List of Police Officers killed during J6 Reichstag Fire

List of Police Officers killed during J6 Reichstag Fire​

Your topic title is a lie. A big lie.

You are just an idiot parrot mimicking a bogus talking point fed to you by your propagandists.

There is no parallel between January 6 and Hitler's Reichstag fire, asshole, no matter how many times you parroting tards say it.

The terrorists livestreamed themselves sacking the Capitol. They bragged about it online. Some were so fucking stupid, they texted their brags to friends and family who turned them in.

You have never answered these questions:

Ashli Babbitt. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Jeremy Bertino. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Joshua Pruitt. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Enrique Tarrio. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Dominic Pezzola. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Ethan Nordean. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Jeremy Brown. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Joseph Biggs. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Zachary Rehl. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

John Charles Stewart. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Roseanne Boyland. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Daniel Rodriguez. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Nathaniel “Nate” DeGrave. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Kevin Lyons. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

All these violent people: Capitol Breach Cases

Antifa or FBI?
Gee how bad would it have been if the "Insurrectionists" were armed?

It would have been a bloody mess.

The cops would not have held back and every law enforcement officer within 50 miles woulda been there … along with the NG
Federal agent Jacob "Qanon Shaman" Chansley and his FBI co-workers attend the sacking of the Capitol.

It would have been a bloody mess.

The cops would not have held back and every law enforcement officer within 50 miles woulda been there … along with the NG
And the Trump cult would still back Dear Leader to the hilt.
OP's are required to have a link.

Several officers committed suicide in the days following January 6, and one of the brutalized officers died of a stroke the next day.

At least 140 officers were injured. know...January 6 was an ordinary tourist visit.

The extended casualties were in exchange for a larger cause then they. Look at all the tread the left has gotten off the false flag they built in the "name of democracy"; code for the Demonicrats take their marching orders from evil people.
Your topic title is a lie. A big lie.

You are just an idiot parrot mimicking a bogus talking point fed to you by your propagandists.

There is no parallel between January 6 and Hitler's Reichstag fire, asshole, no matter how many times you parroting tards say it.

The terrorists livestreamed themselves sacking the Capitol. They bragged about it online. Some were so fucking stupid, they texted their brags to friends and family who turned them in.

You have never answered these questions:

Ashli Babbitt. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Jeremy Bertino. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Joshua Pruitt. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Enrique Tarrio. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Dominic Pezzola. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Ethan Nordean. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Jeremy Brown. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Joseph Biggs. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Zachary Rehl. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

John Charles Stewart. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Roseanne Boyland. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Daniel Rodriguez. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Nathaniel “Nate” DeGrave. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Kevin Lyons. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

All these violent people: Capitol Breach Cases

Antifa or FBI?
You are just an idiot parrot mimicking a bogus talking point fed to you by your propagandists.
The extended casualties were in exchange for a larger cause then they. Look at all the tread the left has gotten off the false flag they built in the "name of democracy"; code for the Demonicrats take their marching orders from evil people.
Name one FBI agent who sacked the Capitol, dipshit.

Ashli Babbitt. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Jeremy Bertino. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Joshua Pruitt. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Enrique Tarrio. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Dominic Pezzola. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Ethan Nordean. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Jeremy Brown. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Joseph Biggs. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Zachary Rehl. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

John Charles Stewart. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Roseanne Boyland. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Daniel Rodriguez. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Nathaniel “Nate” DeGrave. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

Kevin Lyons. Antifa or FBI? Which one?

All these violent people: Capitol Breach Cases

Antifa or FBI?
The January 6 deniers are now in the same category as birthers, 9/11 truthers, UFOlogists, psychics, mediums, Bigfoot bleevers, and the fake moon landing hoax.

They will be viewed with disgust down through generations.
"The story of him being beaten with a fire extinguisher was a lie."


Well, no, Leroy, it doesn't appear to have been a lie, as you allege.

Rather, it resulted from very early initial reportage being hastily researched in a compressed, intense, and time-mandated circumstance....not to mention, during an unprecedent vicious attack on our elected Representatives. In short, the report of the officer being clobbered with a fire-extinguisher was hasty reporting done in necessary haste.

And, adding context, we all subsequently saw on the telly, fire extinguishers were thrown at and did ..... hit police officers.

To call it a 'lie', presumes you know where the story originated and that it was known to be false at the time, and was mendaciously published.

I personally do not believe you know any of that.

If you do, now would be a good time to offer to the forum, in order to validate your allegation.

Well, no, Leroy, it doesn't appear to have been a lie, as you allege.

Rather, it resulted from very early initial reportage being hastily researched in a compressed, intense, and time-mandated circumstance....not to mention, during an unprecedent vicious attack on our elected Representatives. In short, the report of the officer being clobbered with a fire-extinguisher was hasty reporting done in necessary haste.

And, adding context, we all subsequently saw on the telly, fire extinguishers were thrown at and did ..... hit police officers.

To call it a 'lie', presumes you know where the story originated and that it was known to be false at the time, and was mendaciously published.

I personally do not believe you know any of that.

If you do, now would be a good time to offer to the forum, in order to validate your allegation.
They said he was attacked with a fire extinguisher even after the autopsy report came out.
So none died on J6 or from injuries sustained on J6.

According to his autopsy report there were no signs of physical trauma. The story of him being beaten with a fire extinguisher was a lie.

But none died.
Four retards died that day. They sacrificed their lives on the altar of the Big Lie.

Four police officers subsequently committed suicide shortly after.

Officer Sicknick died of a stroke the next day. Only a true blue idiot would bleev there was no connection to the insurrection. If someone gets the Trump Vaccine and dies in a car accident two weeks later, MAGA media blames the jab.

Their blood is on Trump's hands.
Officer Smith, a 12-year veteran of the Metropolitan Police Department, was among the many officers called to defend the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. While confronting rioters, he suffered a blow to the head that left him unconscious. Following January 6, despite having no prior history of mental illness, he experienced symptoms of depression, withdrawal, sleeplessness, and irritability. Medical professionals have corroborated the strong impression from Officer Smith’s wife and family that the traumatic injury he suffered on that day was a direct cause of the decline in his mental health and death by suicide on January 15, 2021.


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