Libya Goes Islamic And We Helped Pave The Way

He's getting out in accordance with the Status of Forces agreement signed by Bush in 2008.

Article 24—Withdrawal of the United States Forces from Iraq

Recognizing the performance and increasing capacity of the Iraqi Security Forces, the assumption of full security responsibility by those Forces, and based upon the strong relationship between the Parties, an agreement on the following has been reached:

1.All the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory no later than December 31, 2011.

You're an idiot, btw.

Status of Forces Agreement, 2008 - Wikisource

idiot coming from you really means something

Again, using radical left wing blogs and the MSM as your only news source does
make you sound any smarter

My source was the actual text of actual Status of Forces Agreement actually signed by Bush.


So the Daily Kos or Huff and Puff
told you to look there

What is your point
we are talking about your false claims


Again, it is a question of how not when

If confused
have some read it to you
The Left/Democrat Chickenhawks sure are clucking it up over this one. Their 'D' is in there now so it's all about "KILL KILL KILL!!!!" for em. Their clucking really is sad and in poor taste. I don't support our new puppets over there.
idiot coming from you really means something

Again, using radical left wing blogs and the MSM as your only news source does
make you sound any smarter

My source was the actual text of actual Status of Forces Agreement actually signed by Bush.


So the Daily Kos or Huff and Puff
told you to look there

What is your point
we are talking about your false claims


Again, it is a question of how not when

If confused
have some read it to you

What are my false claims before I neg rep your ghey ass for lying about me?

Obama Akbar......

Thanks to the wisdom of Barrack Hussein Obama we can count another country to be added to the list of fledgling theocracies.

Democrats are worried about the GOP installing a theocratic government here, but Obama is helping install them all over the Middle East.

Pretty soon every country in that region will be an enemy of the U.S. and of Israel.

New Rulers In Libya Installing Sharia Law


The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. In a gesture that showed his own piety, he urged Libyans not to express their joy by firing in the air, but rather to chant "Allahu Akbar," or God is Great. He then stepped aside and knelt to offer a brief prayer of thanks.

"This revolution was looked after by God to achieve victory," he told the crowd at the declaration ceremony in the eastern city of Benghazi, the birthplace of the uprising against Gadhafi began. He thanked those who fell in the fight against Gadhafi's forces. "This revolution began peacefully to demand the minimum of legitimate rights, but it was met by excessive violence."
Libya's transitional leader declares liberation - Yahoo! News

To you liberals.......we told you so.:eusa_whistle:

You see victory yet we're losing the war on terror and paying for it with U.S. dollars.


When did republicans have a problem installing a gov't based on Islam?

Are you admitting the War in Iraq was a failure?

If that is what you're doing kudos, warmongering and installing gov'ts based on Islam was wrong in Iraq and is wrong in Libya.

(I'm assuming this point has already been brought up, i'll scroll through the 11 pages now)
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Uhhhh, not their government.:cuckoo:

Islam has always been the official religion of the state, even under Gaddafi, every Muslim country is this way.

Turkey is legally secular via their Constitution
though one does have to wonder how that works in reality
I can answer this first hand....The immortal Turkish leader Ataturk, secured a secular future for Turkey back in the 20's. He very much intended Turkey to be more Europeanized than part of the middle east. Ataturk is still revered.

At any 2001, they let this pasty faced Scots Irishman marry a Alevi Muslim woman. The turks aren't genrally anywhere near as devout as thier Saudi and Iranian counterparts.

Think of it this way. Turkey is like the California of the middle east, very liberal comparatively...and Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and and Yemen are like Mississippi and Oklahioma. More religious and less tolerant.
Islam has always been the official religion of the state, even under Gaddafi, every Muslim country is this way.

Turkey is legally secular via their Constitution
though one does have to wonder how that works in reality
I can answer this first hand....The immortal Turkish leader Ataturk, secured a secular future for Turkey back in the 20's. He very much intended Turkey to be more Europeanized than part of the middle east. Ataturk is still revered.

At any 2001, they let this pasty faced Scots Irishman marry a Alevi Muslim woman. The turks aren't genrally anywhere near as devout as thier Saudi and Iranian counterparts.

Think of it this way. Turkey is like the California of the middle east, very liberal comparatively...and Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and and Yemen are like Mississippi and Oklahioma. More religious and less tolerant.

At one time perhaps. Not now.

More than Half in Turkey Oppose Non-Muslim Religious Meetings

Turkey in Transition: Less Europe, More Islam - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

People have a real need to still consider Turkey a modern, tolerant, secular country. At some point it may have been. Not anymore. The people don't like it. They don't like living among other cultures. Particularly other religions.

Obama Akbar......

Thanks to the wisdom of Barrack Hussein Obama we can count another country to be added to the list of fledgling theocracies.

Democrats are worried about the GOP installing a theocratic government here, but Obama is helping install them all over the Middle East.

Pretty soon every country in that region will be an enemy of the U.S. and of Israel.

New Rulers In Libya Installing Sharia Law


The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. In a gesture that showed his own piety, he urged Libyans not to express their joy by firing in the air, but rather to chant "Allahu Akbar," or God is Great. He then stepped aside and knelt to offer a brief prayer of thanks.

"This revolution was looked after by God to achieve victory," he told the crowd at the declaration ceremony in the eastern city of Benghazi, the birthplace of the uprising against Gadhafi began. He thanked those who fell in the fight against Gadhafi's forces. "This revolution began peacefully to demand the minimum of legitimate rights, but it was met by excessive violence."
Libya's transitional leader declares liberation - Yahoo! News

To you liberals.......we told you so.:eusa_whistle:

You see victory yet we're losing the war on terror and paying for it with U.S. dollars.


When did republics have a problem installing a gov't based on Islam?

Are you admitting the War in Iraq was a failure?

If that is what you're doing kudos, warmongering and installing gov'ts based on Islam was wrong in Iraq and is wrong in Libya.

(I'm assuming this point has already been brought up, i'll scroll through the 11 pages now)

The war in Iraq was not a mistake.

Trying to clean the place up was.

Sharia Law is the most strict form of Islamic government. Saturday afternoon punishments for taking a razor to your face.

Women will lose most of their freedoms.

I need to look up all of the laws that are contained in Sharia Law.
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Obama Akbar......

Thanks to the wisdom of Barrack Hussein Obama we can count another country to be added to the list of fledgling theocracies.

Democrats are worried about the GOP installing a theocratic government here, but Obama is helping install them all over the Middle East.

Pretty soon every country in that region will be an enemy of the U.S. and of Israel.

To you liberals.......we told you so.:eusa_whistle:

You see victory yet we're losing the war on terror and paying for it with U.S. dollars.


When did republics have a problem installing a gov't based on Islam?

Are you admitting the War in Iraq was a failure?

If that is what you're doing kudos, warmongering and installing gov'ts based on Islam was wrong in Iraq and is wrong in Libya.

(I'm assuming this point has already been brought up, i'll scroll through the 11 pages now)

The war in Iraq was not a mistake.

Trying to clean the place up was.

Sharia Law is the most strict form of Islamic government. Saturday afternoon punishments for taking a razor to your face.

Women will lose most of their freedoms.

I need to look up all of the laws that are contained in Sharia Law.

Well the end result in Iraq was a gov't based on Islam and Iraqi christians essentially going extinct.

Won't be much diff in Libya, gov't based on Islam with minorities feeling the blade.
I wonder how loud the left would howl if the new POTUS stopped in the middle of his inaugeration speech to praise God for granting this great victory over liberalism. If he loudly proclaimed that God continues to speak through him and that his will shall be done. God's will shall become law and those who refuse to follow God's will shall pay a heavy price.

I bet they'd cum in their panties over that.
When did republics have a problem installing a gov't based on Islam?

Are you admitting the War in Iraq was a failure?

If that is what you're doing kudos, warmongering and installing gov'ts based on Islam was wrong in Iraq and is wrong in Libya.

(I'm assuming this point has already been brought up, i'll scroll through the 11 pages now)

The war in Iraq was not a mistake.

Trying to clean the place up was.

Sharia Law is the most strict form of Islamic government. Saturday afternoon punishments for taking a razor to your face.

Women will lose most of their freedoms.

I need to look up all of the laws that are contained in Sharia Law.

Well the end result in Iraq was a gov't based on Islam and Iraqi christians essentially going extinct.

Won't be much diff in Libya, gov't based on Islam with minorities feeling the blade.

Wide scale violence against Christians didn't get out of control till this year.

Bush has been out of office for nearly 3.

Who's is at fault????
The war in Iraq was not a mistake.

Trying to clean the place up was.

Sharia Law is the most strict form of Islamic government. Saturday afternoon punishments for taking a razor to your face.

Women will lose most of their freedoms.

I need to look up all of the laws that are contained in Sharia Law.

Well the end result in Iraq was a gov't based on Islam and Iraqi christians essentially going extinct.

Won't be much diff in Libya, gov't based on Islam with minorities feeling the blade.

Wide scale violence against Christians didn't get out of control till this year.

Bush has been out of office for nearly 3.

Who's is at fault????

Christians have been fleeing Iraq ever since 2003. I don't get into this partisan nonsense, both parties are to blame for the War in Iraq and the subsequent disaster gov't in Iraq.

Just sad that the end result in terms of gov't we install is far worse for minorities than a monstrous dictator like Saddam was.
My source was the actual text of actual Status of Forces Agreement actually signed by Bush.


So the Daily Kos or Huff and Puff
told you to look there

What is your point
we are talking about your false claims


Again, it is a question of how not when

If confused
have some read it to you

What are my false claims before I neg rep your ghey ass for lying about me?

Oh no
ask me if I care

ghey ass, the left is so understanding

Well you could go back and look but I understand
the Left likes others to pay for things, sort of the like the OWS crowd

You said

"The Republicans are attacking Obama for getting out of Iraq."

If we assume you mean "just for" getting out then my point still stands (when)

If we assume you mean people are questioning the "how" he got out then I stand corrected (how)

Again it is a question of how not when
The war in Iraq was not a mistake.

Trying to clean the place up was.

Sharia Law is the most strict form of Islamic government. Saturday afternoon punishments for taking a razor to your face.

Women will lose most of their freedoms.

I need to look up all of the laws that are contained in Sharia Law.

Well the end result in Iraq was a gov't based on Islam and Iraqi christians essentially going extinct.

Won't be much diff in Libya, gov't based on Islam with minorities feeling the blade.

Wide scale violence against Christians didn't get out of control till this year.

Bush has been out of office for nearly 3.

Who's is at fault????

Christians are being chased into the streets and butchered in Egypt, Iraq and Pakistan.
Well the end result in Iraq was a gov't based on Islam and Iraqi christians essentially going extinct.

Won't be much diff in Libya, gov't based on Islam with minorities feeling the blade.

Wide scale violence against Christians didn't get out of control till this year.

Bush has been out of office for nearly 3.

Who's is at fault????

Christians are being chased into the streets and butchered in Egypt, Iraq and Pakistan.

Yep, and we're supposed to be proud of democracy in Egypt, view Iraq as a big triumph and beacon of freedom in the ME and Pakistan as some kind of ally.

I'm completely confused by the overt partisian posturing on all these events.

Can't even determine if most posters HAVE a coherent concept of what Foreign Policy in the Mid East should be.

But what I DO KNOW --- is that whether we helped win Democracy for any Arab nation state -- or they took it for themselves --- we have NO BUSINESS dictating their democratically determined choices. And if ANYONE was aware of the public opinion in those countries -- they SHOULD HAVE KNOWN -- that internal policies would NEVER be compliant with Western sensibilities. This is not our job to IMPOSE thru military power or coercion how they determine to organize their legal or social structure.

We are NOT gonna give the keys to the American military to IMPOSE our values on these people. This is NOT a 21st Century Crusade. So y'all had better HOPE that we haven't invested in creating the next Arabian Caliphate.. The policies have been indistiguishable between Reps/Dems. And all have been completely naive about future results.

To wit...

Michael Totten » Egyptian Public Opinion

The chances for democracy and liberalism are different in every country. Tunisia has a good chance because there is a strong middle class and a weak Islamist movement. But in Egypt look at the numbers in the latest Pew poll.

In Egypt, 30 percent like Hizballah (66 percent don’t). 49 percent are favorable toward Hamas (48 percent are negative); and 20 percent smile (72 percent frown) at al-Qaida. Roughly speaking, one-fifth of Egyptians applaud the most extreme Islamist terrorist group, while around one-third back revolutionary Islamists abroad. This doesn’t tell us what proportion of Egyptians want an Islamist government at home, but it is an indicator.

In Egypt, 82 percent want stoning for those who commit adultery; 77 percent would like to see whippings and hands cut off for robbery; and 84 percent favor the death penalty for any Muslim who changes his religion.

Asked if they supported “modernizers” or “Islamists” only 27 percent said modernizers while 59 percent said Islamists

In many cases (as it was in Iran) the only Secular influence available to RESTRAIN Islamic Sharia culture has been a powerful central figure like there was in Egypt or Libya. Good luck with blaming each other for the results...
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islam isnt like aids....
Seriously i think you neo-cons have a problem with people having free will to choose.

Remember when they kept showing pictures of the women in Iraq with purple fingers because they got to vote freely? Well, what are they voting freely for?

Apparently, there are some here not too happy to have the people in the ME and North Africa make their own decisions IF those decisions are not what we want.

Guess you are all for the Christians being "murdered" and their churches burned while islam pretends it is the "religion of peace"? Guess you choose to ignore that women are being brutalized (worse than before Arab spring), raped, beaten, stoned, and murdered in the streets, because some of the radicals think that is how you run a "successful" civilization?
Corruption (moral, economic, political, etc, etc, etc) does not stop once it starts. Those that think they can limit corruption are naive, or idiots.

You are currently watching one form of corruption being replaced by another, and you, choose to celebrate that corruption. It seems that those that embrace corruption are the first ones to tell others to "tolerate" all forms of corruption, right up until it knocks on their door. At that point, there is no one left to help them or that "cares".

Obama Akbar......

Thanks to the wisdom of Barrack Hussein Obama we can count another country to be added to the list of fledgling theocracies.

Democrats are worried about the GOP installing a theocratic government here, but Obama is helping install them all over the Middle East.

Pretty soon every country in that region will be an enemy of the U.S. and of Israel.

New Rulers In Libya Installing Sharia Law


The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. In a gesture that showed his own piety, he urged Libyans not to express their joy by firing in the air, but rather to chant "Allahu Akbar," or God is Great. He then stepped aside and knelt to offer a brief prayer of thanks.

"This revolution was looked after by God to achieve victory," he told the crowd at the declaration ceremony in the eastern city of Benghazi, the birthplace of the uprising against Gadhafi began. He thanked those who fell in the fight against Gadhafi's forces. "This revolution began peacefully to demand the minimum of legitimate rights, but it was met by excessive violence."
Libya's transitional leader declares liberation - Yahoo! News

To you liberals.......we told you so.:eusa_whistle:

You see victory yet we're losing the war on terror and paying for it with U.S. dollars.


It's OFFICIAL. American conservatives are announcing to the world that they would rather have Arabs live under the tyranny (REAL tyranny) of a brutal dictator who indiscriminately kills the citizens of his country than allow them to have a chance at self-governance (that's democracy, folks) despite all the lip service conservatives give to the concept of self-determination.

Yeah, conservatives are so bigoted and fearful of Islam (despite the fact that only a very tiny fraction of Islamic men are terrorists) that conservatives are willing to let Arabs live in constant fear while similtaneously spreading unnecessary fear, themselves, about people who have been oppressed for decades while Arabs' desire to be free was so great that they were willing to risk their lives in a civil war to attain that freedom.
islam isnt like aids....
Seriously i think you neo-cons have a problem with people having free will to choose.

Remember when they kept showing pictures of the women in Iraq with purple fingers because they got to vote freely? Well, what are they voting freely for?

Apparently, there are some here not too happy to have the people in the ME and North Africa make their own decisions IF those decisions are not what we want.

Guess you are all for the Christians being "murdered" and their churches burned while islam pretends it is the "religion of peace"? Guess you choose to ignore that women are being brutalized (worse than before Arab spring), raped, beaten, stoned, and murdered in the streets, because some of the radicals think that is how you run a "successful" civilization?
Corruption (moral, economic, political, etc, etc, etc) does not stop once it starts. Those that think they can limit corruption are naive, or idiots.

You are currently watching one form of corruption being replaced by another, and you, choose to celebrate that corruption. It seems that those that embrace corruption are the first ones to tell others to "tolerate" all forms of corruption, right up until it knocks on their door. At that point, there is no one left to help them or that "cares".

All great reasons for why we need to stay the hell out of the middle east.
All Obama did in Libya was keep people from being slaughtered.

It was Bush and the Republicans who ignited Islamic Hard Core Fever in the Middle East. By creating a hard core right wing Islamic Government in Iraq. From there that spread.

The worst is that they want to do that here with Christianity. They want to turn America into a hard core right wing Fundigelico right wing theocracy.

Bush and the Republicans destroyed the Iraqi government without asking the people of Iraq. They had guns pointed at the people and could have forced any government on them. And why not? They destroyed those people's government. Bush and the Republicans forced the Iraqis away from a government they supported. Iraq didn't ask for help. In fact, the Iraqi army fought us to protect their own country -- from us.

After Bush and the Republicans pretty much destroyed Iraq, they proved to the Middle East that being a bully is good. That you can win with force. That you don't need to care what those people want because you have more fire power.

The majority of Libyans may not like the government they end up with, but that's their decision. Unlike Iraq. In Iraq, Bush and the Republicans took that decision away from the people. This is why in Iraq, they threw shoes at Bush, but in Libya, they put up billboards thanking Obama. The right wingnuts can't see the difference. It's because they are bullies. Right wingnuts don't like being told what to do. But they don't understand why people they bully don't appreciate what they are doing for them.

Well, we saw what American right wingers did for people in Uganda. What they did for Iraqis. American right wingers with all their terrible failure should be the last people to talk.

Obama kept people from being slaughtered.

Right wingers stood by and watched Iraqi Christians get slaughter AND DID NOTHING. They didn't even bring them here. They just left them to die. Of course, "let him die" seems to be the new Republican mantra.

So.... what is Obama doing for Christians in the ME (since you want to point out the failures of Bush)? Is he stopping the slaughter in Pakistan, Afganistan, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, or any other African or ME nation? Has he even mentioned this in any of his saturated air time? Has he been critical of any islamic movement the way he criticizes Jews and Christians when they are attempting self-preservation? Seriously, who is doing the "attacking"?

What can he do? Republicans tore through the Middle East like a bull though a China shop. Then left this country bankrupt and the military depleted. This isn't the infinite country with infinite money and infinite poor to use as cannon fodder. Republicans squeezed everything they could out of this country. And they assume they can just keep squeezing.

Well, they can't. There isn't that much left to squeeze. And for some strange reason, they want to keep it that way. They know an educated population will never accept their far right wingnut religious ideology. That's why they are so against education. It's not about what is good for the country. They just want to bully the rest of America into submission.

When I think about what is good for the country, I think equal rights, education, jobs, a strong defense, a good economy, a clean environment.

Republicans have a different take. They think they are preparing the country for the return of Jesus. That there really will be a "rapture". This is why they support Israel. That "really good" Christians are only wanted if they are ignorant and will float up into heaven. They think they are fighting to SAVE America from those minorities.

And the Republicans who don't share those views? They believe that the country should be treated like a great big corporation. That companies should rule. That only rich people know how to spend money. They believe rich people will "take care of them" as long as they toe the line and work hard. They also don't believe in education. Education is "just a piece of paper". That government is bad. Government wants to take over your life. Government wants to take everything you have and leave you to live in a piano box while poor people live it up on food stamps and large screen TVs.

The right wing has deluded themselves so much, they work to defeat anything Obama does and then call him a failure.

And what has the right wing done in the last 20 years that they can be proud of? They have been challenged with that question again and again and they so pathetic, they are reduced to trying to take credit for what Obama has done. Getting Bin Laden. Why do more than 100 Republican congressmen and senators call the stimulus a failure when they take credit for creating thousands of jobs that come directly from the stimulus they say failed? It didn't fail for them.

And when did it become acceptable to yell out "let him die" and applaud executions?

About Obama: "What can he do?"..... One of the most insightful things you have ever said.

In his time in office, Obama has shown us that he is more interested in hurting those that are independent and high achievers. Has he helped the poor? the hungry? the homeless? the "middle class"?
You accuse the republicans of being for corporations, but the man in office is choosing which corporations are "allowed" to be successful, and which ones are to be put out of business by "selectively" enforcing regulations.
This man put it in print that he would support islam over the US citizen in his book. He is fullfilling his words at the expense of this country's citizens. And you, want to focus on petty political banter. Please list those great things that Obama has accomplished, and compare it to the "state of the union" (economy, jobs, national debt, health care, taxes, etc, etc, etc). The man is a failure and those that would vote for him, again, fully support the destruction of this country and their own families.

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