List of States' size of Government

another list. This one shows the size of government in each State. Some of them that yell loudest about government size, should begin at home. Although I am sure population is one of the factors of determination.

States with the biggest and smallest governments

it would figure the percentage wise of less populated states would

have a higher percent of federal employees considering the federal government

places them there

to keep it simple

if state A has two residents and one is the postmaster

that would be 50% of the residents are federal employees

now take state B which has 4 residents

that would be 25% of the residents are federal employees

sorry this story was just smoke and mirrors

in a lame attempt to misdirect
other then that

how has the weather been

out here lots and lots of rain

making it hard to finish up the remodel on the pontoon
other then that

how has the weather been

out here lots and lots of rain

making it hard to finish up the remodel on the pontoon
OMG! You have a pontoon? One of those decadent floating pleasure crafts? My grandson bought one this past year and we've had some hearty parties on the lake, with lots of song. We all sound great out on the water.

As for government employees by State, population IS a factor, especially in States like N. Dak. with 9.7 souls per sq mile and a 17.9% government employee rate. But GA, with a population of 168.4 per sq mile has a 15.9% gov employee rate, and KY with a population of 109.9 souls per sq mile has a 16.9% gov employee rate and S. Carolina with a population of 153.9 souls per sq mile has an 18% gov employment rate. Leads me to believe that some of the more populated States, especially those who vote for president complaining of the size of government, are not taking the closer short view.
Misleading. It includes federal workers as part of each states % of residents who are government workers.

So....states with large military presence will always have more than states without it. Southern states have very large military presence. Places like Rhode Island or Delaware do not.
Misleading. It includes federal workers as part of each states % of residents who are government workers.

So....states with large military presence will always have more than states without it. Southern states have very large military presence. Places like Rhode Island or Delaware do not.
Bucs, if you will read the blurb attached to the first photo, I believe it does NOT include military.
other then that

how has the weather been

out here lots and lots of rain

making it hard to finish up the remodel on the pontoon
OMG! You have a pontoon? One of those decadent floating pleasure crafts? My grandson bought one this past year and we've had some hearty parties on the lake, with lots of song. We all sound great out on the water.

As for government employees by State, population IS a factor, especially in States like N. Dak. with 9.7 souls per sq mile and a 17.9% government employee rate. But GA, with a population of 168.4 per sq mile has a 15.9% gov employee rate, and KY with a population of 109.9 souls per sq mile has a 16.9% gov employee rate and S. Carolina with a population of 153.9 souls per sq mile has an 18% gov employment rate. Leads me to believe that some of the more populated States, especially those who vote for president complaining of the size of government, are not taking the closer short view.

it is misleading at best

yes i do have a pontoon

if you are ever out this way

we can go check out the river

you would enjoy it

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