Life after death....New study

Hebrews 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:”
The consciousness will be not of you lying their within your dead body.. This is my thoughts, where as instead it is the consciousness of your soul living on beyond the grave in which would be very similar to dreaming and/or a reflection of those things in which made you the person that you were upon you being born upon the earth.

Otherwise you will enter into another realm that has placed death behind you once that finality has been completed. Death where is thy sting ? For it is no more.

However, our life must be one of understanding, and of the understanding of sin, of our creator, and how we have been delivered from this sin if we so believe in these things by our own choosing.
LIFE AFTER DEATH: When you die you KNOW you’re dead as consciousness persists - study

LIFE AFTER DEATH: When you die you KNOW you’re dead as consciousness persists - study
From reading this link it seems more like humans (as usual) have gotten it wrong. The point we call death is premature if we are still aware.

Nope. We are eternal beings. When the clay exterior gives out, we step right out of it and on to the next phase. Your mind is not your brain. Your heart is not a muscle. You retain both when your gray matter dies and your muscle stops undulating.
Nope. We are eternal beings. When the clay exterior gives out, we step right out of it and on to the next phase. Your mind is not your brain. Your heart is not a muscle. You retain both when your gray matter dies and your muscle stops undulating.

There’s no proof of that.

It’s just wishful thinking.
In a thousand years nobody will remember your names. Or that you ever even existed.

Wrap your minds around that.
LIFE AFTER DEATH: When you die you KNOW you’re dead as consciousness persists - study

LIFE AFTER DEATH: When you die you KNOW you’re dead as consciousness persists - study
From reading this link it seems more like humans (as usual) have gotten it wrong. The point we call death is premature if we are still aware.

Nope. We are eternal beings. When the clay exterior gives out, we step right out of it and on to the next phase. Your mind is not your brain. Your heart is not a muscle. You retain both when your gray matter dies and your muscle stops undulating.
Do you have a link proving your opinion?
Bible aside, near death experiences give credence to eternal life. The most profound that I know of was a woman blind from birth having to undergo brain surgery. They stopped her heart, and her brain had to be completely shut down. No awareness, no firing, completely stopped. When she was brought back to life, she told them everything that happened in the OR. What songs were played. She described the tools the doctors used and most amazing was she saw the color of the dr's scrubs. They were blue. She had never seen blue, yet recognized it, because her eternal eyes worked fine. She watch the whole thing.
Bible aside, near death experiences give credence to eternal life. The most profound that I know of was a woman blind from birth having to undergo brain surgery. They stopped her heart, and her brain had to be completely shut down. No awareness, no firing, completely stopped. When she was brought back to life, she told them everything that happened in the OR. What songs were played. She described the tools the doctors used and most amazing was she saw the color of the dr's scrubs. They were blue. She had never seen blue, yet recognized it, because her eternal eyes worked fine. She watch the whole thing.

"They stopped her heart, and her brain had to be completely shut down. "

Bullshit. If your brain completely shuts down you are dead.
They kept her brain cells oxygenated to prevent them from dying. Her brain had no function.
Thing is, had she not been watching the whole thing, and had just been put into a coma, how did she describe what she saw? Her earthly body was blind.
Hers isn't a unique experience. A lot of people have left their bodies and returned. I am one.

I had an near death experience as a child. I was in an ambulance out cold, and yet watched my mother consider stepping right out of that ambulance when the nurse said I had no heart beat. I was unconscious when they put me in the ambulance and didn't regain consciousness until I was in the ER. I had no way of knowing that the person with the stethoscope was my Grandmother's neighbor < nurse and not a paramedic, but I did. I heard her announce that my heart had stopped. At that instant I was aware of my surroundings. My first thought was," If I heard you say that, I can't be dead". Then I realized that I was not in that body, laying there.
I also knew that I had to get back into that body to let my mother know I was not dead. You have no idea how much a clay body weighs until you embody one and try to move. I couldn't even lift my little finger, so I moaned so my mother would not open that door.
I know what it is like to be absent from the body.

We are made in the image of our Father. We are eternal beings. Why would God create children only to lose them to a permanent death? Why would His Son go to such lengths to remove our sin if we were all going to die shortly anyway?
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What sucks is that, after I die, I'll suddenly be voting Democrat for a millenia.
What sucks is that, after I die, I'll suddenly be voting Democrat for a millenia.
Otherwise it will take you dying before you finally vote Demon-crat eh ??? Funny how you end up on those Demon-crats voting list after death.. lol

Now if you're talking about the same non-litteral death that a man experiences when he gets married, then we know about that one too ??? ROTFLMBO. Uh ohh.

Yes dear, I'll take out the trash... Gotta go y'all.

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