Liberals On Abortion

Well, my take is that Christian Fundamentalists in general and Republicans in particular love the unborn fetus, but as soon as that kid starts breathing oxygen on his/her own, they are on their own!
The entire Republican idea is "every life is meaningful, until it is born then we do not give a shit."

The entire Democrat idea is "Assert my opinion as fact so that I don't have to deal with the topic."

Hold your breath waiting for ANYONE to get defensive about not having your approval, moron.
The entire Republican idea is "every life is meaningful, until it is born then we do not give a shit."

This ridiculous belief of yours (about republicans) justifies your denial of children and their rights?


Leftists simply can't wrap their brains around the reality that they are NOT the admired virtuous icons whose approval is desperately sought by all others that their masters have told them they are. They continue to believe that if they disrupt a discussion with shouts of, "You are not as virtuous as me!!! I condemn you for believing XYZ bullshit that I just KNOW you think!!!" everyone will rush to justify themselves.
The entire Republican idea is "every life is meaningful, until it is born then we do not give a shit."

This ridiculous belief of yours (about republicans) justifies your denial of children and their rights?


Because Republicans do not support children on education, health, human services spending.

Otherwise known as civilisation.

The Republican platform is squirt the baby woman and let God sort it out.

Prove it.
If a woman cannot bare to bare a life in an American society that does shit all to help take care of it, well then here we have it.

Some times killing serves the greater good.

That is why we have a military after all.

Yeah, you're DEFINITELY someone who should flatter himself that he gets to condemn others for not being moral enough to suit him.

Even if you were right about Republicans not caring about children after they're born - and you aren't - please know that you would STILL be a worthless, evil piece of shit FAR worse than any of them. You don't care about children AT ALL.
Well, my take is that Christian Fundamentalists in general and Republicans in particular love the unborn fetus, but as soon as that kid starts breathing oxygen on his/her own, they are on their own!

Well, my take is that no one gives a fuck about "your take". Prove it instead of telling us about your feelings and expecting them to be important.
Of course they are.

You hide your bloodthirstiness behind word games.

Naw, I'm standing in front of practicality. Unless you want to start a police state where women's wombs are property of the state, you aren't going to end abortion. You can believe little Blobby is a person all day, if you like, but if he ain't up your hoo-ha, you really have nothing to say about it.
" Weak Position Shopping Misplaced Outrage "

* Actual Versus Potential Homo Sapiens Sapiens *

Learn some science when human life begins.
Rather than your arbitrary designation.
When does sapience begin ?
Sounds arbitrary.

And why would it matter? Or do you want to rationalize killing people in their sleep too? I mean they wouldn’t be aware they were dying, right?
The entire Republican idea is "every life is meaningful, until it is born then we do not give a shit."

The entire Democrat idea is "Assert my opinion as fact so that I don't have to deal with the topic."

Hold your breath waiting for ANYONE to get defensive about not having your approval, moron.

To the contrary, I find your disapproval boosts my self esteem and general happiness.
"Anything that we do to save one life -- tanking the economy, destroying millions of jobs, causing mass starvation and a bunch of other kinds of deaths -- is totally worth it," she said. "Unless it's an unborn icky fetus cell clump thing, then let's murder that sucker."
Fetuses still aren't people, no matter how much you want them to be.
Chic’s source was meant to provoke; no intelligent thought there.
Her source was the BabylonBee satirical & Christian website.
It was meant to put you in your place.....and it did.

No one does it better than the Bee.
The Bee source you cited is satirical, ie FICTION. Mixes well with your other propaganda.
Do you like using the Onion as your source too?
Why not stick with facts? Or, are your Trump/Putin lovers too stupid to understand them?
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