Liberals: ISIS is a Social Justice Issue


May 23, 2014
Jihadi John or the boy next door Who Mohammed Emwazi used to be -

The Obama administration seems to view ISIS as a typical social justice issue. Poor bastards have been mistreated by the mean, rotten, awful, racial/religious profiling West, so they became angry and frustrated. Couple this with a lack of job opportunity and you have a recipe for cutting off heads and burning people alive. This is the same approach the administration takes with regards to things like Ferguson Mo. riots and the hit whitey "knock-out game." It's all justifiable to them. I prefer the approach that fucking savages are fucking savages and need to be eliminated from the global community.
The fuck are you even talking about??

No one views ISIS as a 'social justice issue'.

No one that matters.

Biggest Straw Man bullshit I've seen in a long while.

Congrats on your fail.
I love it when pseudo-cons pretend to be upset at what they define liberals positions to be.

The essence of Fauxrage!


It just feels that way for you, deep down in your gut doesn't it?
It just feels that way for you, deep down in your gut doesn't it?
it's the truth. Domestic terrorism=poor bastards just need a job and some TLC.
Foreign Terrorism=poor bastards need a job and some TLC.
It's the Obama administration mind set.
There is something to be said for that argument. It's easier to get people swept into extremist causes when they're poor, oppressed, and have nothing to lose. Better economic opportunities in those countries would certainly quell the ranks of radical groups like ISIS or stop them from forming in the first place, but that alone is no guarantee. After all, bin Laden was extremely wealthy and he still got caught up in all that.
There is something to be said for that argument. It's easier to get people swept into extremist causes when they're poor, oppressed, and have nothing to lose. Better economic opportunities in those countries would certainly quell the ranks of radical groups like ISIS or stop them from forming in the first place, but that alone is no guarantee. After all, bin Laden was extremely wealthy and he still got caught up in all that.
2nd Bush administration called it "drying up the swamp." Get rid of refugee camps and prisons as recruiting grounds. Watch diaspora groups and cut off finances. BUT, this administration sees it as a carry over to the days of Imperialism. To some degree, yes. However this is more about radical Islam. It has always been there, even before 18th and 19th century European expansion. Obama administration views everything as a victim vs. power political prism.They are wrong. It is the religion that allows this to happen. Mohammed, in his own time, was a warrior, conqueror, polygamist, as well as prophet. Establishment of Islam was steeped in violence.

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