Obama is a liberal - period!


Active Member
Nov 9, 2008
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Lately there have been stories in the media suggesting that Barack Obama has turned toward the center with his administration appointments. This is pure drivel. Obama was not rated as the most extreme liberal in the senate for nothing. Why anyone would think he has suddenly gone centrist better give their head a shake. First of all Obama's administration appointments are mostly hard core liberals (with a couple of exceptions). And his platform for "change" has hardly been watered down.

To fix the economy he has openly stated he will follow one of the biggest liberals in history - FDR. It was FDR who took a recession and extended it seven years into the Great Depression that only ended with a world war. Here's what Obama proposes to do:

He wants to reintroduce tariffs and trade restrictions to protect union jobs, which will penalize export and import industries.

He wants introduce union Card Check so unions can bully ununionized workers into accepting a union.

He wants to greatly expand the minimum wage, elevating it to a "Living Wage", which will cause many low wage jobs to be lost and many small businesses to go out of business.

He also wants to mandate seven paid sick days per year from every employer.

Obama has promised to thoroughly screw up the energy and related industries by subsidizing "green initiatives" where not so green companies have to compete against government picked favorites. This will lead to even more company shutdowns.

Obama is going to penalize companies with a carbon cap and trade system that will drive energy prices into the stratosphere and cause energy producing and energy intensive industries to fold.

He is also promising to take over the health care industry, which will drive many companies out of business and provide greatly inferior healthcare.

And he also wants to raise capital gains taxes and investor class income taxes and payroll taxes, which will clearly reduce investment, resulting in fewer startups and IPOs and resulting in established companies being unwilling to expand, but instead contract and lay workers off or just plain go out of business.

And on top of all this he wants to massively expand government spending, pushing the deficit up into the trillions of dollars.

And to make matters even worse he proposes to give numerous tax credits to people who don't pay taxes - the classic case of taking from the rich and giving to the poor. This will be nothing more than a welfare disguised as tax reform.

These VERY liberal policies are a recipe for economic disaster on the scale of the Great Depression. But he is not done yet:

He also wants to hamstring the auto industry with a mandated increase of fuel economy standards by 4% a year.

He has claimed that he will so restrict fossil fuel electric generation as to make it economically impossible to open new coal-fired power plants while at the same time mandating electric car production that will put enormous strain on an electrical grid that is already maxed out.

He refuses to allow expanded domestic exploration for oil and natural gas, while at the same time making the pie-in-the-sky promise of eliminating oil imports from the Middle East while penalizing "dirty oil" from the Alberta oil sands (America's largest supplier of oil).

He is willing to give up Iraq without getting an agreement from them to pay recompense for their liberation.

He wants to increase Social Security taxes.

He wants the government to manage 401k plans.

He wants to expand and strengthen ACORN.

He has no plan for tightening the borders and favors amnesty.

He favors reducing federal criminal sentencing guidelines.

He also supports tighter gun restrictions.

He also wants to reduce military spending when clearly the military has been depleted over the last few years and needs more money.

He is willing to grant foreign terrorists the same rights as American citizens.

He is also willing to meet with foreign despots and legitimize them as equivalent to leaders of our allied countries.

And he wants to stifle conservative talk radio by reinstituting the fairness doctrine disguised as what he calls "localization".


Obama is an extreme leftist. These appointments mean nothing. He intends to transform America into his image of far left liberalism. Sheesh! Obama would have to break almost every promise he has ever given to reach the middle - it ain't gonna happen.
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First of all, I keep reading how FDR was the cause of the depression or how he turned a recession into a depression. The fact is that unemployment was over 23% before FDR took office. That is not a recesson; it is a depression. After instituting his policies, unemployment was reduced, although not by a great deal. Whether or not he extended the depression is only a hypothesis as you cannot prove that an alternative action would have had better results.

As for our current situation, the choice seems to be between just sending Americans rebate checks or spending massive amounts on infrastructure. Without a doubt, spending on infrastructure is the logical thing to do as it will create real jobs that will put money directly into the economy.

As for healthcare; our system is a complete disaster, and getting worse. The argument for some form of universal healthcare should no longer be one of fairness but one of cost. We spend more than double what most industrialized countries pay when it comes to healthcare, but there is no real benefit. Our life expectancy is lower than most of those countries that pay half of what we do. And to top it off, we have a lower percentage of smokers in comparison to those same countries. So what gives? As health insurance spending has increased by double digits every single year since the late 90's, costs have doubled and will double again over the next five to ten years. Before long, only the wealthy will be able to afford healthcare, and they will be paying four times what they do now for it. It's time to get practical about what we can afford and what we cannot. Force everyone to pay a fair share through taxation; let the government administer payments, and keep hospitals and practices private. Allow for private insurance at an extra cost for those who want preferential treatment as they do in the UK.

Hmmm, he wants to raise taxes on Social Security? Imagine that? He actually wants to address the problem as Bush did also. Maybe this time, people will listen and force their representatives to actually address how SS and Medicare will be kept solvent over the next 75 years. Raising FICA rates is only one of the possibilities. No matter what the solution, nothing will be done until our elected representatives sit down and honestly begin working on a solution rather than telling us "everything will be fine; trust us" and ignoring it for another eight years.

I certainly don't agree with Obama on a lot of things, but so far, I can't argue with the plans he is laying out on the table. He won't get everything he wants, but there will be some positive changes, and maybe, just maybe, things are so bad now that the people we have elected will actually get serious about finding some long term solutions to the serious problems we face, rather than just giving us lip service.
Lately there have been stories in the media suggesting that Barack Obama has turned toward the center with his administration appointments. This is pure drivel. Obama was not rated as the most extreme liberal in the senate for nothing. Why anyone would think he has suddenly gone centrist better give their head a shake. First of all Obama's administration appointments are mostly hard core liberals (with a couple of exceptions). And his platform for "change" has hardly been watered down.

To fix the economy he has openly stated he will follow one of the biggest liberals in history - FDR. It was FDR who took a recession and extended it seven years into the Great Depression that only ended with a world war. Here's what Obama proposes to do:

He wants to reintroduce tariffs and trade restrictions to protect union jobs, which will penalize export and import industries.

I wish.

He wants introduce union Card Check so unions can bully ununionized workers into accepting a union.

Haven't paid much attention to this issue.

wants to greatly expand the minimum wage, elevating it to a "Living Wage", which will cause many low wage jobs to be lost and many small businesses to go out of business.

I haven't read anything about this. Can you point me in the direction of someplace where I can get up to speed on it?

He also wants to mandate seven paid sick days per year from every employer.

I haven't read anything about this. Can you point me in the direction of someplace where I can get up to speed on it?

Obama has promised to thoroughly screw up the energy and related industries by subsidizing "green initiatives" where not so green companies have to compete against government picked favorites. This will lead to even more company shutdowns.

He wants to develop clearner coal burning plants, if that's what you mean. And they should be cleaned up, too. Their mercury and CO2 emmissions are killing this planet and the waters in the East Coast.

Obama is going to penalize companies with a carbon cap and trade system that will drive energy prices into the stratosphere and cause energy producing and energy intensive industries to fold.

See above

He is also promising to take over the health care industry, which will drive many companies out of business and provide greatly inferior healthcare.

Take over? Pray tell show us the plan.

And he also wants to raise capital gains taxes and investor class income taxes and payroll taxes, which will clearly reduce investment, resulting in fewer startups and IPOs and resulting in established companies being unwilling to expand, but instead contract and lay workers off or just plain go out of business.

I believe he's recanted that position already.

And on top of all this he wants to massively expand government spending, pushing the deficit up into the trillions of dollars.

Yes, everybody who looks at the overall state of the illiquidity crises seems to have become a Keansian economist of late.

And to make matters even worse he proposes to give numerous tax credits to people who don't pay taxes - the classic case of taking from the rich and giving to the poor. This will be nothing more than a welfare disguised as tax reform.

Yes, that is exactly what it is...welfare for those with no money.

These VERY liberal policies are a recipe for economic disaster on the scale of the Great Depression. But he is not done yet:

Failure to do so is likely to turn this recession into a major depression according to the Keansians.

Hoover did nothing like you propose in 1929-33...how'd that work out?

He also wants to hamstring the auto industry with a mandated increase of fuel economy standards by 4% a year.

Great idea. My truck gets the same mileage that cars have gotten for the last two decades.

He has claimed that he will so restrict fossil fuel electric generation as to make it economically impossible to open new coal-fired power plants while at the same time mandating electric car production that will put enormous strain on an electrical grid that is already maxed out.

Yeah, agreed We need alternative forms of electro-generation

He refuses to allow expanded domestic exploration for oil and natural gas, while at the same time making the pie-in-the-sky promise of eliminating oil imports from the Middle East while penalizing "dirty oil" from the Alberta oil sands (America's largest supplier of oil).

He has? Show me the bill he signed doing that, please...oh yeah, that's right he's not in office yet, is he?

He is willing to give up Iraq without getting an agreement from them to pay recompense for their liberation.

You mean like Bush did?

He wants to increase Social Security taxes.

News to me. show me.

He wants the government to manage 401k plans.

News to me again...show me

He wants to expand and strengthen ACORN.

Show me

He has no plan for tightening the borders and favors amnesty.

You mean like Bush did?
He favors reducing federal criminal sentencing guidelines.

Good idea

He also supports tighter gun restrictions.

show me

He also wants to reduce military spending when clearly the military has been depleted over the last few years and needs more money.

Show me

He is willing to grant foreign terrorists the same rights as American citizens.


He is also willing to meet with foreign despots and legitimize them as equivalent to leaders of our allied countries.

And he wants to stifle conservative talk radio by reinstituting the fairness doctrine disguised as what he calls "localization".

I don't like the fairness doctrine. Has Obama come out in favor of it? News to me.

Obama is an extreme leftist. These appointments mean nothing. He intends to transform America into his image of far left liberalism. Sheesh! Obama would have to break almost every promise he has ever given to reach the middle - it ain't gonna happen.

And extreme leftist would start shooting thousands and thousands of Americans.

I think they're safe.
Damn, these people don't even care what they say... it needs no basis in fact.... it can be twisted and distorted....

but they'll keep spewing anyway.

It's so cute.
Ol' Gordo is afraid that Obama will succeed in cleaning up a couple of the messes that Bush and the Republicans have left. The thought of how the American People might react to well thought out policies implemented with a degree of competancy contrasted to the last eight years is a frightening prospect to many of the Bushbots.
Oh yes. Obama is a Liberal. Hurray!!!!!! So am I, and I hope to see a real health care system, a sane foreign policy, and a domestic policy that emphasizes a wealth distribution that gives working Americans a fair share of the products of their labor.
First of all, I keep reading how FDR was the cause of the depression or how he turned a recession into a depression. The fact is that unemployment was over 23% before FDR took office. That is not a recesson; it is a depression. After instituting his policies, unemployment was reduced, although not by a great deal. Whether or not he extended the depression is only a hypothesis as you cannot prove that an alternative action would have had better results.
FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate / UCLA Newsroom
I wish.

Haven't paid much attention to this issue.


I haven't read anything about this. Can you point me in the direction of someplace where I can get up to speed on it?

I haven't read anything about this. Can you point me in the direction of someplace where I can get up to speed on it?

He wants to develop clearner coal burning plants, if that's what you mean. And they should be cleaned up, too. Their mercury and CO2 emmissions are killing this planet and the waters in the East Coast.

See above

Take over? Pray tell show us the plan.

I believe he's recanted that position already.

Yes, everybody who looks at the overall state of the illiquidity crises seems to have become a Keansian economist of late.

Yes, that is exactly what it is...welfare for those with no money.

Failure to do so is likely to turn this recession into a major depression according to the Keansians.

Hoover did nothing like you propose in 1929-33...how'd that work out?

Great idea. My truck gets the same mileage that cars have gotten for the last two decades.

Yeah, agreed We need alternative forms of electro-generation

He has? Show me the bill he signed doing that, please...oh yeah, that's right he's not in office yet, is he?

You mean like Bush did?

News to me. show me.

News to me again...show me

Show me

You mean like Bush did?

Good idea

show me

Show me



I don't like the fairness doctrine. Has Obama come out in favor of it? News to me.

And extreme leftist would start shooting thousands and thousands of Americans.

I think they're safe.
Seems like you are quite uninformed. That is your problem not mine. If there is something on this list you wish to know more about try a search engine. Pick a couple of key words out of the point you wish to learn about and do a search. It is really quite easy. Good luck...
Damn, these people don't even care what they say... it needs no basis in fact.... it can be twisted and distorted....

but they'll keep spewing anyway.

It's so cute.
A liberal displays her awesome debating skills...
Ol' Gordo is afraid that Obama will succeed in cleaning up a couple of the messes that Bush and the Republicans have left. The thought of how the American People might react to well thought out policies implemented with a degree of competancy contrasted to the last eight years is a frightening prospect to many of the Bushbots.
Oh yes. Obama is a Liberal. Hurray!!!!!! So am I, and I hope to see a real health care system, a sane foreign policy, and a domestic policy that emphasizes a wealth distribution that gives working Americans a fair share of the products of their labor.
Utopian dreams have a way of destroying countries. Me? I would just be happy to get the economy back to where it was a year ago. That would be a big enough job in itself. But Barack Obama has no clue what he is doing. He is like a child with toys three age-groups above him. He thinks he can operate them, but instead he will just wreck them...
Unfettered capitalism isn't so great either.

We need the left as well as the right.
Unfettered capitalism isn't so great either.

We need the left as well as the right.
What unfettered capitalism? :confused: There are literally millions and millions of regulations and layer upon layer of municiple, state and federal regulating authorities along with industry watchdog groups and independent watchdog groups.
"Obama is a liberal"

The good news for planet earth is this demonstrates the level of intelligence of far too many republicans. As long as they stick to birth certificates, ACORN, Ayers, Wright, andshit like that only designed for the lobotomized, no one has to worry about them ever regaining power.

This comes from the same dummies who thought Bill Clinton was a liberal .. the guy who craeted the republican wing of the Democratic Party.

The Republican Party appeals to the stupid.
"Obama is a liberal"

The good news for planet earth is this demonstrates the level of intelligence of far too many republicans. As long as they stick to birth certificates, ACORN, Ayers, Wright, andshit like that only designed for the lobotomized, no one has to worry about them ever regaining power.

This comes from the same dummies who thought Bill Clinton was a liberal .. the guy who craeted the republican wing of the Democratic Party.

The Republican Party appeals to the stupid.

What's up BAC? Long time no talk. I came here to say, "damn right Obama's a liberal".

My only fear is that for the next 4 years, we'll have to negotiate with the cons to get their votes.

For example, will they fight us on fixing NAFTA?

Will Obama make Bush's tax breaks permenant?

Will Obama actually take away tax breaks to the rich? Last I heard, he won't take them away, but he will let them expire.

The rich still control/own Big Business. Whether they control the government or not, they still have a lot of power. So I think Obama, and the Democratic Congress, is going to have to FORCE the people's will upon Corporate America. But we know there will be give and take, and I don't think I'll like a lot of the GIVE that will occur. For example, Bill Clinton gave in to the GOP on a lot of things. Welfare, Deregulations & NAFTA are 3 good examples.

Remember Obama went along with giving the Phone companies immunity? I don't think he did that because they bought him. I think that was a calculated political decision.

But now he, and the Democrats, have no excuses. They are in power. They better not seem weak. No reason to be weak after January 20.

Hey, I found this on Thom Hartmann. I view what is going on right now as a total assault on the middle class.

There is nothing "normal" about a nation having a middle class.

What's "normal" in a "free and unfettered" economy is the rapid evolution of a small but fabulously wealthy ownership class, and a large but poor working class. If a nation wants a middle class, it must define it, desire it, and work to both create and keep it.
This is because a middle class is the creation of government participation (conservatives call it "interference") in the marketplace, by determining the rules of the game of business and of taxation, and by providing free public education to all.
As Jefferson realized, with no government "interference" by setting the rules of the game of business and fair taxation, there will be no middle class.
Conservatives believe what business does is business's business, and government should keep its nose out of it.
As the Wall Street Journal noted in 1997, Alan Greenspan sees one of his main jobs as being to maintain a high enough level of "worker insecurity" that employees won't demand pay raises and benefits increases, thus provoking "wage inflation." ("CEO inflation" is fine)
Thomas Jefferson -- if the government doesn't actively participate in regulating how the game of business is played, the middle class would vanish.
But as president, Reagan cut the top tax rate for billionaires from 70 percent to 28 percent, while effectively raising taxes on working people via the payroll tax and using inflation against a non-indexed tax system. It was another hit to the already-beginning-to-shrink middle class, to be followed by more "tax cut" bludgeons during the first three years of the W. Bush administration.
Conservative radio and TV assure us that it is good for American workers to go along with the Wal-Martization of America, accept lower pay and few benefits, and fear for their health, so multinational corporations can "level the playing field" for labor.
Abandon WTO/GATT and NAFTA; restore progressive taxation (including on dividend income); force corporations to pay their fair share; and go back to selective tariffs to protect domestic industries and stop offshoring to explicitly bring home the ability for us to make our own clothes, furniture, autos, and electronics, the conservatives will have won and the middle class -- and, thus, democracy -- will lose.
The middle class is not a "normal" thing: it's just the core that holds together democracy and an
ThomHartmann.com - Scrooge & Marley, Inc. - The True Conservative Agenda
What's up BAC? Long time no talk. I came here to say, "damn right Obama's a liberal".

My only fear is that for the next 4 years, we'll have to negotiate with the cons to get their votes.

For example, will they fight us on fixing NAFTA?

Will Obama make Bush's tax breaks permenant?

Will Obama actually take away tax breaks to the rich? Last I heard, he won't take them away, but he will let them expire.

The rich still control/own Big Business. Whether they control the government or not, they still have a lot of power. So I think Obama, and the Democratic Congress, is going to have to FORCE the people's will upon Corporate America. But we know there will be give and take, and I don't think I'll like a lot of the GIVE that will occur. For example, Bill Clinton gave in to the GOP on a lot of things. Welfare, Deregulations & NAFTA are 3 good examples.

Remember Obama went along with giving the Phone companies immunity? I don't think he did that because they bought him. I think that was a calculated political decision.

But now he, and the Democrats, have no excuses. They are in power. They better not seem weak. No reason to be weak after January 20.

Hey, I found this on Thom Hartmann. I view what is going on right now as a total assault on the middle class.

There is nothing "normal" about a nation having a middle class.

What's "normal" in a "free and unfettered" economy is the rapid evolution of a small but fabulously wealthy ownership class, and a large but poor working class. If a nation wants a middle class, it must define it, desire it, and work to both create and keep it.
This is because a middle class is the creation of government participation (conservatives call it "interference") in the marketplace, by determining the rules of the game of business and of taxation, and by providing free public education to all.
As Jefferson realized, with no government "interference" by setting the rules of the game of business and fair taxation, there will be no middle class.
Conservatives believe what business does is business's business, and government should keep its nose out of it.
As the Wall Street Journal noted in 1997, Alan Greenspan sees one of his main jobs as being to maintain a high enough level of "worker insecurity" that employees won't demand pay raises and benefits increases, thus provoking "wage inflation." ("CEO inflation" is fine)
Thomas Jefferson -- if the government doesn't actively participate in regulating how the game of business is played, the middle class would vanish.
But as president, Reagan cut the top tax rate for billionaires from 70 percent to 28 percent, while effectively raising taxes on working people via the payroll tax and using inflation against a non-indexed tax system. It was another hit to the already-beginning-to-shrink middle class, to be followed by more "tax cut" bludgeons during the first three years of the W. Bush administration.
Conservative radio and TV assure us that it is good for American workers to go along with the Wal-Martization of America, accept lower pay and few benefits, and fear for their health, so multinational corporations can "level the playing field" for labor.
Abandon WTO/GATT and NAFTA; restore progressive taxation (including on dividend income); force corporations to pay their fair share; and go back to selective tariffs to protect domestic industries and stop offshoring to explicitly bring home the ability for us to make our own clothes, furniture, autos, and electronics, the conservatives will have won and the middle class -- and, thus, democracy -- will lose.
The middle class is not a "normal" thing: it's just the core that holds together democracy and an
ThomHartmann.com - Scrooge & Marley, Inc. - The True Conservative Agenda
Marxism on display... :cuckoo:
Once he is innaugerated and has a chance to accomplish some programs that aren't filibustered by the right, we can decide if he is a liberal or not.

If things go right, he will pull his liberalism out and try an unscrew this mess the neo conservatives put US in.

If this current economy and double wars are what we get from conservatives, then hot dam, let's definately get on the liberal band wagon.
Once he is innaugerated and has a chance to accomplish some programs that aren't filibustered by the right, we can decide if he is a liberal or not.

If things go right, he will pull his liberalism out and try an unscrew this mess the neo conservatives put US in.

If this current economy and double wars are what we get from conservatives, then hot dam, let's definately get on the liberal band wagon.
We already know he is a radical liberal. Hopefully this credit crisis will push him rightward, but he will govern from the left come hell or high water. The only question is how far left.

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