Libs try to infiltrate tea party to feed liberal media

How on God's green earth do you propose to stop the infiltrators?

The only possible thing that "Tea Partiers" could do is when they see it in their midst is point out the people who are perpetrating these "affronts" to the authorities and let the authorities deal with them.

It hasn't happened and until it does those who attend Tea Parties are going to have to live with the reputation of being racist bigots.

Right now there is neither proof that any one yelling the N-Word or spitting is either a right winger or a left wing infiltrator. Until people who attend the tea parties start weeding out the trash, they will be viewed as bigots.

However, back to my question, besides weeding them out by turning them over to the authorities, how would you propose they stop infiltrators. This is a free country for now and everyone has the right to attend those demonstrations.


We have a right to challenge them, as well.

They think they can just walk all over us and smear us with any sneaky tacticd they wish.

They think there is nothing we can do?

Wrong, we can ask those with racist banners to leave.

You can ask, but you have no right to make them leave and even if you do ask, if you don't take a public stand against them, then whatever they say and do before you do ask them to leave affects your movement.

Without taking a public stand against them, then and there, you are letting their actions speak for you. To go along with that, as long as you let them get away with it, they will be known as part of your group. If you don't call them out publicly then they will forever be known as part of you.


And asking them to leave is NOT taking a public stand?????


We have a right to challenge them, as well.

They think they can just walk all over us and smear us with any sneaky tacticd they wish.

They think there is nothing we can do?

Wrong, we can ask those with racist banners to leave.

You can ask, but you have no right to make them leave and even if you do ask, if you don't take a public stand against them, then whatever they say and do before you do ask them to leave affects your movement.

Without taking a public stand against them, then and there, you are letting their actions speak for you. To go along with that, as long as you let them get away with it, they will be known as part of your group. If you don't call them out publicly then they will forever be known as part of you.


And asking them to leave is NOT taking a public stand?????



You ask them to leave. Who knows about it but you and the creep with the racist sign? No one.

You (the leaders of the movement) get up on stage and make a public announcement that they are not welcomed at the event gets public notice.

The leaders of the movement go on nationwide tv and publicly state that those people in no way represent the views of the movement. That gets public notice.

Casually asking them to leave does nothing for your cause nor does beating the shit out of them as Pale Rider indicated would be his solution. :D

Like I said Tea Party Suckwad, why are YOU as a Christian, referring to a rulebook for Jewish priests?

Or to put it another way..........would you follow a High Catholic Mass in your church just for kicks? No?

Then why the fuck are you trying to use a book you have no business using?

And........for the record..........paganism is in the Catholic religion.

Cherry picking assholes like you is the reason current Christianity is so screwed up. And no.......I'm a Taoist.
Sure! There are plenty of RINOs like Voinivich, McCain, and Snowe.


Interesting how the GOP eats its own

McCain was the best candidate the GOP had to run in 2008 and is still superior to anyone they have in 2012. Both Snowe and Voinivich represent the constituency where they were elected. If they don't meet the desires of red State Republicans...thats too bad

Best candidate? In who's opinion?

I for one would have voted for Obama over McCain if I had no other choices. I have disliked him since... hell, I can't remember ever having liked him. I respect the fact that he served his country, but I would never vote for him. Not in a million years.


I voted for McCain mainly because I didn't have a choice. By the time my state had it's primary all the other candidates had dropped out except Huckabee, and Huckabee is a global warming joke too.

But having lived long enough to see the damage a bad Democrat can do like Jimmy Carter (and we are still living with the damage) I did not want to vote for Obama.

As for who will run in 2012. Time will tell.

I'm not crazy about Romney either. I don't think he's conservative and his record in Taxachusetts backs that up.
Interesting how the GOP eats its own

McCain was the best candidate the GOP had to run in 2008 and is still superior to anyone they have in 2012. Both Snowe and Voinivich represent the constituency where they were elected. If they don't meet the desires of red State Republicans...thats too bad

Best candidate? In who's opinion?

I for one would have voted for Obama over McCain if I had no other choices. I have disliked him since... hell, I can't remember ever having liked him. I respect the fact that he served his country, but I would never vote for him. Not in a million years.


I voted for McCain mainly because I didn't have a choice. By the time my state had it's primary all the other candidates had dropped out except Huckabee, and Huckabee is a global warming joke too.

But having lived long enough to see the damage a bad Democrat can do like Jimmy Carter (and we are still living with the damage) I did not want to vote for Obama.

As for who will run in 2012. Time will tell.

I'm not crazy about Romney either. I don't think he's conservative and his record in Taxachusetts backs that up.

My feeling is "you've seen one politician; you've seen them all".

I didn't vote for either McCain or Obama as I knew one of them was going to win and neither one of them were worth a wooden nickel. I voted for Barr. Not because I expected him to be any different, but because I wanted to cast a vote and I wanted it to be seen as a vote against the two parties in charge.

I'm sure it didn't even get noticed, but maybe if enough of us started telling both parties to get screwed one or both would change.

I know, I know that is wishful thinking, but hey, that is how I feel.

Like I said Tea Party Suckwad, why are YOU as a Christian, referring to a rulebook for Jewish priests?

Or to put it another way..........would you follow a High Catholic Mass in your church just for kicks? No?

Then why the fuck are you trying to use a book you have no business using?

And........for the record..........paganism is in the Catholic religion.

Cherry picking assholes like you is the reason current Christianity is so screwed up. And no.......I'm a Taoist.


I hate to break it to you . . . . Don't let this get around. The shock might be too much for some people, but . . . . .JESUS WAS JEWISH! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

And Paul wrote in the NEW TESTAMENT that homosexuality was an abomination. I posted it for you twice. ROMANS I. That's a Christian text.

Albiet, one could say it's a Jewish text (despite it being written in Greek) because it was written by a Jew, that being Paul of Tarsus.

BUT, I know you are losing, because you have ceased to even TRY to discuss the issue and have fallen back to the 20 questions tactic.

When you are losing start attacking the person who is winning by "interrogating" them with question, in a deperate attempt to put them on the defensive.

It won't work. You have conceded you can't get around the texts I quoted by abandoning even trying to challenge them.

Thus, you are WRONG about Jesus approving of gay marriage.

I agree, that you lost that one. As for your ranting about Cherry picking in Christianity. I know what that means. You resent there are more intelligent people than you.

That's why you rant about California Girl. An intelligent person wouldn't call names, they would seek to debate that person and defeat them in the arena of ideas, like I am defeating YOU. But you aren't intelligent, so you rant, call names, and display why you hate people, but it still boils down to the same thing. You resent people with more smarts than you, which means you must be angry at a lot of people.

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Best candidate? In who's opinion?

I for one would have voted for Obama over McCain if I had no other choices. I have disliked him since... hell, I can't remember ever having liked him. I respect the fact that he served his country, but I would never vote for him. Not in a million years.


I voted for McCain mainly because I didn't have a choice. By the time my state had it's primary all the other candidates had dropped out except Huckabee, and Huckabee is a global warming joke too.

But having lived long enough to see the damage a bad Democrat can do like Jimmy Carter (and we are still living with the damage) I did not want to vote for Obama.

As for who will run in 2012. Time will tell.

I'm not crazy about Romney either. I don't think he's conservative and his record in Taxachusetts backs that up.

My feeling is "you've seen one politician; you've seen them all".

I didn't vote for either McCain or Obama as I knew one of them was going to win and neither one of them were worth a wooden nickel. I voted for Barr. Not because I expected him to be any different, but because I wanted to cast a vote and I wanted it to be seen as a vote against the two parties in charge.

I'm sure it didn't even get noticed, but maybe if enough of us started telling both parties to get screwed one or both would change.

I know, I know that is wishful thinking, but hey, that is how I feel.



It never works. Every time people have done this, they only elect the person, they least want.

This has been true since Abraham Lincoln and Roosevelt's Bull Moose party.

Any time you vote third party you simply split the vote and the other side wins.

John Anderson proved this. Ross Perot proves this. Ralph Nader proved this.

I could go on and on. It never works in the presidential election. It just gets the other guy elected.

I know those doing so think they are making a stand but in that they are sadly deluded. History does not lie and the history of the third party vote in presidential elections is only failure.

If that "stand" made any real difference we would have a viable third party by now. We don't, because it dosn't work.

Now, I expect you to get mad at me and rant about the Democrats and Republicans, but that isn't the point. It doesn't matter how much they suck, that doesn't change the history.

The only way that works is for one of the main parties to fall, and the last time that happened, the Whiggs fell, leading to the rise of the Republican party.
I voted for McCain mainly because I didn't have a choice. By the time my state had it's primary all the other candidates had dropped out except Huckabee, and Huckabee is a global warming joke too.

But having lived long enough to see the damage a bad Democrat can do like Jimmy Carter (and we are still living with the damage) I did not want to vote for Obama.

As for who will run in 2012. Time will tell.

I'm not crazy about Romney either. I don't think he's conservative and his record in Taxachusetts backs that up.

My feeling is "you've seen one politician; you've seen them all".

I didn't vote for either McCain or Obama as I knew one of them was going to win and neither one of them were worth a wooden nickel. I voted for Barr. Not because I expected him to be any different, but because I wanted to cast a vote and I wanted it to be seen as a vote against the two parties in charge.

I'm sure it didn't even get noticed, but maybe if enough of us started telling both parties to get screwed one or both would change.

I know, I know that is wishful thinking, but hey, that is how I feel.



It never works. Every time people have done this, they only elect the person, they least want.

This has been true since Abraham Lincoln and Roosevelt's Bull Moose party.

Any time you vote third party you simply split the vote and the other side wins.

John Anderson proved this. Ross Perot proves this. Ralph Nader proved this.

I could go on and on. It never works in the presidential election. It just gets the other guy elected.

I know those doing so think they are making a stand but in that they are sadly deluded. History does not lie and the history of the third party vote in presidential elections is only failure.

If that "stand" made any real difference we would have a viable third party by now. We don't, because it dosn't work.

Now, I expect you to get mad at me and rant about the Democrats and Republicans, but that isn't the point. It doesn't matter how much they suck, that doesn't change the history.

The only way that works is for one of the main parties to fall, and the last time that happened, the Whiggs fell, leading to the rise of the Republican party.

Not true.

As I said, neither McCain nor Obama were "wanted" by me. It mattered not which one won. One was going to win.

In fact, there wasn't a single candidate from either party throughout the entire campaign that I would have voted for. Both parties have lost my support. I really don't care which one wins any more.

Like I said Tea Party Suckwad, why are YOU as a Christian, referring to a rulebook for Jewish priests?

Or to put it another way..........would you follow a High Catholic Mass in your church just for kicks? No?

Then why the fuck are you trying to use a book you have no business using?

And........for the record..........paganism is in the Catholic religion.

Cherry picking assholes like you is the reason current Christianity is so screwed up. And no.......I'm a Taoist.


I hate to break it to you . . . . Don't let this get around. The shock might be too much for some people, but . . . . .JESUS WAS JEWISH! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

And Paul wrote in the NEW TESTAMENT that homosexuality was an abomination. I posted it for you twice. ROMANS I. That's a Christian text.

Albiet, one could say it's a Jewish text (despite it being written in Greek) because it was written by a Jew, that being Paul of Tarsus.

BUT, I know you are losing, because you have ceased to even TRY to discuss the issue and have fallen back to the 20 questions tactic.

When you are losing start attacking the person who is winning by "interrogating" them with question, in a deperate attempt to put them on the defensive.

It won't work. You have conceded you can't get around the texts I quoted by abandoning even trying to challenge them.

Thus, you are WRONG about Jesus approving of gay marriage.

I agree, that you lost that one.


Of course Yeshua was Jewish. He was in Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, and He was crucified and rose again, which is the Easter celebration.

However...........a year or two back, Christians were celebrating Easter a full week BEFORE Passover.

Oh yeah brainiac, the ENTIRE OT is Jewish. Basically, the first 5 books are the Torah, and the rest is pretty much a history of the Jewish people. was never originally written in Greek.

Try again Teabagger 'Tard.
Like I said Tea Party Suckwad, why are YOU as a Christian, referring to a rulebook for Jewish priests?

Or to put it another way..........would you follow a High Catholic Mass in your church just for kicks? No?

Then why the fuck are you trying to use a book you have no business using?

And........for the record..........paganism is in the Catholic religion.

Cherry picking assholes like you is the reason current Christianity is so screwed up. And no.......I'm a Taoist.


I hate to break it to you . . . . Don't let this get around. The shock might be too much for some people, but . . . . .JESUS WAS JEWISH! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

And Paul wrote in the NEW TESTAMENT that homosexuality was an abomination. I posted it for you twice. ROMANS I. That's a Christian text.

Albiet, one could say it's a Jewish text (despite it being written in Greek) because it was written by a Jew, that being Paul of Tarsus.

BUT, I know you are losing, because you have ceased to even TRY to discuss the issue and have fallen back to the 20 questions tactic.

When you are losing start attacking the person who is winning by "interrogating" them with question, in a deperate attempt to put them on the defensive.

It won't work. You have conceded you can't get around the texts I quoted by abandoning even trying to challenge them.

Thus, you are WRONG about Jesus approving of gay marriage.

I agree, that you lost that one.


Of course Yeshua was Jewish. He was in Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, and He was crucified and rose again, which is the Easter celebration.

However...........a year or two back, Christians were celebrating Easter a full week BEFORE Passover.

Oh yeah brainiac, the ENTIRE OT is Jewish. Basically, the first 5 books are the Torah, and the rest is pretty much a history of the Jewish people. was never originally written in Greek.

Try again Teabagger 'Tard.

Um genius. The New Testament was originally in Greek.

The Old Testament was in Hebrew and some Aramic.

The reason the NT was put in Greek was because it was a sort of "universal" language that many people knew. Like today where English is the language of business. There were many peoples in the Roman Empire. There needed to be a "common tongue" to put the NT in. Thus, it was written in Greek.

My feeling is "you've seen one politician; you've seen them all".

I didn't vote for either McCain or Obama as I knew one of them was going to win and neither one of them were worth a wooden nickel. I voted for Barr. Not because I expected him to be any different, but because I wanted to cast a vote and I wanted it to be seen as a vote against the two parties in charge.

I'm sure it didn't even get noticed, but maybe if enough of us started telling both parties to get screwed one or both would change.

I know, I know that is wishful thinking, but hey, that is how I feel.



It never works. Every time people have done this, they only elect the person, they least want.

This has been true since Abraham Lincoln and Roosevelt's Bull Moose party.

Any time you vote third party you simply split the vote and the other side wins.

John Anderson proved this. Ross Perot proves this. Ralph Nader proved this.

I could go on and on. It never works in the presidential election. It just gets the other guy elected.

I know those doing so think they are making a stand but in that they are sadly deluded. History does not lie and the history of the third party vote in presidential elections is only failure.

If that "stand" made any real difference we would have a viable third party by now. We don't, because it dosn't work.

Now, I expect you to get mad at me and rant about the Democrats and Republicans, but that isn't the point. It doesn't matter how much they suck, that doesn't change the history.

The only way that works is for one of the main parties to fall, and the last time that happened, the Whiggs fell, leading to the rise of the Republican party.

Not true.

As I said, neither McCain nor Obama were "wanted" by me. It mattered not which one won. One was going to win.

In fact, there wasn't a single candidate from either party throughout the entire campaign that I would have voted for. Both parties have lost my support. I really don't care which one wins any more.


Then don't complain when the death panels are true, because that's the attitude that will bring them about.

and BTW, that's the attitude Obama wants you to have. He doesn't want you to fight back. He wants you to become discouraged, give up and not care who is in power.

That's a big mistake.
We were originally talking about the OT, where Leviticus was concerned.

Do try to keep up.

No, we are talking about the BIBLE. Who needs to keep up? :lol:

YOU brought up the Bible by bringing up Jesus WHO ISN'T IN THE OT EITHER! :lol:

You can't narrow the focus of the debate just because you are losing, (and believe me, you aren't the first person who has tried that lame tactic WHEN losing) :lol:
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It never works. Every time people have done this, they only elect the person, they least want.

This has been true since Abraham Lincoln and Roosevelt's Bull Moose party.

Any time you vote third party you simply split the vote and the other side wins.

John Anderson proved this. Ross Perot proves this. Ralph Nader proved this.

I could go on and on. It never works in the presidential election. It just gets the other guy elected.

I know those doing so think they are making a stand but in that they are sadly deluded. History does not lie and the history of the third party vote in presidential elections is only failure.

If that "stand" made any real difference we would have a viable third party by now. We don't, because it dosn't work.

Now, I expect you to get mad at me and rant about the Democrats and Republicans, but that isn't the point. It doesn't matter how much they suck, that doesn't change the history.

The only way that works is for one of the main parties to fall, and the last time that happened, the Whiggs fell, leading to the rise of the Republican party.

Not true.

As I said, neither McCain nor Obama were "wanted" by me. It mattered not which one won. One was going to win.

In fact, there wasn't a single candidate from either party throughout the entire campaign that I would have voted for. Both parties have lost my support. I really don't care which one wins any more.


Then don't complain when the death panels are true, because that's the attitude that will bring them about.

and BTW, that's the attitude Obama wants you to have. He doesn't want you to fight back. He wants you to become discouraged, give up and not care who is in power.

That's a big mistake.

No, you are wrong. The parties want you to support them. They don't care which one of them wins, because they both win regardless of which man sits in the Oval Office.

Whether McCain won in '08 or Obama won we were bound to be screwed one way or another. As long as people continue to support these corrupt parties we are screwed.

We were originally talking about the OT, where Leviticus was concerned.

Do try to keep up.

No, we are talking about the BIBLE. Who needs to keep up? :lol:

YOU brought up the Bible by bringing up Jesus WHO ISN'T IN THE OT EITHER! :lol:

You can't narrow the focus of the debate just because you are losing, (and believe me, you aren't the first person who has tried that lame tactic WHEN losing) :lol:

No, you can bring up anything you want from that book.

Just remember to reference what conversation you are having. We were talking about homosexuality, and you used the book Leviticus for verification.

I asked what a Christian was doing with a book for Jewish priests?

You countered with something out of the NT and said it was Greek.

Like I said Teabagger Slow Am I, do try to keep up.
Not true.

As I said, neither McCain nor Obama were "wanted" by me. It mattered not which one won. One was going to win.

In fact, there wasn't a single candidate from either party throughout the entire campaign that I would have voted for. Both parties have lost my support. I really don't care which one wins any more.


Then don't complain when the death panels are true, because that's the attitude that will bring them about.

and BTW, that's the attitude Obama wants you to have. He doesn't want you to fight back. He wants you to become discouraged, give up and not care who is in power.

That's a big mistake.

No, you are wrong. The parties want you to support them. They don't care which one of them wins, because they both win regardless of which man sits in the Oval Office.

Whether McCain won in '08 or Obama won we were bound to be screwed one way or another. As long as people continue to support these corrupt parties we are screwed.


Would McCain have brought Sheik Mohammed to New York and read him his Miranda rights?

Would McCan have had this healthcare attrocity (on which HE voted no)

You are dead wrong. McCain was far from perfect, but he would have been far better than Obama.

Look Neither Ford or Nixon were perfect presidents either. But compare their administrations to Carter. Nixon was corrupt as hell, but he didn't do a 10th of the damage to this country that Carter did, (and for which we are still paying in Iran).
We were originally talking about the OT, where Leviticus was concerned.

Do try to keep up.

No, we are talking about the BIBLE. Who needs to keep up? :lol:

YOU brought up the Bible by bringing up Jesus WHO ISN'T IN THE OT EITHER! :lol:

You can't narrow the focus of the debate just because you are losing, (and believe me, you aren't the first person who has tried that lame tactic WHEN losing) :lol:

No, you can bring up anything you want from that book.

Just remember to reference what conversation you are having. We were talking about homosexuality, and you used the book Leviticus for verification.

I asked what a Christian was doing with a book for Jewish priests?

You countered with something out of the NT and said it was Greek.

Like I said Teabagger Slow Am I, do try to keep up.

You asked something you hoped would work. It didn't.


When was the last time you ever read the the Gospels. Jesus taught right out of the Tanakh. When he taught in the Synagogue, they brought him the Tanakh and he read to the people out of it.

But we who follow Jesus shouldn't read the Jewish scriptures?

Pal you lost that one. Get over it.

You think you are the first person, I've ever carved into little bits intellectually or ended up very sorry they took me on. I warned you, you would be sorry.

The next time you come in a thread calling one of my friends names, you better think twice. I might be there, I and might decide to carve you up again.

I must say, it was thoroughly enjoyable.


I don't like men who are bullies and think they can bully women online or in person. I do something about it. I don't need to run to ops. I reduce them to the wimpering cowards they are all by myself.


It never works. Every time people have done this, they only elect the person, they least want.

This has been true since Abraham Lincoln and Roosevelt's Bull Moose party.

Any time you vote third party you simply split the vote and the other side wins.

John Anderson proved this. Ross Perot proves this. Ralph Nader proved this.

I could go on and on. It never works in the presidential election. It just gets the other guy elected.

I know those doing so think they are making a stand but in that they are sadly deluded. History does not lie and the history of the third party vote in presidential elections is only failure.

If that "stand" made any real difference we would have a viable third party by now. We don't, because it dosn't work.

Now, I expect you to get mad at me and rant about the Democrats and Republicans, but that isn't the point. It doesn't matter how much they suck, that doesn't change the history.

The only way that works is for one of the main parties to fall, and the last time that happened, the Whiggs fell, leading to the rise of the Republican party.

Not true.

As I said, neither McCain nor Obama were "wanted" by me. It mattered not which one won. One was going to win.

In fact, there wasn't a single candidate from either party throughout the entire campaign that I would have voted for. Both parties have lost my support. I really don't care which one wins any more.


Then don't complain when the death panels are true, because that's the attitude that will bring them about.

and BTW, that's the attitude Obama wants you to have. He doesn't want you to fight back. He wants you to become discouraged, give up and not care who is in power.

That's a big mistake.

Let me just put it this way: If it wasn't Obama's "death panels" then it would have been McCain's furtherance of the Patriot Act (and yes, I know Obama hasn't ended that despicable act). McCain would have made things worse in that area. So, whether or not it was McCain or Obama things were not going to improve in this nation.

So, why should I support McCain over Obama? Why should I support either one of them?

Then don't complain when the death panels are true, because that's the attitude that will bring them about.

and BTW, that's the attitude Obama wants you to have. He doesn't want you to fight back. He wants you to become discouraged, give up and not care who is in power.

That's a big mistake.

No, you are wrong. The parties want you to support them. They don't care which one of them wins, because they both win regardless of which man sits in the Oval Office.

Whether McCain won in '08 or Obama won we were bound to be screwed one way or another. As long as people continue to support these corrupt parties we are screwed.


Would McCain have brought Sheik Mohammed to New York and read him his Miranda rights?

Would McCan have had this healthcare attrocity (on which HE voted no)

You are dead wrong. McCain was far from perfect, but he would have been far better than Obama.

Look Neither Ford or Nixon were perfect presidents either. But compare their administrations to Carter. Nixon was corrupt as hell, but he didn't do a 10th of the damage to this country that Carter did, (and for which we are still paying in Iran).

No, McCain would have furthered the Patriot Act and Wiretapping, "for the good of America".

Don't ask me which would be worse the expansion of the Patriot Act or Obama's Health Care Reform. I simply don't know which would be worse.

Not true.

As I said, neither McCain nor Obama were "wanted" by me. It mattered not which one won. One was going to win.

In fact, there wasn't a single candidate from either party throughout the entire campaign that I would have voted for. Both parties have lost my support. I really don't care which one wins any more.


Then don't complain when the death panels are true, because that's the attitude that will bring them about.

and BTW, that's the attitude Obama wants you to have. He doesn't want you to fight back. He wants you to become discouraged, give up and not care who is in power.

That's a big mistake.

Let me just put it this way: If it wasn't Obama's "death panels" then it would have been McCain's furtherance of the Patriot Act (and yes, I know Obama hasn't ended that despicable act). McCain would have made things worse in that area. So, whether or not it was McCain or Obama things were not going to improve in this nation.

So, why should I support McCain over Obama? Why should I support either one of them?


A) That's a joke. McCain was going on about the Patriot Act and the need to get rid of Torture, blah blah blah. Increase the Patriot Act? LOL

B). Show me one right anyone lost from the Patriot Act? People went on and on about the Patriot Act, but I asked people for EIGHT YEARS to give me one right they lost, and they NEVER could answer that one. They would just claim there were anecdotals of this person or that person, which means, BS.

C) Obama's plan WILL TAKE AWAY YOUR RIGHTS. It will put all that in the hands of government and you won't be able to decide whether you live or die.

Don't believe me, take a look at Canada, England, Cuba, on and on. That's the model Obama is following, and if you don't believe that, look at the part of the bill that follows the Cuban model for what Doctors have to do after leaving medical school. Its all in the bill.

You are playing the "they all do it game." But they don't all do it. The Patriot Act was to make it easier so we would not have the road blocks in our way that kept us from preventing 9/11.

Obama care has no claim to our national interest. Or protecting this country. It's an ATTACK on this country.

There is no way to argue they are the same.

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