Lindsay Lohan Lashes Out at Sarah Palin


yep that LinLo she speaks for all dems... nice find KMAN!

you're diggin deeper and deeper in the barrel cuz it's obvious you're terrified that Obama is going to win...
I see a distinct resemblance between Lohan and most of the lib posters on this board.
Who gives a fuck? When Lindsay Lohan finds her underwear, I'll respect her opinion.


Who in their right mind would give a FLYING FUCK what that little IGNORANT, DRUNKEN, PARTY WHORE lohan has got to say?.. :eusa_hand: .. :cuckoo: ... :rofl:
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I think that one of the reasons that Holly-Weird is starting to kick the lipstick pitbull is because of the way that McInsane used Paris and Brittney for his celebrity ad (which backfired).

By the way, speaking of celebrity, did you guys realize that at one campaign stop Palin spent more time signing autographs than she did speaking?

No.....Obama isn't the one trying to create the cult of personality.
Another good spokesperson for the Democratic party...

Lindsay Lohan Lashes Out at Sarah Palin | Showbiz Spy

Aha, I think I know why Lilo got got her knickers in a twist:

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s church is promoting a conference that promises to convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer.

CANOE -- CNEWS - U.S. Election: Palin church wants to 'pray away the gay'

As Rachel Maddow said, there may be a large number of things that contribute to homosexuality...... but not praying hard enough isn't one of them!
Someone has not been paying attention at all. Keep thinking that. :)

Charles, you're not going back to the lesser of two evils too now, are you?

I've already seen a couple of the posters here that were going to vote 3rd party in protest say that they're voting McCain now. I guess because of Palin, who knows.

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