Lindsey Graham is "a bro with no ho"


They open their mouth and out comes garbage.

It really is true that voting R is like a chicken voting for KFC.

They can't help it. Shttp://US launches TWENTY NINE air strikes over Syria and Iraq in blitz against ISIS Daily Mail Online

They open their mouth and out comes garbage.

It really is true that voting R is like a chicken voting for KFC.

Sometimes their intermost thoughts come spewing out.

But that won't stop the nutters from voting for them.
You know, I feel bad for Mark Kirk.

Because frankly, he's a Republican who isn't a complete religious whack or one of these guys who thinks that our biggest problem is that there's still someone pulling down a middle class salary somewhere.

and he's probably going to get totally reemed in 2016 because he's going to run against Tammy Duckworth who is pretty much unassailable.

Stuff like this doesn't help him.

Mark, on the other hand, has served his country in the Navy, has struggled his way back after recovering from a stroke. I don't feel good that he's going be judged by this one statement which was a bit crude.

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