Liberals voice concerns about Obama

All Obama has to do to have enacted massive change is present well thought out policies and competantly administer them. That will be a 180 degree change from the last eight years.
what happened to all the brainwashed moonbats? :eek:

those hardcore lefties wouldn't be happy unless Obama socialized the entire country, threw Bush in jail and yanked our troops out of every country in the world and did away with guns and the military.

damn, guess he's not the socialist, marxist, terrorist lover you righties thought he was huh? :lol:

Quite the spin, as usual. The whole point to this article is there are rumblings in Moonbat Hall. This was too easy to predict but y'all drank the Kool Aid anyway.

When you find somewhere on this board that I said any of that pure-ass crap you posted, THEN you can toss it back my way. It's just the usual "lefty" crap trying to steal the offense. Defend your boy. HE's the one not living up to his promises, not me nor any "rigthies."
So now the people who were complaining that Obama was a marxist are complaining that he is too conservative.

The reason for dropping the windfall profits tax is that conditions have changed. A good leader adjusts to changing conditions.

Unlike George Bush who believes on Wednesday, what he believed on Monday, regardless of what happened on Tuesday.

Who are these "people?" Names, links, nimrod.

You mean George Bush who you leftwingtards have called a flip-fopper every time he changed his mind to adjust to changing conditions since someone dared make the mistake of categorizing Kerry's MO as such? :cuckoo:
Who are these "people?" Names, links, nimrod.

You mean George Bush who you leftwingtards have called a flip-fopper every time he changed his mind to adjust to changing conditions since someone dared make the mistake of categorizing Kerry's MO as such? :cuckoo:

Obama will make George look like an aomeba with half a brain. I'm just glad there is going to be somebody intelligent in the WH....
At what? Cons still have to deal with a liberal commie socialist pinko don't they? That Obama is who he has always been doesn't bother me anymore than nuts on both the left and right who thought he was something else.

And if you think you are getting a good laugh its nothing compared to what con rhetoric provided us during the campaign. Hell my sides still hurt and the election has been over for more than a month. Obama is a socialist terrorist loving Muslim who is not even a citizen!!!! Yeah right...

Need a little cheese with that whine?:lol:

Feel free to link to a thread where a conservative said Obama was anything of the sort. And I don't mean some rightwingnut screwball either. You don't see me quoting you or Chris as representative of the left, do you? I mean an actual conservative.
I just s-o-o-o love it when I'm right.:eusa_angel:

:) whereas he won the centrist votes and thus the election and is making picks that show he has a centrist vision.

I am happy. :)

(ps I love it when you're right, too.)
My post wasn't about the left.

And don't tell me Gunny's was. I know Gunny's was.

Yeah, you tried to deflect is what it's called. Never say die leftwingnuts ... when getting hammered, defelct off in another direction to something irrelevant.:lol:

Newsflash sport: I didn't write the article.
No, but the complaints about Obama come from all sides.

It is quite amusing really.

He won't even be president for another 43 days.

No shit. And the screwballs like you are already attacking your own guy. Here's a piece of advice from a conservative: wait until he fucks up to attack, huh?:lol:
All Obama has to do to have enacted massive change is present well thought out policies and competantly administer them. That will be a 180 degree change from the last eight years.

Sorry dude, but I'm invoking the Liberal Message Board Poster Bill Clinton rule: Bush was not elected President for a 3rd term. Obama was elected. Bush is irrelevant to this topic.
Obama will make George look like an aomeba with half a brain. I'm just glad there is going to be somebody intelligent in the WH....

No he won't. He'll play the same game they all play. He's not any more intelligent than Bush, AND Bush has NOTHING to do with this topic.
:) whereas he won the centrist votes and thus the election and is making picks that show he has a centrist vision.

I am happy. :)

(ps I love it when you're right, too.)

Wow. Someone actually addressed the topic. Hell, I can't remember what I'm supposed to do it's been so long ....:eusa_eh:

I really don't care where he falls on the spectrum. He's going to President and I can only hope he does the right thing since I'm stuck with him.

I actually agree with all of the shifts in policy he has made that are listed in the article. The stuff he sold the leftwingnuts was not realistic.
So now the people who were complaining that Obama was a marxist are complaining that he is too conservative.


The only people who ever called Obama a super liberal, muslim marxist were Cons and Bush fans.

Most Democrats I've seen on message boards said Obama was more of a centrist, in the mold of Bill Clinton.

The only people who ever called Obama a super liberal, muslim marxist were Cons and Bush fans.

Most Democrats I've seen on message boards said Obama was more of a centrist, in the mold of Bill Clinton.

Read the article. This has nothing to do with who is calling who what. There's no "exactly" unless a defelction is what you're after.

It's the LEFT ... the people that bought what he was selling doing the complaining.

The only people that called him a Muslim Marxist were YOUR counterparts on the right -- they play rightwingnut to your leftwingnut. But DO try again, huh?

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