Liberals On Abortion

NorthKoreaChic doesn't want to live in a free society. Maybe she should move back to you know where.
So, do you then agree that anyone that is currently serving a prison sentence for murder because their actions may have cause the death of an unborn baby, they should be left out of prison, right?

Since the unborn bab....umm..the unremoved tissue is not a person, no murder could have taken place. Do you agree with this?
They should do a very long sentence. Is it murder? That's a legal question depending on what that jurisdiction has on its books.
I am not asking what the legal definition is, I'm asking what your opinion is, and what other leftists would think?

You're very clear to make a distinction when it comes to abortion that it is not a person and therefore it is not murder to have an abortion, but when someone asks you a question about someone else taking the life of an unborn baby, the left starts talking about legal definitions and you have to let lawyers make that call.

I've had people give me this response in the past about this question, and it is hard to ever get a straight answer. If the abortion is not a person, but just a ball of tissue, then if someone causes a woman to lose her pregnancy, then it also cannot be murder because it is still a ball of tissue, right?

I'm just asking your opinion, not legally, do you consider someone, who has caused a woman to lose her pregnancy, to have committed murder?

Also, you said they should do a very long sentence...why may I ask? If what the woman had inside her is not a person, then the worst they could be charged with is destruction of property? That is usually a misdemeanor and generally carries a light sentence, often, just a fine.
A long sentence for having caused the woman to lose her baby. Maybe even attempted murder of the woman, depending on the circumstances. But no, not murder of the fetus.
In an ironic twist of fate the people who uncovered the ghastly operation were charged with a crime and PP barely skipped a beat. Killing the unborn is a gigantic business with hard core (mostly democrat) political support.

Um, yes, it's against the law to commit fraud, libel people and illegally record them.
The illegal trafficking of baby parts by PP has been exposed.

Just released video testimony shows Planned Parenthood ...
Agreed yet they really think they are fair minded and protecting individual rights. They never consider the rights of the fetus. It’s crazy.

Rights are bestowed at birth. The idea that a fetus (or anything else inside a woman's body) has "rights" is insane. Trying to enact such insanity, into real policy, will create a nightmarish police state that has authority over the insides of our bodies. That's seriously fucked up.

What the far right radical extremists want is unconstitutional.

It violates the 4th Amendment. Which is the right to privacy or be secure in our person among other things.

The 14th Amendment guarantees that all laws including the 4th Amendment are applied to everyone equally.

It's unconstitutional to violate anyone's right to privacy with their own body.

We have very strict medical privacy laws. They apply to everyone equally.

The constitution and our laws very clearly prevent the government from doing what the far right radical extremists want to do to the women of our nation.

The text of the 4th Amendment

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

"It's unconstitutional to violate anyone's right to privacy with their own body.

We have very strict medical privacy laws. They apply to everyone equally."

Yet as soon as they tell you that a vax is readyfor Covid you'll argue the exact opposite when we refuse it.
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What a stupid bitch! I don't use profanity because it represents my "deepest hurt". I use profanity because it best characterizes the value of her opinions. And because I find it hard to believe that a well to do Asian woman thinks Donald Trump and Republican policies about abortion are good for women. I don't know a single Asian woman outside the Phillipines, who opposes abortion. Abortion is the preferred means of birth control in most Asian countries.

I think she's just another Russian sock on this board. Nothing she posts, jibes with who she purports to be.

You use profanity because you think being a bitch makes you look strong.
It doesn't.
Poor Joe, reveling in all those dead bodies, flattening the world of American patriots,

Uh, 11 years in the Army. I've been more of a patriot than you ever will.

Poor Joe, locked in that bounded and locked-shut mind where conservatives and defenders of the nation are all bad, and liberals spending other people's money, enslaving the common man to a life of ever-higher taxes is all good.

Wow... so you think that taking care of the old, the sick and the hungry is "enslaving" people? Honestly, this is what you really think>?

We conservatives are such bubble-poppers when we refuse to let their lewd, care-free elitist world crumble reality into subjugation by our failure of finding enough funds to kill all their babies, give them free everything for just being here with no responsibilities other than to spittle and piddle on workers who are determined to hold on to something our parents before us bestowed--

This is where you are confused. The only people Piddling on workers is the Right Wing Corporate stooges. They've just managed to distract stupid people like you while they bust up your unions, roll back your union rights and ship your job off to China or India. But they scream about abortion or gay marriage, and say "Jesus" convincingly, and you dumbasses go along with it.

and blessing the mothers for compliance of killing their own with poison or violence to satisfy the fat atheists who hate Christian Pilgrims for conquering taxation of common people by the greedy rich monarchs who profited from their hard labors,

Again, you are a bit confused. The Christian Pilgrims came here because they couldn't impose their religious stupidity on everyone else and they wanted a place where they could. It really wasn't about taxes until the British insisted they help pay for the wars they instigated with the Native Americans.

Joe and his unnatural world turning rain into piss, freedom into pain, the pursuit of happiness to untenable taxation.

Whenever you nutbags talk about "Freedom", it's usually the ability of the rich to abuse the rest of us.

" The Christian Pilgrims came here because they couldn't impose their religious stupidity on everyone else and they wanted a place where they could. "

Source this lyin Joe.....
NorthKoreaChic doesn't want to live in a free society. Maybe she should move back to you know where.

Ripping viable children out of their mothers and selling their body parts to research ghouls is your idea of "free society"? you are one sick fuck, boy.
If you don't like it, don't do it. Like gay marriage, if you're against it, don't marry a gay person.
Your line of reasoning can be applied to slavery. "If you're against it, don't own slaves". It denies the personhood of those being enslaved, just like the baby is denied personhood.
NorthKoreaChic doesn't want to live in a free society. Maybe she should move back to you know where.

Ripping viable children out of their mothers and selling their body parts to research ghouls is your idea of "free society"? you are one sick fuck, boy.
If you don't like it, don't do it. Like gay marriage, if you're against it, don't marry a gay person.
Your line of reasoning can be applied to slavery. "If you're against it, don't own slaves". It denies the personhood of those being enslaved, just like the baby is denied personhood.
Not a baby until it’s born. You peeps never learn. :biggrin:
Since the unborn bab....umm..the unremoved tissue is not a person, no murder could have taken place. Do you agree with this?

yes, no murder took place.

You can charge the person with assault if their crime was egregious enough.
Ok, thank you for your honesty. So, all those people who were charged with the death of an unborn baby, if the action that caused it, perhaps a husband, a boyfriend, or even if the pregnant lady got into an argument with another woman at the shopping market, and that argument ended with the other woman hitting the pregnant woman and she fell in such a way that it caused her to miscarry, and the other woman ended up being charged with murder, they all need to have their charges reduced from murder to misdemeanor assault.

Also, all those fetal murder laws need to go away.

I have to admit, you are the first person to come right out and say that killing an unborn baby is not murder. Imagine how happy all those guys are going to feel when their girlfriends tell them they are pregnant and if they dont want to deal with a lifetime of taking care of a baby, or having the mother and justice system chase them down for child support for 18 years, that, in your world, all they have to do is sock the mother a few times and cause her to miscarry, and all they will be facing is an assault charge.....

Ok, thank you for your honesty. So, all those people who were charged with the death of an unborn baby, if the action that caused it, perhaps a husband, a boyfriend, or even if the pregnant lady got into an argument with another woman at the shopping market, and that argument ended with the other woman hitting the pregnant woman and she fell in such a way that it caused her to miscarry, and the other woman ended up being charged with murder, they all need to have their charges reduced from murder to misdemeanor assault.

Also, all those fetal murder laws need to go away.

Yeah, pretty much.

I have to admit, you are the first person to come right out and say that killing an unborn baby is not murder. Imagine how happy all those guys are going to feel when their girlfriends tell them they are pregnant and if they dont want to deal with a lifetime of taking care of a baby, or having the mother and justice system chase them down for child support for 18 years, that, in your world, all they have to do is sock the mother a few times and cause her to miscarry, and all they will be facing is an assault charge.....

Uh, you realize an assault charge is pretty serious, right. Try getting a job, ever, with an assault conviction on your jacket, buddy.

Fetuses aren't people, and giving globs of tissue more rights than the women they are inside, causes all sorts of problems. YOu guys are trying to sneak in through the back door what you can't get through the front.
NorthKoreaChic doesn't want to live in a free society. Maybe she should move back to you know where.
So, do you then agree that anyone that is currently serving a prison sentence for murder because their actions may have cause the death of an unborn baby, they should be left out of prison, right?

Since the unborn bab....umm..the unremoved tissue is not a person, no murder could have taken place. Do you agree with this?
They should do a very long sentence. Is it murder? That's a legal question depending on what that jurisdiction has on its books.
I am not asking what the legal definition is, I'm asking what your opinion is, and what other leftists would think?

You're very clear to make a distinction when it comes to abortion that it is not a person and therefore it is not murder to have an abortion, but when someone asks you a question about someone else taking the life of an unborn baby, the left starts talking about legal definitions and you have to let lawyers make that call.

I've had people give me this response in the past about this question, and it is hard to ever get a straight answer. If the abortion is not a person, but just a ball of tissue, then if someone causes a woman to lose her pregnancy, then it also cannot be murder because it is still a ball of tissue, right?

I'm just asking your opinion, not legally, do you consider someone, who has caused a woman to lose her pregnancy, to have committed murder?

Also, you said they should do a very long sentence...why may I ask? If what the woman had inside her is not a person, then the worst they could be charged with is destruction of property? That is usually a misdemeanor and generally carries a light sentence, often, just a fine.
A long sentence for having caused the woman to lose her baby. Maybe even attempted murder of the woman, depending on the circumstances. But no, not murder of the fetus.
It's not a baby, remember? Destruction of property?
Ok, thank you for your honesty. So, all those people who were charged with the death of an unborn baby, if the action that caused it, perhaps a husband, a boyfriend, or even if the pregnant lady got into an argument with another woman at the shopping market, and that argument ended with the other woman hitting the pregnant woman and she fell in such a way that it caused her to miscarry, and the other woman ended up being charged with murder, they all need to have their charges reduced from murder to misdemeanor assault.

Also, all those fetal murder laws need to go away.

Yeah, pretty much.

I have to admit, you are the first person to come right out and say that killing an unborn baby is not murder. Imagine how happy all those guys are going to feel when their girlfriends tell them they are pregnant and if they dont want to deal with a lifetime of taking care of a baby, or having the mother and justice system chase them down for child support for 18 years, that, in your world, all they have to do is sock the mother a few times and cause her to miscarry, and all they will be facing is an assault charge.....

Uh, you realize an assault charge is pretty serious, right. Try getting a job, ever, with an assault conviction on your jacket, buddy.

Fetuses aren't people, and giving globs of tissue more rights than the women they are inside, causes all sorts of problems. YOu guys are trying to sneak in through the back door what you can't get through the front.
Yes, I understand assault is a serious charge. But it's not a murder charge.
This isn't a live baby. This child is not breathing independently. It is a fetus in development. THIS is a baby in its first days of life.

View attachment 353514

Tell me Chuz, if you found that "mighty oak tree" growing too close to it's mother tree, or too close to your foundation so that it would destroy your house, and you have no room for another mighty oak tree in your yard, do you pull the seedling out of the ground or do you respect it's right to exist and just leave it there?

How would you feel if your neighbour called you a murderer and said you have no right to pull that seedling?

"This child is not breathing independently. "

You must imagine (I almost said 'think') then, that you have the right to slaughter every wuhan virus patient on a ventilator, too.

Quite a bloodthirsty bunch, you, Liberals.

The pretzel logic you use to deny free will and the rights of women to decide when to increase their families just gets stranger and stranger.

Of course when even the BIBLE calls it the “breath of life”, it gets harder and harder to deny biology.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don’t have one. I realize a simple concept like this is beyond your grasp. It’s not your child or your family.

What others decide is none of your fucking business.
NorthKoreaChic doesn't want to live in a free society. Maybe she should move back to you know where.
So, do you then agree that anyone that is currently serving a prison sentence for murder because their actions may have cause the death of an unborn baby, they should be left out of prison, right?

Since the unborn bab....umm..the unremoved tissue is not a person, no murder could have taken place. Do you agree with this?
They should do a very long sentence. Is it murder? That's a legal question depending on what that jurisdiction has on its books.
I am not asking what the legal definition is, I'm asking what your opinion is, and what other leftists would think?

You're very clear to make a distinction when it comes to abortion that it is not a person and therefore it is not murder to have an abortion, but when someone asks you a question about someone else taking the life of an unborn baby, the left starts talking about legal definitions and you have to let lawyers make that call.

I've had people give me this response in the past about this question, and it is hard to ever get a straight answer. If the abortion is not a person, but just a ball of tissue, then if someone causes a woman to lose her pregnancy, then it also cannot be murder because it is still a ball of tissue, right?

I'm just asking your opinion, not legally, do you consider someone, who has caused a woman to lose her pregnancy, to have committed murder?

Also, you said they should do a very long sentence...why may I ask? If what the woman had inside her is not a person, then the worst they could be charged with is destruction of property? That is usually a misdemeanor and generally carries a light sentence, often, just a fine.
A long sentence for having caused the woman to lose her baby. Maybe even attempted murder of the woman, depending on the circumstances. But no, not murder of the fetus.
It's not a baby, remember? Destruction of property?
Depends if he stabs/shoots her, it's attempted murder. If he stomps her and she loses the fetus, then they could called it like, fetuscide, and hand out a stiff sentence. Some property is more valuable than others. This would be at the extremely high end.
This isn't a live baby. This child is not breathing independently. It is a fetus in development. THIS is a baby in its first days of life.

View attachment 353514

Tell me Chuz, if you found that "mighty oak tree" growing too close to it's mother tree, or too close to your foundation so that it would destroy your house, and you have no room for another mighty oak tree in your yard, do you pull the seedling out of the ground or do you respect it's right to exist and just leave it there?

How would you feel if your neighbour called you a murderer and said you have no right to pull that seedling?

"This child is not breathing independently. "

You must imagine (I almost said 'think') then, that you have the right to slaughter every wuhan virus patient on a ventilator, too.

Quite a bloodthirsty bunch, you, Liberals.

The pretzel logic you use to deny free will and the rights of women to decide when to increase their families just gets stranger and stranger.

Of course when even the BIBLE calls it the “breath of life”, it gets harder and harder to deny biology.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don’t have one. I realize a simple concept like this is beyond your grasp. It’s not your child or your family.

What others decide is none of your fucking business.

No identified you as trash.
NorthKoreaChic doesn't want to live in a free society. Maybe she should move back to you know where.
So, do you then agree that anyone that is currently serving a prison sentence for murder because their actions may have cause the death of an unborn baby, they should be left out of prison, right?

Since the unborn bab....umm..the unremoved tissue is not a person, no murder could have taken place. Do you agree with this?
They should do a very long sentence. Is it murder? That's a legal question depending on what that jurisdiction has on its books.
I am not asking what the legal definition is, I'm asking what your opinion is, and what other leftists would think?

You're very clear to make a distinction when it comes to abortion that it is not a person and therefore it is not murder to have an abortion, but when someone asks you a question about someone else taking the life of an unborn baby, the left starts talking about legal definitions and you have to let lawyers make that call.

I've had people give me this response in the past about this question, and it is hard to ever get a straight answer. If the abortion is not a person, but just a ball of tissue, then if someone causes a woman to lose her pregnancy, then it also cannot be murder because it is still a ball of tissue, right?

I'm just asking your opinion, not legally, do you consider someone, who has caused a woman to lose her pregnancy, to have committed murder?

Also, you said they should do a very long sentence...why may I ask? If what the woman had inside her is not a person, then the worst they could be charged with is destruction of property? That is usually a misdemeanor and generally carries a light sentence, often, just a fine.
A long sentence for having caused the woman to lose her baby. Maybe even attempted murder of the woman, depending on the circumstances. But no, not murder of the fetus.
It's not a baby, remember? Destruction of property?
Depends if he stabs/shoots her, it's attempted murder. If he stomps her and she loses the fetus, then they could called it like, fetuscide, and hand out a stiff sentence. Some property is more valuable than others. This would be at the extremely high end.
Oh oh, dont look now, but you are assigning value to a lump of tissue. One might get the impression you may consider it ..a person? If not, how would you decide this lump of tissue is more valuable than any other lump?

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