Listen To Tim Kaine’s “I’m Conservative” Radio Ads From 2005


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Sounds like McRomney's "I'm a MODERATE with PROGRESSIVE VIEWS" from his 2002 Governor campaign!

Buzz Feed ^
At a rally introducing her new running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, Clinton declared the senator was a “progressive who likes to get things done.”

Kaine has a liberal record as a senator — but when he was running for governor of Virginia in 2005, he brandished his conservative beliefs on “issues of personal responsibility.” The ads can be seen and downloaded on his gubernatorial election page.

In one radio, Kaine declares his social conservatism on issues like same-sex marriage and parental consent for abortion, and banning late-term abortion. (Kaine’s position overall has been that he personally opposes abortion as a Catholic, but will support abortion rights.)

“I’m conservative on issues of personal responsibility,” Kaine said. “As a former Christian missionary, faith is central to my life. I oppose gay marriage, I support restrictions on abortion — no public funding and parental consent — and I’ve worked to pass a state law banning partial-birth abortion.”

In another ad, titled “conservative,” Kaine says he will enforce the death penalty (which became an outsize issue in the 2005 campaign) and how he is “conservative on personal responsibility, character, family and the sanctity of life. These are my values, and that’s what I believe.”

Kaine’s issues page reveals support for so-called covenant marriage legislation, “enforcing the current Virginia restrictions on abortion and passing an enforceable ban on partial-birth abortion that protects the life and health of the mother,” and support for Virginia’s fiscal conservatism.

“Virginia has a long and storied history of fiscal conservatism and responsibility that has often been a model for the rest of the nation,” his issues page reads.

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