Liberals: Stop Ruining It For Minorities!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.So many old saying have survived because they are true. Thomas Paine ... What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly

And this one, not that old: “Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg

2. And the subject of a WSJ article:

“Scrapping the SAT Won’t Help Black and Latino Students
Low-income minorities have more to lose than gain from the woke war on standardized testing.
Opinion | Scrapping the SAT Won’t Help Black and Latino Students

In the overwhelming desire for power, attained via the votes of these two minority blocks, Democrats/Liberals constantly lie about racial bias in America. Not only is it non-existent, or, at most, a rounding error, but the real ‘bias’ is always in FAVOR of minority candidates and applicants.

African-American students with scores of 1100 had the same chance of getting into an elite school as white students who had a score of 1410…but Asian-Americans needed a 1550 SATscore.
Is there a bias against college applications from Asian students

3. “It’s true that blacks and Hispanics on average score below whites and Asians on the SAT, but to claim the test is discriminatory is to ignore a host of other factors that are far more likely culprits. We know that study habits, as well as time spent reading books versus watching television, vary significantly among different racial and ethnic groups. We also know that black and Hispanic youths are far more likely to attend chronically failing elementary and secondary schools. Might any of this offer a more plausible explanation for the racial and ethnic disparities in SAT scores?

Even before entering school, some kids are already far ahead of others through no fault of their own. A landmark study by Betty Hart and Todd Risley of the University of Kansas found that the children of professional parents hear about 2,100 words an hour on average, which is nearly double the number of words heard by the children of working-class parents and more than three times the number heard by children of families on welfare. By the time a dentist’s child enters kindergarten, she’s heard an estimated 30 million more words than a poor child has.

Given these vast differences in upbringings, habits, attitudes and priorities across various groups, why would we expect to see anything approaching racial or ethnic parity in SAT scores? “ WSJ, Op. Cit.

What benefit is there to minority students who will not be able to perform up to the level they’ve been awarded…..???
Board chairman John A. Pérez said the vote would “create urgency to creating better, equitable outcomes in our admission process.” UC President Janet Napolitano said the SAT and ACT are out of step with the needs of California. “Generally the right test is better than no test,” she said during the debate. “But a flawed test should not continue to be required.”

Regent Jonathan “Jay” Sures said the SAT is “a racist test, no two ways about it.” But he urged the university to take a slower approach, gathering data from a test-optional experiment, before making a final decision. The board voted down that idea.

The College Board, which owns the SAT, has larger market share in California than ACT and has long viewed UC as a partner. Thursday’s action was a sharp rebuke to a nonprofit testing organization that says it is dedicated to promoting college access.
“Regardless of what happens with such policies, our mission remains the same: to give all students, and especially low-income and first-generation students, opportunities to show their strength,” the College Board said in a statement after the vote. “We must also address the disparities in coursework and classrooms that the evidence shows most drive inequity in California.”
Marten Roorda, chief executive of the ACT testing organization, called UC’s plan “irresponsible.” Roorda, in a telephone interview, said he is “not too worried” about the growing number of colleges that have chosen to go test-optional because he believes many students will continue to take the tests and send scores. But he criticized the test-blind proposal, saying it would force admission officers to give more weight to application essays and extracurricular activities.

What benefit is there to minority students who will not be able to perform up to the level they’ve been awarded…..???

Level they are awarded? How is taking a knowledge test placing anyone but where they need to be academically?
I really loathe people who write trying to use dog whistles in the article, "woke war".

African-American students with scores of 1100 had the same chance of getting into an elite school as white students who had a score of 1410…but Asian-Americans needed a 1550 SATscore.
Is there a bias against college applications from Asian students

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What benefit is there to minority students who will not be able to perform up to the level they’ve been awarded…..???

What benefit is there to minority students who ARE able to perform up to the level they've been awarded?

That's the biggest question.

A minority graduate comes out of school, say in the field of Proctology.

A prospective patient sees him for some work he needs done in that region.

How does the patient know whether this minority proctologist knows his profession or if he was just awarded the position on the basis of Affirmative Action, and in truth , doesn't know your ass from a hole in the ground?
I feel sooooo sorry for many liberals.

When (not "if") this country becomes the kind of country that they are screaming for, those liberals -- or at least their children -- will discover how wrong they had been to advocate for certain policies.

Hell, as the saying goes, is discovering the truth too late!
What benefit is there to minority students who will not be able to perform up to the level they’ve been awarded…..???

What benefit is there to minority students who ARE able to perform up to the level they've been awarded?

That's the biggest question.

A minority graduate comes out of school, say in the field of Proctology.

A prospective patient sees him for some work he needs done in that region.

How does the patient know whether this minority proctologist knows his profession or if he was just awarded the position on the basis of Affirmative Action, and in truth , doesn't know your ass from a hole in the ground?

An excellent point.

I know of one such minority who deserved every advance you attained.

I wonder if she had to feel that undeserved 'affirmative action' slur.
I feel sooooo sorry for many liberals.

When (not "if") this country becomes the kind of country that they are screaming for, those liberals -- or at least their children -- will discover how wrong they had been to advocate for certain policies.

Hell, as the saying goes, is discovering the truth too late!

It appears you are my sort of pessimist.
I feel sooooo sorry for many liberals.

When (not "if") this country becomes the kind of country that they are screaming for, those liberals -- or at least their children -- will discover how wrong they had been to advocate for certain policies.

Hell, as the saying goes, is discovering the truth too late!

It appears you are my sort of pessimist.

You totally underestimate the ability of teenagers and young adults to catch up (or even surpass) other students if they are simply given a fighting chance. And, BTW, standardized testing in general does not predict college success. Feel free to look that up!
I feel sooooo sorry for many liberals.

When (not "if") this country becomes the kind of country that they are screaming for, those liberals -- or at least their children -- will discover how wrong they had been to advocate for certain policies.

Hell, as the saying goes, is discovering the truth too late!

It appears you are my sort of pessimist.

You totally underestimate the ability of teenagers and young adults to catch up (or even surpass) other students if they are simply given a fighting chance. And, BTW, standardized testing in general does not predict college success. Feel free to look that up!
An education can come to anyone willing to put in the time to learn. There are zero barriers to learning because the information is freely available. Yet there are human behavioral barriers which can defeat an education.
In life I found that all my education led me to know one thing, you can either earn money for someone else by being an employee, or earn it for yourself by being self employed or running your own business..
To some degree, it is unfair to some students who have personal and environmental disadvantages. Especially in suburbs and inner cities. I personally didn't have to take an SAT test. But if I had to, I am sure I would have been in a disadvantage. But that's just my personal reason.
I feel sooooo sorry for many liberals.

When (not "if") this country becomes the kind of country that they are screaming for, those liberals -- or at least their children -- will discover how wrong they had been to advocate for certain policies.

Hell, as the saying goes, is discovering the truth too late!

It appears you are my sort of pessimist.

You totally underestimate the ability of teenagers and young adults to catch up (or even surpass) other students if they are simply given a fighting chance. And, BTW, standardized testing in general does not predict college success. Feel free to look that up!

You couldn't be more wrong if your goal was to be more wrong.

“The SAT is designed to do one thing—assess high school students for college readiness—and there is wide agreement that it does this fairly well, regardless of the test-taker’s race. If the test was in fact biased against blacks or any other demographic group, it wouldn’t predict freshman outcomes—grades, completion rates, etc.—as consistently as studies going back decades have shown it does.

… questions that depend on exposure to a culture of white privilege are rare, not typical. And they haven’t proven to be much of a drag on the scores of other nonwhite groups, such as the low-income Asians who outscore middle-class blacks. Moreover, the largest black-white differences aren’t on the culturally loaded items but on abstract questions that test spatial skills and the like. In short, a lack of familiarity with sailing terminology isn’t what’s depressing black test scores."
WSJ, Op. Cit.

You are exactly the sort of dim-wit this thread was aimed at.

Glad you found follow the bread crumbs back home.
To some degree, it is unfair to some students who have personal and environmental disadvantages. Especially in suburbs and inner cities. I personally didn't have to take an SAT test. But if I had to, I am sure I would have been in a disadvantage. But that's just my personal reason.

I'm an immigrant.
My folks came here with nothing, and barely spoke the language.

They made certain my sister and I worked hard at an education.

Both of us are Ivy League grads, ......sadly, my sister is on the Liberal side.

There are six Ivy League grads in my extended family.

Thankfully, we didn't have Liberals 'helping' us.
The answer for problems, for Liberals, is to deny the problem.

In order to deal with black and Hispanic thugs and criminals, in public school, Obama's 'Promise Program' threatened to charge schools with racism if they didn't ignore the problem.

And the same with the SAT lack of performance.

…the children of professional parents hear about 2,100 words an hour on average, which is nearly double the number of words heard by the children of working-class parents and more than three times the number heard by children of families on welfare.

4. Both Liberal welfare policies and Liberal propaganda ('the legacy of slavery) have persuaded large segments of the black population that they need not take the steps that lead out of poverty......rather, they cannot....and only big government programs will save them.

Here is the amazing consequence of half a century of indoctrination:

The report states: “White adults spend 36 percent more time than black adults reading to young children, and three times more time talking with and listening to them. Other analyses find that black mothers are about two-thirds as likely as white mothers to read to toddlers daily.”

Later, the report offers this striking factoid: “By age 6, white children have typically spent 1,300 more hours engaged in conversations with adults than black children.”

Overall, white homes had 2.5 times as many books as black homes. But the most surprising finding is that the top quintile of black homes reported having fewer books (69) than the bottom quintile of white homes (71).
Report: Negligent Parenting Hurts Black Students' Performance

"When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes. Erasmus

The problem isn't the SAT.
“The University of California system’s decision to scrap the SAT requirement is of a piece with a renewed effort to reverse the state’s current ban on race-based college admissions. In both cases, more racial balancing on campus is the goal, and objective admission standards stand in the way. But we know from more than four decades of affirmative-action policies that admitting students to schools where they are underprepared to handle the work leads to less college completion than we’d otherwise see. And California ought to know this better than most states; after it moved to a system of race-blind admissions in 1996, college graduation rates for black and Hispanic students increased dramatically.

We’d all like to see low-income minorities reach academic parity with whites and Asians, but lagging groups will have to get there from where they currently are, and getting rid of the SAT will only obscure where they are, not change the discomfiting reality.” Opinion | Scrapping the SAT Won’t Help Black and Latino Students

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