Life under Trump's DOJ

Ben Thomson

Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2020
This is what now happens to anybody they decide to label 'antifa'. This guy posed for a picture next to a police vehicle with a bottle of apple cider vinegar and posted it on his Facebook page. He's obviously 'antifa' they screamed and decided to arrest him..not on any kind of terrorist charge but for being a legal gun owner with a small bag of marijuana in his home..(where are all the 2nd amendment people). Trump's DOJ knew the 'Molotov cocktail' was actually apple cider but wanted to show how tough they are on anyone they consider 'antifa'. Judge saw through that so he set a low bail on the gun charge against the wishes of the feds, who wanted to keep him locked up...Judge Rejects Trump Appointee's Attempt To Keep Band Member Jailed Over Photo Shoot
I always stuff a rag in my bottle of apple cider, what's all the fuss?

This is what now happens to anybody they decide to label 'antifa'. This guy posed for a picture next to a police vehicle with a bottle of apple cider vinegar and posted it on his Facebook page. He's obviously 'antifa' they screamed and decided to arrest him..not on any kind of terrorist charge but for being a legal gun owner with a small bag of marijuana in his home..(where are all the 2nd amendment people). Trump's DOJ knew the 'Molotov cocktail' was actually apple cider but wanted to show how tough they are on anyone they consider 'antifa'. Judge saw through that so he set a low bail on the gun charge against the wishes of the feds, who wanted to keep him locked up...Judge Rejects Trump Appointee's Attempt To Keep Band Member Jailed Over Photo Shoot
Imbecilic liar status now confirmed.
This is what now happens to anybody they decide to label 'antifa'. This guy posed for a picture next to a police vehicle with a bottle of apple cider vinegar and posted it on his Facebook page. He's obviously 'antifa' they screamed and decided to arrest him..not on any kind of terrorist charge but for being a legal gun owner with a small bag of marijuana in his home..(where are all the 2nd amendment people). Trump's DOJ knew the 'Molotov cocktail' was actually apple cider but wanted to show how tough they are on anyone they consider 'antifa'. Judge saw through that so he set a low bail on the gun charge against the wishes of the feds, who wanted to keep him locked up...Judge Rejects Trump Appointee's Attempt To Keep Band Member Jailed Over Photo Shoot
Imbecilic liar status now confirmed.
What's not true?
It's illegal to posses drugs and a firearm.

This guy is guilty as charged.

He is receiving special treatment from a Leftist Judge.
This is what now happens to anybody they decide to label 'antifa'. This guy posed for a picture next to a police vehicle with a bottle of apple cider vinegar and posted it on his Facebook page. He's obviously 'antifa' they screamed and decided to arrest him..not on any kind of terrorist charge but for being a legal gun owner with a small bag of marijuana in his home..(where are all the 2nd amendment people). Trump's DOJ knew the 'Molotov cocktail' was actually apple cider but wanted to show how tough they are on anyone they consider 'antifa'. Judge saw through that so he set a low bail on the gun charge against the wishes of the feds, who wanted to keep him locked up...Judge Rejects Trump Appointee's Attempt To Keep Band Member Jailed Over Photo Shoot

Its what the dumb ass gets for standing next to a police vehicle, pretending to be about to light it up with an incendiary device. (( not just anybody who lables themselves as ANtifa))

Why he is still locked up I dont know but there is probably more to it than YOU say.

Secondly, YOU dont know 100% that was apple cider. I would lie too if I was going to go to prison.
I always stuff a rag in my bottle of apple cider, what's all the fuss?
A rag in a bottle of apple cider does not make a molotov cocktail...sorry. It does make it some kind of avant garde photo though..totally legal.

It would probably be less of a big deal except for the fact that Cops have already been attcked with molitov cocktails
A rag in a bottle of apple cider does not make a molotov cocktail...sorry. It does make it some kind of avant garde photo though..totally legal.
How have you verified it was actually apple cider? Or do you just blindly believe what you're told?
A rag in a bottle of apple cider does not make a molotov cocktail...sorry. It does make it some kind of avant garde photo though..totally legal.
How have you verified it was actually apple cider? Or do you just blindly believe what you're told?
Whatever it is, it definitley isn't apple cider or juice....Both of those liquids have a darker and more rich color than the gasoline in that bottle.
A bottle of brownish liquid with a cloth stuck in it and a lighter at the ready and the guy wants us to think it's apple cider?

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