Lindsay Graham refuses hold a confirmation hearing for AG Merrick Garland

Voting against their own interest to fund corporations

Dems and liberals have TRILLIONS of pension fund money invested in these corporations you stupid shit. My God the left is dumb. :cuckoo: The irony is off the charts, you advocate for the pilfering of corporations reducing the returns on your own investments. :auiqs.jpg:

No they don't. That's an absolute fallacy. 80% of stocks are owned by rich people. Republicans trot out these lies about how harming the stock market is harming everybody's pensions, and that's just bullshit. What harming everybody's ability to save for their retirement is wages that haven't increased in buying power in more than 40 years.

During this same time frame, corporations have managed to absorb increases in the costs of equipment, insurance, premises purchase/rental, transportation, raw materials, advertizing and promotion, and a 1000% increase in executive salaries and still pull off the highest profits in American history. In fact. the ONLY expenses that hasn't increased in 40 years, is front line worker wages.

Every time there's talk of reining in stock market excesses, Republicans trot out this lie about all of the pension funds suffering, and it's bullshit. If you look at the history of the stock market, it always does much better under Democrats than Republicans.

Chart the economic progress of the American worker over the past 120 years and it becomes painfully obvious that the Republican Party has been at the helm of every fiscal calamity that has befallen the United States. They're fiscally irresponsible.
Don't worry....

Those retirement accounts are about to take a major hit!!!

Secy. Yellen dismissed concerns of double-digit inflation | One America News Network (

In an interview on Sunday, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen dismissed the warnings that U.S. inflation could spike out of control if Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus bill goes into effect.

This came after economists pointed out a broad fiscal stimulus combined with the federal reserve’s ultra-low interest rates may lead to asset bubbles and double-digit inflation.
Voting against their own interest to fund corporations

Dems and liberals have TRILLIONS of pension fund money invested in these corporations you stupid shit. My God the left is dumb. :cuckoo: The irony is off the charts, you advocate for the pilfering of corporations reducing the returns on your own investments. :auiqs.jpg:

No they don't. That's an absolute fallacy. 80% of stocks are owned by rich people. Republicans trot out these lies about how harming the stock market is harming everybody's pensions, and that's just bullshit. What harming everybody's ability to save for their retirement is wages that haven't increased in buying power in more than 40 years.

During this same time frame, corporations have managed to absorb increases in the costs of equipment, insurance, premises purchase/rental, transportation, raw materials, advertizing and promotion, and a 1000% increase in executive salaries and still pull off the highest profits in American history. In fact. the ONLY expenses that hasn't increased in 40 years, is front line worker wages.

Every time there's talk of reining in stock market excesses, Republicans trot out this lie about all of the pension funds suffering, and it's bullshit. If you look at the history of the stock market, it always does much better under Democrats than Republicans.

Chart the economic progress of the American worker over the past 120 years and it becomes painfully obvious that the Republican Party has been at the helm of every fiscal calamity that has befallen the United States. They're fiscally irresponsible.
Don't worry....

Those retirement accounts are about to take a major hit!!!

Secy. Yellen dismissed concerns of double-digit inflation | One America News Network (

In an interview on Sunday, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen dismissed the warnings that U.S. inflation could spike out of control if Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus bill goes into effect.

This came after economists pointed out a broad fiscal stimulus combined with the federal reserve’s ultra-low interest rates may lead to asset bubbles and double-digit inflation.

I really don’t take anything that Republican economist tell us seriously. These are the same idiots that tell us the tax cuts pay for themselves.
Voting against their own interest to fund corporations

Dems and liberals have TRILLIONS of pension fund money invested in these corporations you stupid shit. My God the left is dumb. :cuckoo: The irony is off the charts, you advocate for the pilfering of corporations reducing the returns on your own investments. :auiqs.jpg:

No they don't. That's an absolute fallacy.

You are a complete moron, the US has $32 TRILLION in pension assets dummy. :itsok:
Your argument is asinine, like you.

You are just mad that I bitch slapped your hypocrisy. Trillions invested in corporations while you bitch about corporations. Here I'll just laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg:
They should accuse him of being a high school rapist and hold hearings.

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