Lately there have been stories in the media suggesting that Barack Obama has turned toward the center with his administration appointments. This is pure drivel. Obama was not rated as the most extreme liberal in the senate for nothing. Why anyone would think he has suddenly gone centrist better give their head a shake. First of all Obama's administration appointments are mostly hard core liberals (with a couple of exceptions). And his platform for "change" has hardly been watered down.
To fix the economy he has openly stated he will follow one of the biggest liberals in history - FDR. It was FDR who took a recession and extended it seven years into the Great Depression that only ended with a world war. Here's what Obama proposes to do:
He wants to reintroduce tariffs and trade restrictions to protect union jobs, which will penalize export and import industries.
He wants introduce union Card Check so unions can bully ununionized workers into accepting a union.
He wants to greatly expand the minimum wage, elevating it to a "Living Wage", which will cause many low wage jobs to be lost and many small businesses to go out of business.
He also wants to mandate seven paid sick days per year from every employer.
Obama has promised to thoroughly screw up the energy and related industries by subsidizing "green initiatives" where not so green companies have to compete against government picked favorites. This will lead to even more company shutdowns.
Obama is going to penalize companies with a carbon cap and trade system that will drive energy prices into the stratosphere and cause energy producing and energy intensive industries to fold.
He is also promising to take over the health care industry, which will drive many companies out of business and provide greatly inferior healthcare.
And he also wants to raise capital gains taxes and investor class income taxes and payroll taxes, which will clearly reduce investment, resulting in fewer startups and IPOs and resulting in established companies being unwilling to expand, but instead contract and lay workers off or just plain go out of business.
And on top of all this he wants to massively expand government spending, pushing the deficit up into the trillions of dollars.
And to make matters even worse he proposes to give numerous tax credits to people who don't pay taxes - the classic case of taking from the rich and giving to the poor. This will be nothing more than a welfare disguised as tax reform.
These VERY liberal policies are a recipe for economic disaster on the scale of the Great Depression. But he is not done yet:
He also wants to hamstring the auto industry with a mandated increase of fuel economy standards by 4% a year.
He has claimed that he will so restrict fossil fuel electric generation as to make it economically impossible to open new coal-fired power plants while at the same time mandating electric car production that will put enormous strain on an electrical grid that is already maxed out.
He refuses to allow expanded domestic exploration for oil and natural gas, while at the same time making the pie-in-the-sky promise of eliminating oil imports from the Middle East while penalizing "dirty oil" from the Alberta oil sands (America's largest supplier of oil).
He is willing to give up Iraq without getting an agreement from them to pay recompense for their liberation.
He wants to increase Social Security taxes.
He wants the government to manage 401k plans.
He wants to expand and strengthen ACORN.
He has no plan for tightening the borders and favors amnesty.
He favors reducing federal criminal sentencing guidelines.
He also supports tighter gun restrictions.
He also wants to reduce military spending when clearly the military has been depleted over the last few years and needs more money.
He is willing to grant foreign terrorists the same rights as American citizens.
He is also willing to meet with foreign despots and legitimize them as equivalent to leaders of our allied countries.
And he wants to stifle conservative talk radio by reinstituting the fairness doctrine disguised as what he calls "localization".
Obama is an extreme leftist. These appointments mean nothing. He intends to transform America into his image of far left liberalism. Sheesh! Obama would have to break almost every promise he has ever given to reach the middle - it ain't gonna happen.
To fix the economy he has openly stated he will follow one of the biggest liberals in history - FDR. It was FDR who took a recession and extended it seven years into the Great Depression that only ended with a world war. Here's what Obama proposes to do:
He wants to reintroduce tariffs and trade restrictions to protect union jobs, which will penalize export and import industries.
He wants introduce union Card Check so unions can bully ununionized workers into accepting a union.
He wants to greatly expand the minimum wage, elevating it to a "Living Wage", which will cause many low wage jobs to be lost and many small businesses to go out of business.
He also wants to mandate seven paid sick days per year from every employer.
Obama has promised to thoroughly screw up the energy and related industries by subsidizing "green initiatives" where not so green companies have to compete against government picked favorites. This will lead to even more company shutdowns.
Obama is going to penalize companies with a carbon cap and trade system that will drive energy prices into the stratosphere and cause energy producing and energy intensive industries to fold.
He is also promising to take over the health care industry, which will drive many companies out of business and provide greatly inferior healthcare.
And he also wants to raise capital gains taxes and investor class income taxes and payroll taxes, which will clearly reduce investment, resulting in fewer startups and IPOs and resulting in established companies being unwilling to expand, but instead contract and lay workers off or just plain go out of business.
And on top of all this he wants to massively expand government spending, pushing the deficit up into the trillions of dollars.
And to make matters even worse he proposes to give numerous tax credits to people who don't pay taxes - the classic case of taking from the rich and giving to the poor. This will be nothing more than a welfare disguised as tax reform.
These VERY liberal policies are a recipe for economic disaster on the scale of the Great Depression. But he is not done yet:
He also wants to hamstring the auto industry with a mandated increase of fuel economy standards by 4% a year.
He has claimed that he will so restrict fossil fuel electric generation as to make it economically impossible to open new coal-fired power plants while at the same time mandating electric car production that will put enormous strain on an electrical grid that is already maxed out.
He refuses to allow expanded domestic exploration for oil and natural gas, while at the same time making the pie-in-the-sky promise of eliminating oil imports from the Middle East while penalizing "dirty oil" from the Alberta oil sands (America's largest supplier of oil).
He is willing to give up Iraq without getting an agreement from them to pay recompense for their liberation.
He wants to increase Social Security taxes.
He wants the government to manage 401k plans.
He wants to expand and strengthen ACORN.
He has no plan for tightening the borders and favors amnesty.
He favors reducing federal criminal sentencing guidelines.
He also supports tighter gun restrictions.
He also wants to reduce military spending when clearly the military has been depleted over the last few years and needs more money.
He is willing to grant foreign terrorists the same rights as American citizens.
He is also willing to meet with foreign despots and legitimize them as equivalent to leaders of our allied countries.
And he wants to stifle conservative talk radio by reinstituting the fairness doctrine disguised as what he calls "localization".
Obama is an extreme leftist. These appointments mean nothing. He intends to transform America into his image of far left liberalism. Sheesh! Obama would have to break almost every promise he has ever given to reach the middle - it ain't gonna happen.
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