. These are tangible resources that represent a long-term commitment to our nation's first peoples.

The president also has called for much-needed reforms to the Indian Health Service. This year, First Lady Melania Trump was briefed on a White House task force's recommendations for eliminating child abuse in a system that serves 2.6 million Native Americans and Alaska Natives.

The task force's 10 recommendations range from annual awareness training conducted by child welfare experts to withholding pay from retired employees convicted of exploiting children. The administration stands ready to implement these common sense solutions to ensure the terrible abuses seen in the past are never repeated.

So while Biden is supporting and protecting the abuses of woman and Children, Trump is focused on the plight of these abuses and actually doing something about it, protecting the people that the Dems have long forgotten for years.

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Very interesting & informative. Thanks.

Yes, I almost never read anything about Native Americans.

The media want to spend 24/7 crying about a certain other minority.

Hopefully, President Biden will show as much interest in Native Americans as President Trump (bless his little heart) did.
Very interesting & informative. Thanks.

Yes, I almost never read anything about Native Americans.

The media want to spend 24/7 crying about a certain other minority.

Hopefully, President Biden will show as much interest in Native Americans as President Trump (bless his little heart) did.
You mean president Pelosi, if you think Biden can win then you have to take into account both Biden and Harris qualify for impeachment from day 1.
Very interesting & informative. Thanks.

Yes, I almost never read anything about Native Americans.

The media want to spend 24/7 crying about a certain other minority.

Hopefully, President Biden will show as much interest in Native Americans as President Trump (bless his little heart) did.
You mean president Pelosi, if you think Biden can win then you have to take into account both Biden and Harris qualify for impeachment from day 1.

Sadly, the House will not impeach, and the Senate is likely to go Dem on November 3.

The Dems do not care that we will soon have a China-compromised President.
Sorry bout that,

1. The Indians continue to get screwed.
2. When will justice come to these peoples.
3. I am saddened by how they were treated, and how they are treated.
4. People in power now are bad humans.
5. And always greedy bastards.


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