Liberals On Abortion

Yes, I understand assault is a serious charge. But it's not a murder charge.

Which is fair, since nothing was murdered... Fetuses aren't people. A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.

For centuries there never were birth certificates.

How about now?

The modern creation of a birth certificate is what determines a person? I have to imagine in some parts of the world they still don't exist. Those entities aren't a person?
Yes, I understand assault is a serious charge. But it's not a murder charge.

Which is fair, since nothing was murdered... Fetuses aren't people. A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.

For centuries there never were birth certificates.

How about now?

The modern creation of a birth certificate is what determines a person? I have to imagine in some parts of the world they still don't exist. Those entities aren't a person?

You brought it up.

So those who will be getting birth certificates shouldn't be aborted, eh?

Put your hoof in your mouth, huh?
Yes, I understand assault is a serious charge. But it's not a murder charge.

Which is fair, since nothing was murdered... Fetuses aren't people. A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.

For centuries there never were birth certificates.

How about now?

The modern creation of a birth certificate is what determines a person? I have to imagine in some parts of the world they still don't exist. Those entities aren't a person?

You brought it up.

So those who will be getting birth certificates shouldn't be aborted, eh?

Put your hoof in your mouth, huh?

No, I replied to someone else bringing it up. A birth certificate is not what determines a person or we would have the right to ignore the personhood of potentially millions of people even today.
Yes, I understand assault is a serious charge. But it's not a murder charge.

Which is fair, since nothing was murdered... Fetuses aren't people. A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.

For centuries there never were birth certificates.

How about now?

The modern creation of a birth certificate is what determines a person? I have to imagine in some parts of the world they still don't exist. Those entities aren't a person?

You brought it up.

So those who will be getting birth certificates shouldn't be aborted, eh?

Put your hoof in your mouth, huh?

No, I replied to someone else bringing it up. A birth certificate is not what determines a person or we would have the right to ignore the personhood of potentially millions of people even today.

A lot of tap-dancing there.

A new vocation?
Yes, I understand assault is a serious charge. But it's not a murder charge.

Which is fair, since nothing was murdered... Fetuses aren't people. A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.

For centuries there never were birth certificates.

How about now?

The modern creation of a birth certificate is what determines a person? I have to imagine in some parts of the world they still don't exist. Those entities aren't a person?

You brought it up.

So those who will be getting birth certificates shouldn't be aborted, eh?

Put your hoof in your mouth, huh?

No, I replied to someone else bringing it up. A birth certificate is not what determines a person or we would have the right to ignore the personhood of potentially millions of people even today.

A lot of tap-dancing there.

A new vocation?

I don't know how I could be any clearer. A piece of paper has nothing to do with it.
Yes, I understand assault is a serious charge. But it's not a murder charge.

Which is fair, since nothing was murdered... Fetuses aren't people. A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.

For centuries there never were birth certificates.

How about now?

The modern creation of a birth certificate is what determines a person? I have to imagine in some parts of the world they still don't exist. Those entities aren't a person?

You brought it up.

So those who will be getting birth certificates shouldn't be aborted, eh?

Put your hoof in your mouth, huh?

No, I replied to someone else bringing it up. A birth certificate is not what determines a person or we would have the right to ignore the personhood of potentially millions of people even today.

A lot of tap-dancing there.

A new vocation?

I don't know how I could be any clearer. A piece of paper has nothing to do with it.

Someone wrote: A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.
You wrote: For centuries there never were birth certificates.

Seems pretty clear.

Keep digging.
Yes, I understand assault is a serious charge. But it's not a murder charge.

Which is fair, since nothing was murdered... Fetuses aren't people. A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.

For centuries there never were birth certificates.

How about now?

The modern creation of a birth certificate is what determines a person? I have to imagine in some parts of the world they still don't exist. Those entities aren't a person?

You brought it up.

So those who will be getting birth certificates shouldn't be aborted, eh?

Put your hoof in your mouth, huh?

No, I replied to someone else bringing it up. A birth certificate is not what determines a person or we would have the right to ignore the personhood of potentially millions of people even today.

A lot of tap-dancing there.

A new vocation?

I don't know how I could be any clearer. A piece of paper has nothing to do with it.

Someone wrote: A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.
You wrote: For centuries there never were birth certificates.

Seems pretty clear.

Keep digging.

I was clear. I have no idea how something so simple went over your head.
Yes, I understand assault is a serious charge. But it's not a murder charge.

Which is fair, since nothing was murdered... Fetuses aren't people. A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.

For centuries there never were birth certificates.

How about now?

The modern creation of a birth certificate is what determines a person? I have to imagine in some parts of the world they still don't exist. Those entities aren't a person?

You brought it up.

So those who will be getting birth certificates shouldn't be aborted, eh?

Put your hoof in your mouth, huh?

No, I replied to someone else bringing it up. A birth certificate is not what determines a person or we would have the right to ignore the personhood of potentially millions of people even today.

A lot of tap-dancing there.

A new vocation?

I don't know how I could be any clearer. A piece of paper has nothing to do with it.

Someone wrote: A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.
You wrote: For centuries there never were birth certificates.

Seems pretty clear.

Keep digging.

I was clear. I have no idea how something so simple went over your head.


Then why do you feel the need to keep coming back.

Let readers decide what you clearly wrote.
Yes, I understand assault is a serious charge. But it's not a murder charge.

Which is fair, since nothing was murdered... Fetuses aren't people. A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.

For centuries there never were birth certificates.

How about now?

The modern creation of a birth certificate is what determines a person? I have to imagine in some parts of the world they still don't exist. Those entities aren't a person?

You brought it up.

So those who will be getting birth certificates shouldn't be aborted, eh?

Put your hoof in your mouth, huh?

No, I replied to someone else bringing it up. A birth certificate is not what determines a person or we would have the right to ignore the personhood of potentially millions of people even today.

A lot of tap-dancing there.

A new vocation?

I don't know how I could be any clearer. A piece of paper has nothing to do with it.

Someone wrote: A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.
You wrote: For centuries there never were birth certificates.

Seems pretty clear.

Keep digging.

I was clear. I have no idea how something so simple went over your head.


Then why do you feel the need to keep coming back.

Let readers decide what you clearly wrote.

This isn't a live baby. This child is not breathing independently. It is a fetus in development. THIS is a baby in its first days of life.

View attachment 353514

Tell me Chuz, if you found that "mighty oak tree" growing too close to it's mother tree, or too close to your foundation so that it would destroy your house, and you have no room for another mighty oak tree in your yard, do you pull the seedling out of the ground or do you respect it's right to exist and just leave it there?

How would you feel if your neighbour called you a murderer and said you have no right to pull that seedling?

"This child is not breathing independently. "

You must imagine (I almost said 'think') then, that you have the right to slaughter every wuhan virus patient on a ventilator, too.

Quite a bloodthirsty bunch, you, Liberals.

The pretzel logic you use to deny free will and the rights of women to decide when to increase their families just gets stranger and stranger.

Of course when even the BIBLE calls it the “breath of life”, it gets harder and harder to deny biology.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don’t have one. I realize a simple concept like this is beyond your grasp. It’s not your child or your family.

What others decide is none of your fucking business.

"It's not what I want, so it's not logical . . . especially since I'm too stupid to know what logic is, anyway!"

How many times does your dumb ass have to be told that you do NOT get to advocate your putrid policies on behalf of all women, cow? Speak for yourself, and do NOT presume to speak for me or any other woman. You are not advocating "women's rights"; you are advocating YOUR desire to kill babies.

Also, advocating it on the basis of Biblical-era scientific understanding (and poetic license) makes you look even dumber than you normally do, which I would have thought would violate the laws of physics. What other archaic ideas and practices did you want to champion, while laughably claiming to be all about "SCIENCE!"?

Oh, and do call us when your hypocritical, senile ass believes "What others decide is none of your business" about ANY other topic besides abortion.
This isn't a live baby. This child is not breathing independently. It is a fetus in development. THIS is a baby in its first days of life.

View attachment 353514

Tell me Chuz, if you found that "mighty oak tree" growing too close to it's mother tree, or too close to your foundation so that it would destroy your house, and you have no room for another mighty oak tree in your yard, do you pull the seedling out of the ground or do you respect it's right to exist and just leave it there?

How would you feel if your neighbour called you a murderer and said you have no right to pull that seedling?

"This child is not breathing independently. "

You must imagine (I almost said 'think') then, that you have the right to slaughter every wuhan virus patient on a ventilator, too.

Quite a bloodthirsty bunch, you, Liberals.

The pretzel logic you use to deny free will and the rights of women to decide when to increase their families just gets stranger and stranger.

Of course when even the BIBLE calls it the “breath of life”, it gets harder and harder to deny biology.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don’t have one. I realize a simple concept like this is beyond your grasp. It’s not your child or your family.

What others decide is none of your fucking business.

"It's not what I want, so it's not logical . . . especially since I'm too stupid to know what logic is, anyway!"

Thank you for stating your position perfectly. It isn’t logical for YOU decide what is right for others. That’s why others get to choose for themselves. Because YOU are not qualified to judge their choices.

Unlike YOU, I’m not imposing my will on others or my choices on others. You get to choose for yourself what is right for you, even though YOU would deny others their choices.

That you’re too stupid to see or acknowledge these facts is not my problem.
This isn't a live baby. This child is not breathing independently. It is a fetus in development. THIS is a baby in its first days of life.

View attachment 353514

Tell me Chuz, if you found that "mighty oak tree" growing too close to it's mother tree, or too close to your foundation so that it would destroy your house, and you have no room for another mighty oak tree in your yard, do you pull the seedling out of the ground or do you respect it's right to exist and just leave it there?

How would you feel if your neighbour called you a murderer and said you have no right to pull that seedling?

"This child is not breathing independently. "

You must imagine (I almost said 'think') then, that you have the right to slaughter every wuhan virus patient on a ventilator, too.

Quite a bloodthirsty bunch, you, Liberals.

The pretzel logic you use to deny free will and the rights of women to decide when to increase their families just gets stranger and stranger.

Of course when even the BIBLE calls it the “breath of life”, it gets harder and harder to deny biology.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don’t have one. I realize a simple concept like this is beyond your grasp. It’s not your child or your family.

What others decide is none of your fucking business.

"It's not what I want, so it's not logical . . . especially since I'm too stupid to know what logic is, anyway!"

Thank you for stating your position perfectly. It isn’t logical for YOU decide what is right for others. That’s why others get to choose for themselves. Because YOU are not qualified to judge their choices.

Unlike YOU, I’m not imposing my will on others or my choices on others. You get to choose for yourself what is right for you, even though YOU would deny others their choices.

That you’re too stupid to see or acknowledge these facts is not my problem.

You're not imposing your will on others? You're a fucking Canadian who lives on a message board about United States' politics, pronouncing pompously every time you turn around on the "right" way to run OUR country, and the "right" interpretation of laws you don't live under and had no hand in passing, and history that has nothing whatso-fucking-ever to do with you! Your entire worthless existence is about imposing your will and your choices on others, you oblivious sow!
Yes, I understand assault is a serious charge. But it's not a murder charge.

Which is fair, since nothing was murdered... Fetuses aren't people. A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.

For centuries there never were birth certificates.
Don't try to tell me that this is not a person. Abortion clinics will not allow the woman who is seeking an abortion to see this because they know that the ultrasound will convince her not to go ahead with the abortion.


  • babyboy4.jpg
    51 KB · Views: 28
Yes, I understand assault is a serious charge. But it's not a murder charge.

Which is fair, since nothing was murdered... Fetuses aren't people. A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.

For centuries there never were birth certificates.
Don't try to tell me that this is not a person. Abortion clinics will not allow the woman who is seeking an abortion to see this because they know that the ultrasound will convince her not to go ahead with the abortion.

Are we speaking a different language? I didn't say any such thing.
Yes, I understand assault is a serious charge. But it's not a murder charge.

Which is fair, since nothing was murdered... Fetuses aren't people. A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.

For centuries there never were birth certificates.
Don't try to tell me that this is not a person. Abortion clinics will not allow the woman who is seeking an abortion to see this because they know that the ultrasound will convince her not to go ahead with the abortion.

Are we speaking a different language? I didn't say any such thing.
Maybe I should have stated my case differently. It was not intended as an attack on pknopp personally. I apologize for giving that impression. There are many people who deny the personhood of the baby. The ultrasound proves that it is a baby.
Yes, I understand assault is a serious charge. But it's not a murder charge.

Which is fair, since nothing was murdered... Fetuses aren't people. A person doesn't legally exist until a birth certificate is issued.

For centuries there never were birth certificates.
Don't try to tell me that this is not a person. Abortion clinics will not allow the woman who is seeking an abortion to see this because they know that the ultrasound will convince her not to go ahead with the abortion.

Are we speaking a different language? I didn't say any such thing.
Maybe I should have stated my case differently. It was not intended as an attack on pknopp personally. I apologize for giving that impression. There are many people who deny the personhood of the baby. The ultrasound proves that it is a baby.

No argument from me.

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