List of Death Risks in the United States: Where does COVID Rank?

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
Currently, COVID causes approximately 516 deaths per day in our country of over 330,000,000.. that's the 7 day average. If you apply that rate to an entire year, you get 188,000 people, which is a 0.05% chance you'll die from COVID. Given that the left is wanting to take such drastic steps to prevent this 0.05% chance... how does it stack up with other issues they are ignoring???

Heart Disease: 16.6% chance of dying
Cancer 14.3%
Chronic Lower Resp Disease 3.7%
Suicide 1.14%
Opiod Overdose 1.09%
Fall 0.94%
Car Crash 0.95%
Gun Assault 0.3%
Pedestrian Incident 0.18%
Motorcyle accident 0.11%
Drowning 0.08%
Fire 0.06%
Choking on food 0.04%
Bicycle accident 0.03%
Sunstroke 0.01%
Accidental Gun Discharge 0.01%
Electrocution, Radiation 0.007%
Sharp Objects 0.003%
Cataclysmic Storm 0.002%
Hornet/Bee Stings 0.0017%
Hot Surfaces 0.0015%
Dog Attack 0.0011%
Lightning 0.0007%

Odd how something so far down the list gets so much attention. You'd think it would be the primetime killer based on media coverage.

It's not science, it's politics.
Currently, COVID causes approximately 516 deaths per day in our country of over 330,000,000.. that's the 7 day average. If you apply that rate to an entire year, you get 188,000 people, which is a 0.05% chance you'll die from COVID. Given that the left is wanting to take such drastic steps to prevent this 0.05% chance... how does it stack up with other issues they are ignoring???

Heart Disease: 16.6% chance of dying
Cancer 14.3%
Chronic Lower Resp Disease 3.7%
Suicide 1.14%
Opiod Overdose 1.09%
Fall 0.94%
Car Crash 0.95%
Gun Assault 0.3%
Pedestrian Incident 0.18%
Motorcyle accident 0.11%
Drowning 0.08%
Fire 0.06%
Choking on food 0.04%
Bicycle accident 0.03%
Sunstroke 0.01%
Accidental Gun Discharge 0.01%
Electrocution, Radiation 0.007%
Sharp Objects 0.003%
Cataclysmic Storm 0.002%
Hornet/Bee Stings 0.0017%
Hot Surfaces 0.0015%
Dog Attack 0.0011%
Lightning 0.0007%

Odd how something so far down the list gets so much attention. You'd think it would be the primetime killer based on media coverage.

It's not science, it's politics.
We are doing things to mitigate those risks. Have been doing so for decades. Thing is, none of those things are contagious

Why would you claim we should do nothing about COVID?
Currently, COVID causes approximately 516 deaths per day in our country of over 330,000,000.. that's the 7 day average. If you apply that rate to an entire year, you get 188,000 people, which is a 0.05% chance you'll die from COVID. Given that the left is wanting to take such drastic steps to prevent this 0.05% chance... how does it stack up with other issues they are ignoring???

Heart Disease: 16.6% chance of dying
Cancer 14.3%
Chronic Lower Resp Disease 3.7%
Suicide 1.14%
Opiod Overdose 1.09%
Fall 0.94%
Car Crash 0.95%
Gun Assault 0.3%
Pedestrian Incident 0.18%
Motorcyle accident 0.11%
Drowning 0.08%
Fire 0.06%
Choking on food 0.04%
Bicycle accident 0.03%
Sunstroke 0.01%
Accidental Gun Discharge 0.01%
Electrocution, Radiation 0.007%
Sharp Objects 0.003%
Cataclysmic Storm 0.002%
Hornet/Bee Stings 0.0017%
Hot Surfaces 0.0015%
Dog Attack 0.0011%
Lightning 0.0007%

Odd how something so far down the list gets so much attention. You'd think it would be the primetime killer based on media coverage.

It's not science, it's politics.
If anyone hasn't grasped that this is a part of a much greater agenda, I pity them.
Currently, COVID causes approximately 516 deaths per day in our country of over 330,000,000.. that's the 7 day average. If you apply that rate to an entire year, you get 188,000 people, which is a 0.05% chance you'll die from COVID. Given that the left is wanting to take such drastic steps to prevent this 0.05% chance... how does it stack up with other issues they are ignoring???

Heart Disease: 16.6% chance of dying
Cancer 14.3%
Chronic Lower Resp Disease 3.7%
Suicide 1.14%
Opiod Overdose 1.09%
Fall 0.94%
Car Crash 0.95%
Gun Assault 0.3%
Pedestrian Incident 0.18%
Motorcyle accident 0.11%
Drowning 0.08%
Fire 0.06%
Choking on food 0.04%
Bicycle accident 0.03%
Sunstroke 0.01%
Accidental Gun Discharge 0.01%
Electrocution, Radiation 0.007%
Sharp Objects 0.003%
Cataclysmic Storm 0.002%
Hornet/Bee Stings 0.0017%
Hot Surfaces 0.0015%
Dog Attack 0.0011%
Lightning 0.0007%

Odd how something so far down the list gets so much attention. You'd think it would be the primetime killer based on media coverage.

It's not science, it's politics.
Damn that Trump calling for a National Health Emergency over Covid-19!!
We are doing things to mitigate those risks. Have been doing so for decades. Thing is, none of those things are contagious

Why would you claim we should do nothing about COVID?
Because that was the W.H.O.’s original plan for a declared pandemic of a SARS virus. All countries had agreed to this plan if it were to happen, blessed by all virologists. Once a pandemic is declared, the plan was no lockdowns, no face masks, no vaccines. Just to beef up hospitals and to get through it as fast as possible.

Of course that never happened, instead bureaucrats like Fauci were put in charge and used it to push a political Agenda and take away freedoms. Only one country followed the original plan: Sweden. Their death rates aren’t any worse than countries that did lockdowns.
Currently, COVID causes approximately 516 deaths per day in our country of over 330,000,000.. that's the 7 day average. If you apply that rate to an entire year, you get 188,000 people, which is a 0.05% chance you'll die from COVID. Given that the left is wanting to take such drastic steps to prevent this 0.05% chance... how does it stack up with other issues they are ignoring???

Heart Disease: 16.6% chance of dying
Cancer 14.3%
Chronic Lower Resp Disease 3.7%
Suicide 1.14%
Opiod Overdose 1.09%
Fall 0.94%
Car Crash 0.95%
Gun Assault 0.3%
Pedestrian Incident 0.18%
Motorcyle accident 0.11%
Drowning 0.08%
Fire 0.06%
Choking on food 0.04%
Bicycle accident 0.03%
Sunstroke 0.01%
Accidental Gun Discharge 0.01%
Electrocution, Radiation 0.007%
Sharp Objects 0.003%
Cataclysmic Storm 0.002%
Hornet/Bee Stings 0.0017%
Hot Surfaces 0.0015%
Dog Attack 0.0011%
Lightning 0.0007%

Odd how something so far down the list gets so much attention. You'd think it would be the primetime killer based on media coverage.

It's not science, it's politics.
Two people out of every one thousand have died of covid in the US.
Why would you lie and claim I said something I didn’t say?
Democrats are desperate to lock Americans down so they lie. If they can't get a covid lockdown, they try a climate change lockdown. It's all about locking America down for the Democrats Chinese allies.
Because that was the W.H.O.’s original plan for a declared pandemic of a SARS virus. All countries had agreed to this plan if it were to happen, blessed by all virologists. Once a pandemic is declared, the plan was no lockdowns, no face masks, no vaccines. Just to beef up hospitals and to get through it as fast as possible.

Jumping Jiminy! :ack-1:

Looks like we got us a global COVID conspiracy just to piss off conservatives
Currently, COVID causes approximately 516 deaths per day in our country of over 330,000,000.. that's the 7 day average. If you apply that rate to an entire year, you get 188,000 people, which is a 0.05% chance you'll die from COVID. Given that the left is wanting to take such drastic steps to prevent this 0.05% chance... how does it stack up with other issues they are ignoring???

Heart Disease: 16.6% chance of dying
Cancer 14.3%
Chronic Lower Resp Disease 3.7%
Suicide 1.14%
Opiod Overdose 1.09%
Fall 0.94%
Car Crash 0.95%
Gun Assault 0.3%
Pedestrian Incident 0.18%
Motorcyle accident 0.11%
Drowning 0.08%
Fire 0.06%
Choking on food 0.04%
Bicycle accident 0.03%
Sunstroke 0.01%
Accidental Gun Discharge 0.01%
Electrocution, Radiation 0.007%
Sharp Objects 0.003%
Cataclysmic Storm 0.002%
Hornet/Bee Stings 0.0017%
Hot Surfaces 0.0015%
Dog Attack 0.0011%
Lightning 0.0007%

Odd how something so far down the list gets so much attention. You'd think it would be the primetime killer based on media coverage.

It's not science, it's politics.

Can being in close proximity to another human being give you..
1) Heart disease?
2) Cancer?
3) Resp disease?
4) Opiod OD?....yes..if they give you the pills. No if you take them while alone.
5) Fall....LOL.. Depends on the person you're with and how close to a cliff or the edge of a building you are.
6) Car Crash? they are driving the car.
7)) know where I'm headed. :)

The point is you and others who think like you are bent and determined to downplay the virus as something of low risk that
should be largely ignored because of like minded politicians and alt-right media. So any real preventative measures are met
with skepticism and sometimes outright derision.

This virus doesn't care about your sex, your age, what you identify as, your social or financial standing, or what political party you belong to.
Science has told us that it is highly contagious and infectious, especially with the new variant. It spreads easily, especially in crowds, and you don't
have to be exposed to it long to get infected. Science has shown us that the vaccine is effective in preventing you from getting really sick and
in most people will prevent breakthrough infections from becoming killers. The numbers have shown us this past outbreak has been caused largely
by the ignorant unvaccinated..not the vaccinated. The virus is working its way down into children because they can't get vaccinated. andenough of the adults around them have
selfishly decided NOT to get vaccinated.

You are right in one thing though. Opposition to restrictions, safeguards, mandates, rules, the vaccine...are all political.

Can being in close proximity to another human being give you..
1) Heart disease?
2) Cancer?
3) Resp disease?
4) Opiod OD?....yes..if they give you the pills. No if you take them while alone.
5) Fall....LOL.. Depends on the person you're with and how close to a cliff or the edge of a building you are.
6) Car Crash? they are driving the car.
7)) know where I'm headed. :)

The point is you and others who think like you are bent and determined to downplay the virus as something of low risk that
should be largely ignored because of like minded politicians and alt-right media. So any real preventative measures are met
with skepticism and sometimes outright derision.

This virus doesn't care about your sex, your age, what you identify as, your social or financial standing, or what political party you belong to.
Science has told us that it is highly contagious and infectious, especially with the new variant. It spreads easily, especially in crowds, and you don't
have to be exposed to it long to get infected. Science has shown us that the vaccine is effective in preventing you from getting really sick and
in most people will prevent breakthrough infections from becoming killers. The numbers have shown us this past outbreak has been caused largely
by the ignorant unvaccinated..not the vaccinated. The virus is working its way down into children because they can't get vaccinated. andenough of the adults around them have
selfishly decided NOT to get vaccinated.

You are right in one thing though. Opposition to restrictions, safeguards, mandates, rules, the vaccine...are all political.
If you're scared, Bill gates has a shot for you. Go get one. Then you don't need to worry whether someone has a mask.

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