Lie about swords.

The people believe that it all happened because of the controversy over the leaven of bread. The modern generation of people is almost mentally retarded.

You are a prime example.
This is precisely the point of differentiation between the power of the khans (konungs, kings) and the Britons(old.-scand. bryti), this is the 14th century. There were warriors when there were yarls and kings, the Hun authorities. In the 14th century, the Jarls were replaced by the Brits, and trade and religious power began.
Vi-king literally means exactly that: co-ruler of king (Khan)
There was also co-khan((Khagan))
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And the word konung occupies an intermediate position between khan and king. All these meant horsemen, hence the Russian word konnik also horseman
besides the knightly order is the same word as the horde, it means organization.
Swords are also not suitable for slashing attacks because they are fragile and break easily due to bloodstock. This is generally an interesting question where this design came from. Maybe it was not a weapon
This is precisely the point of differentiation between the power of the khans (konungs, kings) and the Britons(old.-scand. bryti), this is the 14th century. There were warriors when there were yarls and kings, the Hun authorities. In the 14th century, the Jarls were replaced by the Brits, and trade and religious power began.
This roughly coincides with the end of the Romanesque (Hunnic) style and the beginning of the rampages of the Inquisition.
The concept of Romanesque is not associated with Rome, but with Romania.
So is romance.
The language of those warriors was not Germanic. It is an Old Scandinavian language known mainly from Old Icelandic. Heroic sagas are written on it, which do not correspond to the mercantile spirit of the boatmen.

The writing there was based on runic writing, which is now preserved only among the Hungarians, according to the monuments it is known among the Old Bulgars and spread throughout Asia. It was also among the ancient Celts, and apparently formed the basis of the Latin alphabet.
Siberian runes


I have heard it was found even in America
A lot of such monuments have been found in Siberia, much more then in Scandinavia
The oldest cycle of sagas is the Ulad cycle.
The rest of the sagas are not reliable and may refer to different times and peoples.

From the very first lines in the Ulad cycle, one can see the Aryan steppe heritage:

Once birds of an unknown breed flew to the land of the Ulads and began to devour all the fruits, cereals, grass, all the greens to the very root. Then, in order to save their food, the Ulads decide to equip nine chariots and go hunting for birds.

War chariots expansion
"Once a year, all the settlements gathered for the Samhain holiday, and while this holiday lasted (seven whole days), nothing happened there except games, festivities, feasts and treats. The favorite thing of the assembled warriors was to boast of their victories and exploits."

Samhain is the god of the Celts, and the Romans also mention him. This holiday is a pre-Christian version of Halloween. Samhain was a good god, he personified the Great Bull of the ancient Aryans. From this god comes shamanism in Asia and possibly America, and it was the god of witches who were burned by the Inquisition, from him came the Christian image of the horned devil. Legend has it that Samhain drove out the evil old woman Cailleach and the sun conquered winter.
The great bull of the Aryans was not an ordinary domestic bull, it was a stronger Tur(Aurochs), which is where the name Turan came from. This bull was also completely exterminated.
The evil old woman apparently indirectly reflected the matriarchy of old Europe. This image has been preserved in Slavic legends, the old woman was a cannibal and roasted heroes, luring them by fraudulent means. This apparently also has to do with the tale of Gerda and Kai. Roughly speaking, this is a Paleovenera, who was worshiped in matriarchal Europe along with reptiles

It is hard to believe anyone could be this ignorant about world history.

This is indeed the case.

People succumb to propaganda, although it is quite obvious that in the ancient world there were only 2 types of armies: a free professional army of the ancient Aryans and their heirs from pastoral cultures, such as the Media, Mittans, Achaemenids, Parthians and Huns, based on cavalry and slave armies of agricultural empires who essentially exploited slaves with no special skills in conquest.
This was reflected in the very structure and tactics of the armies. Slave armies moved on foot, minimally equipped, they were not even given trousers.
They tightly closed ranks against the arrows, and the task of the Aryans was to break it and fire at the enemies. From here comes the heavy cavalry and their wedge tactics, which remained even in the knightly hordes of the Middle Ages.
For several centuries, Rome could not even master the bow. And they almost nothing change saince the time of macedonians
This happened not only because they could not realize it, but primarily because the imperial power, like any totalitarianism, is threatened by a strong professional army, it can become uncontrollable. They used to hired professionals in Sarmatia and from other "barbarians"
This is indeed the case.

People succumb to propaganda, although it is quite obvious that in the ancient world there were only 2 types of armies: a free professional army of the ancient Aryans and their heirs from pastoral cultures, such as the Media, Mittans, Achaemenids, Parthians and Huns, based on cavalry and slave armies of agricultural empires who essentially exploited slaves with no special skills in conquest.
This was reflected in the very structure and tactics of the armies. Slave armies moved on foot, minimally equipped, they were not even given trousers.
They tightly closed ranks against the arrows, and the task of the Aryans was to break it and fire at the enemies. From here comes the heavy cavalry and their wedge tactics, which remained even in the knightly hordes of the Middle Ages.
You need professional help.

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