List of Things a Smartphone is


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
There are an amazing number of things that smartphones plus apps can do or replace:

Phone (obviously)
Alarm Clock
Video Camera
Voice Recorder

This is just at the top of my head. Add more if you wish. There are likely countless others.
There are an amazing number of things that smartphones plus apps can do or replace:

Phone (obviously)
Alarm Clock
Video Camera
Voice Recorder

This is just at the top of my head. Add more if you wish. There are likely countless others.
It tattles on your location whether you want it to or not. I’m surprised you carry one to be honest.
There are an amazing number of things that smartphones plus apps can do or replace:

Phone (obviously)
Alarm Clock
Video Camera
Voice Recorder

This is just at the top of my head. Add more if you wish. There are likely countless others.
a destroyer of sanity and common sense,,
That's true too. It enables people to ignore each other.
it removes you from seeing the reaction of the person youre talking to,,

just a phone isnt so bad, but I have found texting to be god awful at getting a point across,,

luckily my fingers are all crooked and shit from 50 yrs of working so if I have to text more than a few words I just call the person back,,

its amazing how many people seem annoyed and ask why didnt you just text that back, like it was a problem I called instead,,
it removes you from seeing the reaction of the person youre talking to,,

just a phone isnt so bad, but I have found texting to be god awful at getting a point across,,

luckily my fingers are all crooked and shit from 50 yrs of working so if I have to text more than a few words I just call the person back,,

its amazing how many people seem annoyed and ask why didnt you just text that back, like it was a problem I called instead,,
I'm not sure what type or model phone you have, but I can't use them to type with. I can, however; talk well enough. So I use the voice to text option.
I'm not sure what type or model phone you have, but I can't use them to type with. I can, however; talk well enough. So I use the voice to text option.
I refuse to activate the voice control,,

and I type with one finger very slow and always have to correct or reread to make sure auto correct doesnt fuck me,,

the sad part is Im a big star trek fan and love all the new tech,,

I just dont trust the people that control or have access to it,,

it also need to be respected

having it since birth is not good at all, a parent should be very careful how much they let it be a part of a childs life until they reach some level of maturity,,
You don't hand you wallet to a stranger, and a phone is so much more.

Any stranger asking to use your phone is trying to scam you. Or maybe just steal the phone.
There are an amazing number of things that smartphones plus apps can do or replace:

Phone (obviously)
Alarm Clock
Video Camera
Voice Recorder

This is just at the top of my head. Add more if you wish. There are likely countless others.
They give you access to all the stored information in the history of the world.

Nothing is more important than this. Nothing is less appreciated and resourced than this.
Humans, a failed species.

Are We All Becoming Pavlov’s Dogs?​

Blame your smartphone (and Steve Jobs).

"Scenario 1: Your smartphone buzzes. Without a moment’s hesitation you grab it out of your pocket and check the alert: Was it an email? A test? A Facebook notification? Or just a phantom vibration?

Scenario 2: You looked at your phone a few minutes ago, but now you're standing in line at the market and grab it to check for messages even though your phone has not beeped, vibrated, or flashed.

Scenario 3: You posted on Facebook a few minutes ago and although you have not been notified of any responses, likes, or whatever, you tap the icon and scroll through the newest posts. You see that your best friend from high school just posted a photo of her trip to Maui, and you smile when you become the first to “like” it.

Scenario 4: You are at dinner with a group of friends and you have all agreed to put your phones on silent and stash them away. After the appetizer, you get up to go to the restroom (even though you really don’t need to go) and upon opening the restroom door, you grab your phone and check the sports scores, your email, or whatever. Looking around you notice that every other person in the restroom is doing the same.

I do a lot of people watching and have noticed that we now spend more time with our faces staring at our phone than we spend with our faces looking around at the world or looking directly at another person. . . "

Interview 1194 – Larry Rosen Gives Practical Advice on Controlling Your Smartphone​

by Corbett | Jul 20, 2016 | Interviews | 11 comments

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