Libs going after patriotic nationalists again

You do realize that good Christian people ended slavery in America, right?
Including slaves, many of whom were good Christians themselves. That isn't a defense of slaver Founders who weren't good Christians.
Unless they have an engineering degree and 37 years experience in engineering they won't be replacing me. How about you?
I mean demographically which amounts to politically and socially. I don't give a shit about your job. :dunno: :laugh:
Including slaves, many of whom were good Christians themselves. That isn't a defense of slaver Founders who weren't good Christians.

I mean demographically which amounts to politically and socially. I don't give a shit about your job. :dunno: :laugh:
Just as long as you know that many good Christians ended slavery in America and no illegal aliens are going to be taking my job away, I'm good. Let's hope no illegal aliens are going to take your job away.
Just as long as you know that many good Christians ended slavery in America and no illegal aliens are going to be taking my job away, I'm good.
Many people in my family are good Christians, I dont have a problem with good Christians. I have amusement for frail whites who need to characterize slaver Founders as good Christians. :laugh:
Let's hope no illegal aliens are going to take your job away.
They can have it. Now that my wife got her dream job I've been teasingly trying to convince her to let me retire early and be a stay at home husband.
Many people in my family are good Christians, I dont have a problem with good Christians. I have amusement for frail whites who need to characterize slaver Founders as good Christians. :laugh:

They can have it. Now that my wife got her dream job I've been teasingly trying to convince her to let me retire early and be a stay at home husband.
Let's hope no illegal aliens will be taking her dream job.

Were there any good black slave owners or slave traders?
Let's hope no illegal aliens will be taking her dream job.
Unlikely. She was recruited to it by former colleagues and friends. You seem to worry a lot about illegals. I'm a first generation American (my parents immigrated here in 1980) and she immigrated here with both her parents as a child. We're of the mind that all immigrants should be allowed to come here under the same policy that our friends and my sister in law and her family were allowed to as Cubans which was, Wet Foot, Dry Foot. That basically meant any Cuban who touched foot on American soil gets to stay. That's how immigration here should work for everyone.
Were there any good black slave owners or slave traders?
There are instances of slaves gaining their freedom and purchasing their loved ones but for the most part all slavers, no matter their skin color, are trash. The only people who seem to have trouble admitting that are frail whites.
Unlikely. She was recruited to it by former colleagues and friends. You seem to worry a lot about illegals. I'm a first generation American (my parents immigrated here in 1980) and she immigrated here with both her parents as a child. We're of the mind that all immigrants should be allowed to come here under the same policy that our friends and my sister in law and her family were allowed to as Cubans which was, Wet Foot, Dry Foot. That basically meant any Cuban who touched foot on American soil gets to stay. That's how immigration here should work for everyone.

There are instances of slaves gaining their freedom and purchasing their loved ones but for the most part all slavers, no matter their skin color, are trash. The only people who seem to have trouble admitting that are frail whites.
Just commenting on YOUR comment in post #176 about immigrants taking away jobs.

You should start your slavery discussion with where it began which is in Africa. Were the people who sold their fellow countrymen good people?
Just commenting on YOUR comment in post #176 about immigrants taking away jobs.

You should start your slavery discussion with where it began which is in Africa. Were the people who sold their fellow countrymen good people?

You forget that Vikings and Khazars were big slavers.
Just commenting on YOUR comment in post #176 about immigrants taking away jobs.
Where in that post did I mention anything about jobs you illiterate fucktard? Do you see the word jobs in there because I don't. :dunno:

As I just clarified to you, I meant replace you demographically. White American children are already demographic minorities among their peers because the children of immigrants and illegal immigrants alike are American citizens when born here. Eventually that demographic shift will allow us to over take you politically. Now we already beat you in shear votes, you haven't won the popular vote since 2004 so you're already decidedly a political minority, we just have to make you a big enough one to overcome any advantages you get from the electoral college.
You should start your slavery discussion with where it began which is in Africa. Were the people who sold their fellow countrymen good people?
No. You keep asking that and you're going to get the same answer because unlike you fragile whites I have no interest in protecting the legacy of black slavers.
You mean like how the Democratic Party won't admit their racist and bigoted history in expanding and continuing slavery in America?
Who won't admit it? I'm a Democrat. I have no problem admitting that Democratic Confederates and Segregationists where shit people from a shit white southern culture. Pieces of human shit like Democratic Confederates Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest. Just absolute human trash from a trash culture. I'm so glad you agree. I'm also glad that their progeny clearly identity themselves by calling themselves the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy so we can know who those trash people are today. :laugh:
Where in that post did I mention anything about jobs you illiterate fucktard? Do you see the word jobs in there because I don't. :dunno:

As I just clarified to you, I meant replace you demographically. White American children are already demographic minorities among their peers because the children of immigrants and illegal immigrants alike are American citizens when born here. Eventually that demographic shift will allow us to over take you politically. Now we already beat you in shear votes, you haven't won the popular vote since 2004 so you're already decidedly a political minority, we just have to make you a big enough one to overcome any advantages you get from the electoral college.

No. You keep asking that and you're going to get the same answer because unlike you fragile whites I have no interest in protecting the legacy of black slavers.

Who won't admit it? I'm a Democrat. I have no problem admitting that Democratic Confederates and Segregationists where shit people from a shit white southern culture. Pieces of human shit like Democratic Confederates Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest. Just absolute human trash from a trash culture. I'm so glad you agree. I'm also glad that their progeny clearly identity themselves by calling themselves the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy do we can know who those trash people are today. :laugh:
Fucktard? You seem upset. Do you lose your cool that easily at your job?
Who won't admit it? I'm a Democrat. I have no problem admitting that Democratic Confederates and Segregationists where shit people from a shit white southern culture. Pieces of human shit like Democratic Confederates Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest. Just absolute human trash from a trash culture. I'm so glad you agree. I'm also glad that their progeny clearly identity themselves by calling themselves the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy do we can know who those trash people are today.
It's a little more than that. Maybe research it a bit and get back to me. It was 150 year history of slavery, racism, bigotry and segregation.
Upset? I enjoy every opportunity you morons give me to point and laugh and call you names. :laugh:
You seem upset. Do you lose your cool that easily at your job?
Do I seem that way to you over the internet? :laugh:
It's a little more than that. Maybe research it a bit and get back to me. It was 150 year history of slavery, racism, bigotry and segregation.
Sure. But that's just more evidence of what trash people white southerners were. Who's disagreeing with that? I'm not disagreeing that Robert E Lee was a piece of human shit, are you?
No illegal aliens are taking anyone's jobs.

We have at least 8 million jobs we need filled, and many of the undereducated jerks will not retrain.
Upset? I enjoy every opportunity you morons give me to point and laugh and call you names. :laugh:

Do I seem that way to you over the internet? :laugh:

Sure. But that's just more evidence of what trash people white southerners were. Who's disagreeing with that? I'm not disagreeing that Robert E Lee was a piece of human shit, are you?
I'm still trying to figure out what it is you believe I believe to get you this upset. Calm down, bro. It's all good.
I'm still trying to figure out what it is you believe I believe to get you this upset. Calm down, bro. It's all good.
I'm more than calm and I'm more than honest about what I believe because I'm proud of it. I'm proud to say that I think southern white confederate Democrats were trash people from a trash culture and that Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis were pieces of human shit. I don't say it that way in anger but as narrative to teach young Americans so they grow up with that perspective rather than the one where frail whites pretend the Confederacy was a heritage to be proud of. What do you stand for because I've only seen you try to admonish Democrats without actually naming any. To be clear you are saying Confederate Democrats like Robert E Lee were trash and their culture was trash? Yes?
I'm more than calm and I'm more than honest about what I believe because I'm proud of it. I'm proud to say that I think southern white confederate Democrats were trash people from a trash culture and that Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis were pieces of human shit. I don't say it that way in anger but as narrative to teach young Americans so they grow up with that perspective rather than the one where frail whites pretend the Confederacy was a heritage to be proud of. What do you stand for because I've only seen you try to admonish Democrats without actually naming any. To be clear you are saying Confederate Democrats like Robert E Lee were trash and their culture was trash? Yes?
You don't seem calm to me.

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