Liberals in the military

Semper Fi

VIP Member
Nov 25, 2003
"Actually there are a lot of liberals in the military."

Is a line from one of my classmates, I didnt have time to call him on it because I had to go to class. I think it's total BS, what do you think?
Since the military is all volunteer, I doubt that any liberal would stoop so low as to actually join of his own free will. There would have to be a draft in effect to find liberals in any meaningful numbers in the military. I would be interested in seeing the statistics on this.
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Adam's Apple said:
Since the military is all volunteer, I doubt that any liberal would stoop so low as to actually join of his own free will. There would have to be a draft in effect to find liberals in any meaningful numbers in the military. I would be interested in seeing the statistics on this.

Which is yet another good reason to bring back the draft.

I would think that many of the volunteers come from strata of society that don't spend a whole lot of time thinking about politics one way or another.
Nuc said:
Which is yet another good reason to bring back the draft.

I would think that many of the volunteers come from strata of society that don't spend a whole lot of time thinking about politics one way or another.

We should not bring back the draft. THis will just be used as ammunition to call america a totalitarian evil. We don't need the draft. We have enough patriotic volunteers.
rtwngAvngr said:
We should not bring back the draft. THis will just be used as ammunition to call america a totalitarian evil. We don't need the draft. We have enough patriotic volunteers.

There is one thing about the draft it appears the American public doesn't understand.

It is very common to criticize European countries when they don't toe the line in accordance with U.S. foreign policy in Iraq or elsewhere. This is not reasonable because many European countries have the draft. That means that a cross section or in the case of Italy for example, all males, serve. It is obvious that a country with a draft will be much more reticent to send the boys in harms way than a country with all volunteers. Until we have a draft we shouldn't tell countries who have one what to do with their boys.
Nuc said:
There is one thing about the draft it appears the American public doesn't understand.

It is very common to criticize European countries when they don't toe the line in accordance with U.S. foreign policy in Iraq or elsewhere. This is not reasonable because many European countries have the draft. That means that a cross section or in the case of Italy for example, all males, serve. It is obvious that a country with a draft will be much more reticent to send the boys in harms way than a country with all volunteers. Until we have a draft we shouldn't tell countries who have one what to do with their boys.

They also have an interest in fighting terrorism. IF they're too stupid to see that, they need to be told, and if their draft system makes them reluctant, maybe they should change that.
rtwngAvngr said:
They also have an interest in fighting terrorism. IF they're too stupid to see that, they need to be told, and if their draft system makes them reluctant, maybe they should change that.

Europe has been fighting terrorism far longer than the States. They were doing a pretty good job with it until recently. Now they are so busy kissing the asses of their Muslim sub-population they appear to be headed down the path of no return. If we needed any evidence of the total decline of Britain we got it when those fools were allowed to march with signs saying "Your 9/11 is coming next". France is paying a big price for its colonial misadventures. Even Italy is infested with Muslim and Tamil Tiger terrorists. And the Somalian refugees are doing a good number on the Scandinavian countries. Bravo Europe! Hopefully we will not let things get that far out of control. But I fear we will.
Nuc said:
Europe has been fighting terrorism far longer than the States. They were doing a pretty good job with it until recently. Now they are so busy kissing the asses of their Muslim sub-population they appear to be headed down the path of no return. If we needed any evidence of the total decline of Britain we got it when those fools were allowed to march with signs saying "Your 9/11 is coming next". France is paying a big price for its colonial misadventures. Even Italy is infested with Muslim and Tamil Tiger terrorists. And the Somalian refugees are doing a good number on the Scandinavian countries. Bravo Europe! Hopefully we will not let things get that far out of control. But I fear we will.

I don't call throwing the doors wide open and offering great benefits packages putting up a fight. I think they're seeing their errors now. You seem to admit their stupidity in dealing with terrorism, so maybe we should have started telling them what to do sooner. Or should we not have because of their draft system?
rtwngAvngr said:
I don't call throwing the doors wide open and offering great benefits packages putting up a fight. I think they're seeing their errors now. You seem to admit their stupidity in dealing with terrorism, so maybe we should have started telling them what to do sooner. Or should we not have because of their draft system?

How could we have told them what to do sooner? They were already dealing with terrorism when we thought, "It can't happen here". We were worried about Russia and China and let the Muslim threat grow. In fact on numerous occasions we cozied up to Muslim extremists to further our political agenda. We didn't see it coming.
Nuc said:
How could we have told them what to do sooner? They were already dealing with terrorism when we thought, "It can't happen here". We were worried about Russia and China and let the Muslim threat grow. In fact on numerous occasions we cozied up to Muslim extremists to further our political agenda. We didn't see it coming.

Able Danger. Yes we did. Google it. The Jamie Gorelick wall and other stupidities erected by liberals got in the way.
rtwngAvngr said:
Able Danger. Yes we did. Google it. The Jamie Gorelick wall and other stupidities erected by liberals got in the way.

I'm talking about the mistakes Europe made starting about 50 years ago which has resulted in massive Muslim populations there who don't want to and won't assimilate.

I just got back from Sri Lanka and it is also being taken over by Muslims. It's scary. It's happening all over the world.
Nuc said:
I'm talking about the mistakes Europe made starting about 50 years ago which has resulted in massive Muslim populations there who don't want to and won't assimilate.

I just got back from Sri Lanka and it is also being taken over by Muslims. It's scary. It's happening all over the world.

WOw. It's like there's a war on terror going on! :usa: :slap:

But maybe we should call it the war on islam. Oh no wait. Libs won't let us!
rtwngAvngr said:
WOw. It's like there's a war on terror going on! :usa: :slap:

But maybe we should call it the war on islam. Oh no wait. Libs won't let us!

Maybe sooner or later all of the countries in the Muslim world will unite and declare war on us (formally). Then it won't matter what the PC crowd think.

The problem with this "War" is that it's so informal. How do you win a war when there isn't even a specific person or country that can be forced to surrender?
Nuc said:
Maybe sooner or later all of the countries in the Muslim world will unite and declare war on us (formally). Then it won't matter what the PC crowd think.

The problem with this "War" is that it's so informal. How do you win a war when there isn't even a specific person or country that can be forced to surrender?

Dammit man. It doesn't matter if it's formally declared! These are lib arguments. Only an idiot waits for all the paperwork to be in order before mounting a defense.
rtwngAvngr said:
Dammit man. It doesn't matter if it's formally declared! These are lib arguments. Only an idiot waits for all the paperwork to be in order before mounting a defense.

What I mean is it's frustrating not to even know who the enemy is. At least Germany, Italy and Japan had the courtesy to form the Axis officially so we could kick their asses.

Wouldn't you like it if the Arab League or whoever would just say, "We are declaring war on the non-Muslim world. Bring it on!"
Nuc said:
What I mean is it's frustrating not to even know who the enemy is. At least Germany, Italy and Japan had the courtesy to form the Axis officially so we could kick their asses.

Wouldn't you like it if the Arab League or whoever would just say, "We are declaring war on the non-Muslim world. Bring it on!"

IT would be nice, just to legitimize the whole thing for the turd sucking libs. Then we could actually charge them with treason for their antics.
Nuc said:
What I mean is it's frustrating not to even know who the enemy is. At least Germany, Italy and Japan had the courtesy to form the Axis officially so we could kick their asses.

Wouldn't you like it if the Arab League or whoever would just say, "We are declaring war on the non-Muslim world. Bring it on!"

That WOULD tidy things up a bit.
back to the question -

Your buddy has NO idea the amounts of 'liberals' in the Military unless he's served.

From my personal experience there are 100 Conservatives for every 5 liberals. I guess take that to it's end, and there are probably 20,000 libs total in the Army. 20,000 IS a lot of people.
rtwngAvngr said:
But maybe we should call it the war on islam. Oh no wait. Libs won't let us!

Pretty astute thinking, RWA. The only change I would make would be to call it the "War on Radical Islam." And you're right--it wouldn't be politically correct to call it what it actually is.
Nuc said:
What I mean is it's frustrating not to even know who the enemy is.

We know who the enemy is--radical Islam--and the way we will win the war is exactly the way it has been done in the past--cause them to cease and desist. That's why we need the entire Western world united in this fight since we are the targets of radical Islam. This has been made loud and clear by them.

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