Libtard Judge rules that a conservative can not remove a libtard president E.O.

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
This is what the judge is saying................A libtard wins the office makes asinine E.O.'s and a judge is upset that a future president removes them.

No where in this article does it say why Trumps E.O. was illegal, The dumb **** wants congress the only one to remove a Dictator (Obama) president E.O. in the first place.

Trump’s Order to Open Arctic Waters to Oil Drilling Was Unlawful, Federal Judge Finds

WASHINGTON — In a major legal blow to President Trump’s push to expand offshore oil and gas development, a federal judge ruled that an executive order by Mr. Trump that lifted an Obama-era ban on oil and gas drilling in the Arctic Ocean and parts of the North Atlantic coast was unlawful.

The decision, by Judge Sharon L. Gleason of the United States District Court for the District of Alaska, concluded late Friday that President Barack Obama’s 2015 and 2016 withdrawal from drilling of about 120 million acres of Arctic Ocean and about 3.8 million acres in the Atlantic “will remain in full force and effect unless and until revoked by Congress.” She wrote that an April 2017 executive order by Mr. Trump revoking the drilling ban “is unlawful, as it exceeded the president’s authority.”

The decision, which is expected to be appealed in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, immediately reinstates the drilling ban on most of the Arctic Ocean off the coast of Alaska, a pristine region home to endangered species including polar bears and bowhead whales where oil companies have long sought to drill. Along the Atlantic coast, it blocks drilling around a series of coral canyons that run from Norfolk, Va., to the Canadian border which are home to unique deepwater corals and rare fish species.

In addition, Friday’s ruling by the judge, an Obama appointee, has broader implications for Mr. Trump’s effort to push drilling across the American coastline and on public lands.


Professor Parenteau predicted that the case was likely to reach the Supreme Court, though probably not for several years.

Edit: forgot the link to the story

Trump’s Order to Open Arctic Waters to Oil Drilling Was Unlawful, Federal Judge Finds
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This is the left… does an Obama E.O need to be removed by congress? What is this **** thinking? Fuck this ho. Wow, looking at her, she has women's studies written all over her...….she's definitely a carpet muncher.
Disregard any ruling brought down by a liberal judge....he has less power than the president....let's see him enforce his judgement....waiting!
This is what the judge is saying................A libtard wins the office makes asinine E.O.'s and a judge is upset that a future president removes them.

No where in this article does it say why Trumps E.O. was illegal, The dumb **** wants congress the only one to remove a Dictator (Obama) president E.O. in the first place.

Trump’s Order to Open Arctic Waters to Oil Drilling Was Unlawful, Federal Judge Finds

WASHINGTON — In a major legal blow to President Trump’s push to expand offshore oil and gas development, a federal judge ruled that an executive order by Mr. Trump that lifted an Obama-era ban on oil and gas drilling in the Arctic Ocean and parts of the North Atlantic coast was unlawful.

The decision, by Judge Sharon L. Gleason of the United States District Court for the District of Alaska, concluded late Friday that President Barack Obama’s 2015 and 2016 withdrawal from drilling of about 120 million acres of Arctic Ocean and about 3.8 million acres in the Atlantic “will remain in full force and effect unless and until revoked by Congress.” She wrote that an April 2017 executive order by Mr. Trump revoking the drilling ban “is unlawful, as it exceeded the president’s authority.”

The decision, which is expected to be appealed in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, immediately reinstates the drilling ban on most of the Arctic Ocean off the coast of Alaska, a pristine region home to endangered species including polar bears and bowhead whales where oil companies have long sought to drill. Along the Atlantic coast, it blocks drilling around a series of coral canyons that run from Norfolk, Va., to the Canadian border which are home to unique deepwater corals and rare fish species.

In addition, Friday’s ruling by the judge, an Obama appointee, has broader implications for Mr. Trump’s effort to push drilling across the American coastline and on public lands.


Professor Parenteau predicted that the case was likely to reach the Supreme Court, though probably not for several years.


Obviously you didn’t bother to read the actual ruling, and failed to read the link to the April 2017 NYT article:

‘Legal experts say it will still be a heavy lift for the Trump administration to change the designations. “The Antiquities Act language does not include any authority for presidents to rescind or modify a national monument created by predecessors,” said Mark Squillace, an expert on natural resources law at the University of Colorado Law School. “That authority is limited to Congress.”’ ibid

The ignorance and stupidity of most conservatives – too funny.
This is what the judge is saying................A libtard wins the office makes asinine E.O.'s and a judge is upset that a future president removes them.

No where in this article does it say why Trumps E.O. was illegal, The dumb **** wants congress the only one to remove a Dictator (Obama) president E.O. in the first place.

Trump’s Order to Open Arctic Waters to Oil Drilling Was Unlawful, Federal Judge Finds

WASHINGTON — In a major legal blow to President Trump’s push to expand offshore oil and gas development, a federal judge ruled that an executive order by Mr. Trump that lifted an Obama-era ban on oil and gas drilling in the Arctic Ocean and parts of the North Atlantic coast was unlawful.

The decision, by Judge Sharon L. Gleason of the United States District Court for the District of Alaska, concluded late Friday that President Barack Obama’s 2015 and 2016 withdrawal from drilling of about 120 million acres of Arctic Ocean and about 3.8 million acres in the Atlantic “will remain in full force and effect unless and until revoked by Congress.” She wrote that an April 2017 executive order by Mr. Trump revoking the drilling ban “is unlawful, as it exceeded the president’s authority.”

The decision, which is expected to be appealed in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, immediately reinstates the drilling ban on most of the Arctic Ocean off the coast of Alaska, a pristine region home to endangered species including polar bears and bowhead whales where oil companies have long sought to drill. Along the Atlantic coast, it blocks drilling around a series of coral canyons that run from Norfolk, Va., to the Canadian border which are home to unique deepwater corals and rare fish species.

In addition, Friday’s ruling by the judge, an Obama appointee, has broader implications for Mr. Trump’s effort to push drilling across the American coastline and on public lands.


Professor Parenteau predicted that the case was likely to reach the Supreme Court, though probably not for several years.


Obviously you didn’t bother to read the actual ruling, and failed to read the link to the April 2017 NYT article:

‘Legal experts say it will still be a heavy lift for the Trump administration to change the designations. “The Antiquities Act language does not include any authority for presidents to rescind or modify a national monument created by predecessors,” said Mark Squillace, an expert on natural resources law at the University of Colorado Law School. “That authority is limited to Congress.”’ ibid

The ignorance and stupidity of most conservatives – too funny.

Translation~ A libtard president doesn't work with congress and uses E.O.'s to by pass said congress..

A libtard judge gets upset with an election of a republican president, and rules against his E.O. of wiping out a libtard presidents E.O.

This is the left… does an Obama E.O need to be removed by congress? What is this **** thinking? Fuck this ho. Wow, looking at her, she has women's studies written all over her...….she's definitely a carpet muncher.

Exactly Obama didnt work with congress, he had to play dictator, now a judge is pissed about his E.O. being removed.
Disregard any ruling brought down by a liberal judge....he has less power than the president....let's see him enforce his judgement....waiting!
Not the way it works kid.

I know you tRumpkins despise the Constitution but it's still the law of the land.
Disregard any ruling brought down by a liberal judge....he has less power than the president....let's see him enforce his judgement....waiting!
Not the way it works kid.

I know you tRumpkins despise the Constitution but it's still the law of the land.
You mean lower level progressive socialist judges making law. I would watch them be hung.
Disregard any ruling brought down by a liberal judge....he has less power than the president....let's see him enforce his judgement....waiting!
Not the way it works kid.

I know you tRumpkins despise the Constitution but it's still the law of the land.
You mean lower level progressive socialist judges making law. I would watch them be hung.
Right, because you despise due process and other constitutional law.
Disregard any ruling brought down by a liberal judge....he has less power than the president....let's see him enforce his judgement....waiting!
Not the way it works kid.

I know you tRumpkins despise the Constitution but it's still the law of the land.
Worked that way in the 19th century....fuck the court...until they can enforce their rulings!

Little commie boy doesnt like it when we use their plans!
This is what the judge is saying................A libtard wins the office makes asinine E.O.'s and a judge is upset that a future president removes them.

No where in this article does it say why Trumps E.O. was illegal, The dumb **** wants congress the only one to remove a Dictator (Obama) president E.O. in the first place.

Trump’s Order to Open Arctic Waters to Oil Drilling Was Unlawful, Federal Judge Finds

WASHINGTON — In a major legal blow to President Trump’s push to expand offshore oil and gas development, a federal judge ruled that an executive order by Mr. Trump that lifted an Obama-era ban on oil and gas drilling in the Arctic Ocean and parts of the North Atlantic coast was unlawful.

The decision, by Judge Sharon L. Gleason of the United States District Court for the District of Alaska, concluded late Friday that President Barack Obama’s 2015 and 2016 withdrawal from drilling of about 120 million acres of Arctic Ocean and about 3.8 million acres in the Atlantic “will remain in full force and effect unless and until revoked by Congress.” She wrote that an April 2017 executive order by Mr. Trump revoking the drilling ban “is unlawful, as it exceeded the president’s authority.”

The decision, which is expected to be appealed in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, immediately reinstates the drilling ban on most of the Arctic Ocean off the coast of Alaska, a pristine region home to endangered species including polar bears and bowhead whales where oil companies have long sought to drill. Along the Atlantic coast, it blocks drilling around a series of coral canyons that run from Norfolk, Va., to the Canadian border which are home to unique deepwater corals and rare fish species.

In addition, Friday’s ruling by the judge, an Obama appointee, has broader implications for Mr. Trump’s effort to push drilling across the American coastline and on public lands.


Professor Parenteau predicted that the case was likely to reach the Supreme Court, though probably not for several years.

Edit: forgot the link to the story

Trump’s Order to Open Arctic Waters to Oil Drilling Was Unlawful, Federal Judge Finds

I can't understand WTF you're saying, but I saw this in the Wall Street Journal and it's good news.

Why in the hell do we need to drill ANWAR when the U.S. is now the top oil producing country in the world after fracking was introduced in the 1990s?

America is now the world's largest oil producer

Trump just wants to appease his base, his fucking bunch of redneck white trash idiots.
Liberals will do anything to try and destroy the economy. They're trying to sabotage fossil fuel and nuclear. Drill oil and natural gas, mine coal, and build nuclear plants. Get the damn EPA and their idiotic regulations and restrictions out of things so people can be productive. The EPA is strangling nuclear plants with restrictive standards, storage limitations, and ridiculous fines.
This is what the judge is saying................A libtard wins the office makes asinine E.O.'s and a judge is upset that a future president removes them.

No where in this article does it say why Trumps E.O. was illegal, The dumb **** wants congress the only one to remove a Dictator (Obama) president E.O. in the first place.

Trump’s Order to Open Arctic Waters to Oil Drilling Was Unlawful, Federal Judge Finds

WASHINGTON — In a major legal blow to President Trump’s push to expand offshore oil and gas development, a federal judge ruled that an executive order by Mr. Trump that lifted an Obama-era ban on oil and gas drilling in the Arctic Ocean and parts of the North Atlantic coast was unlawful.

The decision, by Judge Sharon L. Gleason of the United States District Court for the District of Alaska, concluded late Friday that President Barack Obama’s 2015 and 2016 withdrawal from drilling of about 120 million acres of Arctic Ocean and about 3.8 million acres in the Atlantic “will remain in full force and effect unless and until revoked by Congress.” She wrote that an April 2017 executive order by Mr. Trump revoking the drilling ban “is unlawful, as it exceeded the president’s authority.”

The decision, which is expected to be appealed in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, immediately reinstates the drilling ban on most of the Arctic Ocean off the coast of Alaska, a pristine region home to endangered species including polar bears and bowhead whales where oil companies have long sought to drill. Along the Atlantic coast, it blocks drilling around a series of coral canyons that run from Norfolk, Va., to the Canadian border which are home to unique deepwater corals and rare fish species.

In addition, Friday’s ruling by the judge, an Obama appointee, has broader implications for Mr. Trump’s effort to push drilling across the American coastline and on public lands.


Professor Parenteau predicted that the case was likely to reach the Supreme Court, though probably not for several years.

Edit: forgot the link to the story

Trump’s Order to Open Arctic Waters to Oil Drilling Was Unlawful, Federal Judge Finds

I can't understand WTF you're saying, but I saw this in the Wall Street Journal and it's good news.

Why in the hell do we need to drill ANWAR when the U.S. is now the top oil producing country in the world after fracking was introduced in the 1990s?

Trump just wants to appease his base, his fucking bunch of redneck white trash idiots.

Oil production dropped from 12.1 million barrels a day in January (372 million for the month) to 12 million barrels a day in February at a time when we desperately need it to climb. We need to get to at least 13 million barrels a day. Trump has six more years to ramp up oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear and keep defunding the EPA.
This is what the judge is saying................A libtard wins the office makes asinine E.O.'s and a judge is upset that a future president removes them.

No where in this article does it say why Trumps E.O. was illegal, The dumb **** wants congress the only one to remove a Dictator (Obama) president E.O. in the first place.

Not going to happen. Fortunately, it will only take a new President less than one year to make any trace of Trump disappear.

Trump’s Order to Open Arctic Waters to Oil Drilling Was Unlawful, Federal Judge Finds

WASHINGTON — In a major legal blow to President Trump’s push to expand offshore oil and gas development, a federal judge ruled that an executive order by Mr. Trump that lifted an Obama-era ban on oil and gas drilling in the Arctic Ocean and parts of the North Atlantic coast was unlawful.

The decision, by Judge Sharon L. Gleason of the United States District Court for the District of Alaska, concluded late Friday that President Barack Obama’s 2015 and 2016 withdrawal from drilling of about 120 million acres of Arctic Ocean and about 3.8 million acres in the Atlantic “will remain in full force and effect unless and until revoked by Congress.” She wrote that an April 2017 executive order by Mr. Trump revoking the drilling ban “is unlawful, as it exceeded the president’s authority.”

The decision, which is expected to be appealed in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, immediately reinstates the drilling ban on most of the Arctic Ocean off the coast of Alaska, a pristine region home to endangered species including polar bears and bowhead whales where oil companies have long sought to drill. Along the Atlantic coast, it blocks drilling around a series of coral canyons that run from Norfolk, Va., to the Canadian border which are home to unique deepwater corals and rare fish species.

In addition, Friday’s ruling by the judge, an Obama appointee, has broader implications for Mr. Trump’s effort to push drilling across the American coastline and on public lands.


Professor Parenteau predicted that the case was likely to reach the Supreme Court, though probably not for several years.

Edit: forgot the link to the story

Trump’s Order to Open Arctic Waters to Oil Drilling Was Unlawful, Federal Judge Finds

I can't understand WTF you're saying, but I saw this in the Wall Street Journal and it's good news.

Why in the hell do we need to drill ANWAR when the U.S. is now the top oil producing country in the world after fracking was introduced in the 1990s?

Trump just wants to appease his base, his fucking bunch of redneck white trash idiots.

Oil production dropped from 12.1 million barrels a day in January (372 million for the month) to 12 million barrels a day in February at a time when we desperately need it to climb. We need to get to at least 13 million barrels a day. Trump has six more years to ramp up oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear and keep defunding the EPA.
This is what the judge is saying................A libtard wins the office makes asinine E.O.'s and a judge is upset that a future president removes them.

No where in this article does it say why Trumps E.O. was illegal, The dumb **** wants congress the only one to remove a Dictator (Obama) president E.O. in the first place.

Trump’s Order to Open Arctic Waters to Oil Drilling Was Unlawful, Federal Judge Finds

WASHINGTON — In a major legal blow to President Trump’s push to expand offshore oil and gas development, a federal judge ruled that an executive order by Mr. Trump that lifted an Obama-era ban on oil and gas drilling in the Arctic Ocean and parts of the North Atlantic coast was unlawful.

The decision, by Judge Sharon L. Gleason of the United States District Court for the District of Alaska, concluded late Friday that President Barack Obama’s 2015 and 2016 withdrawal from drilling of about 120 million acres of Arctic Ocean and about 3.8 million acres in the Atlantic “will remain in full force and effect unless and until revoked by Congress.” She wrote that an April 2017 executive order by Mr. Trump revoking the drilling ban “is unlawful, as it exceeded the president’s authority.”

The decision, which is expected to be appealed in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, immediately reinstates the drilling ban on most of the Arctic Ocean off the coast of Alaska, a pristine region home to endangered species including polar bears and bowhead whales where oil companies have long sought to drill. Along the Atlantic coast, it blocks drilling around a series of coral canyons that run from Norfolk, Va., to the Canadian border which are home to unique deepwater corals and rare fish species.

In addition, Friday’s ruling by the judge, an Obama appointee, has broader implications for Mr. Trump’s effort to push drilling across the American coastline and on public lands.


Professor Parenteau predicted that the case was likely to reach the Supreme Court, though probably not for several years.

Edit: forgot the link to the story

Trump’s Order to Open Arctic Waters to Oil Drilling Was Unlawful, Federal Judge Finds

I can't understand WTF you're saying, but I saw this in the Wall Street Journal and it's good news.

Why in the hell do we need to drill ANWAR when the U.S. is now the top oil producing country in the world after fracking was introduced in the 1990s?

America is now the world's largest oil producer

Trump just wants to appease his base, his fucking bunch of redneck white trash idiots.

what do you want me to speak your language, ghetto?

Once again a Libtard president can make E.O.'s and not work with congress but a Republican president can not and must work with congress
Disregard any ruling brought down by a liberal judge....he has less power than the president....let's see him enforce his judgement....waiting!
Not the way it works kid.

I know you tRumpkins despise the Constitution but it's still the law of the land.
So sanctuary cities are illegal too and those restrictive gun control laws, funny some libs dont get rid of them, it's like they're ignoring the Supreme Court
This is what the judge is saying................A libtard wins the office makes asinine E.O.'s and a judge is upset that a future president removes them.

No where in this article does it say why Trumps E.O. was illegal, The dumb **** wants congress the only one to remove a Dictator (Obama) president E.O. in the first place.

Trump’s Order to Open Arctic Waters to Oil Drilling Was Unlawful, Federal Judge Finds

WASHINGTON — In a major legal blow to President Trump’s push to expand offshore oil and gas development, a federal judge ruled that an executive order by Mr. Trump that lifted an Obama-era ban on oil and gas drilling in the Arctic Ocean and parts of the North Atlantic coast was unlawful.

The decision, by Judge Sharon L. Gleason of the United States District Court for the District of Alaska, concluded late Friday that President Barack Obama’s 2015 and 2016 withdrawal from drilling of about 120 million acres of Arctic Ocean and about 3.8 million acres in the Atlantic “will remain in full force and effect unless and until revoked by Congress.” She wrote that an April 2017 executive order by Mr. Trump revoking the drilling ban “is unlawful, as it exceeded the president’s authority.”

The decision, which is expected to be appealed in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, immediately reinstates the drilling ban on most of the Arctic Ocean off the coast of Alaska, a pristine region home to endangered species including polar bears and bowhead whales where oil companies have long sought to drill. Along the Atlantic coast, it blocks drilling around a series of coral canyons that run from Norfolk, Va., to the Canadian border which are home to unique deepwater corals and rare fish species.

In addition, Friday’s ruling by the judge, an Obama appointee, has broader implications for Mr. Trump’s effort to push drilling across the American coastline and on public lands.


Professor Parenteau predicted that the case was likely to reach the Supreme Court, though probably not for several years.

Edit: forgot the link to the story

Trump’s Order to Open Arctic Waters to Oil Drilling Was Unlawful, Federal Judge Finds

I can't understand WTF you're saying, but I saw this in the Wall Street Journal and it's good news.

Why in the hell do we need to drill ANWAR when the U.S. is now the top oil producing country in the world after fracking was introduced in the 1990s?

America is now the world's largest oil producer

Trump just wants to appease his base, his fucking bunch of redneck white trash idiots.
Well for one you have infstructure going to waste because old finds are drying up
Disregard any ruling brought down by a liberal judge....he has less power than the president....let's see him enforce his judgement....waiting!
Not the way it works kid.

I know you tRumpkins despise the Constitution but it's still the law of the land.
You mean lower level progressive socialist judges making law. I would watch them be hung.

The judge is an idiot. It is common knowledge that a president can revoke any and all Executive Orders issued by a former president Here is one of many links:

Hell, common sense should tell everyone that if a president can make an executive order, future presidents can also make them, including Executive Orders that revoke previous Executive Orders.

My question: how could a judge be so damn uninformed and stupid?

This will be overturned. Count on it.

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