Liberals Double-Down On Poor Candidates?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Current Liberal Submissions For President Include:

1. A failed ex-Sect of State who has been caught jeopardizing national security and lying while staying 1/2 a step ahead of going to jail, having to rely on Obama and his crooked DOJ in order NOT to go to prison

2. An openly admitted Socialist

..and now Biden, the walking / talking gaffe machine, is giving indications that if he decides to run he will ask Elizabeth Warren, the FAKE 'cigar store' Indian, to be his running mate!

It's amazing how Liberals can't find one single genuine, honest candidate to run.
The Current Liberal Submissions For President Include:

1. A failed ex-Sect of State who has been caught jeopardizing national security and lying while staying 1/2 a step ahead of going to jail, having to rely on Obama and his crooked DOJ in order NOT to go to prison

2. An openly admitted Socialist

..and now Biden, the walking / talking gaffe machine, is giving indications that if he decides to run he will ask Elizabeth Warren, the FAKE 'cigar store' Indian, to be his running mate!

It's amazing how Liberals can't find one single genuine, honest candidate to run.

How? There simply are NO honest Liberals nor honest Democrats. It's akin to looking for the missing link.
Both Dems and Reps pretty much blow again. How is it possible? So many people, and we get fucking retards. Oh yeah, they're just a reflection of their voter base.... retarded!
Not a single one of your 17 candidates for president can beat an old woman supposedly jeopardizing national security and lying. Do you realize how ridiculous that makes you look?

In fact, not a single one of your 17 candidates can beat a Socialist.

Maybe with all the coming time off your party leaders could spend the time learning about politics.
Not a single one of your 17 candidates for president can beat an old woman supposedly jeopardizing national security and lying. .

Ahhhh, once again nuhuh injects his opinion while pretending it makes any more difference than a fart in the wind.
Not a single one of your 17 candidates for president can beat an old woman supposedly jeopardizing national security and lying. Do you realize how ridiculous that makes you look?

In fact, not a single one of your 17 candidates can beat a Socialist.

Maybe with all the coming time off your party leaders could spend the time learning about politics.

Dude, she's currently loosing to a socialist. That's reality. Both sides suck but make no mistake this election the Dems are the party of "sigh."
Both Dems and Reps pretty much blow again. How is it possible? So many people, and we get fucking retards. Oh yeah, they're just a reflection of their voter base.... retarded!

There's only a few that actually represent conservatives.
The rest are RINOs.

Are you insinuating that conservatives are somehow less retarded than all the others?
Not a single one of your 17 candidates for president can beat an old woman supposedly jeopardizing national security and lying. Do you realize how ridiculous that makes you look?

In fact, not a single one of your 17 candidates can beat a Socialist.

Here is the main issues with Dems so far.

Hillary has the name but she is highly disliked by independents and even her would be base... She is hated by the right and that ivokes a reason for them to get out an vote.

Sanders has all the energy but the issue is it's only with young kids that want more free shit. Most the Dem base that has an actual career job has no interest in someone demonizing them and they will not be energized to get out and vote.

It's really just that sinple, no hate, no bullshit talking points. Hillary is Mit Romney and Sanders is Ron Paul.
Biden/Warren would fire up Democrats BIG time and would have a REAL chance in the general.

It would be a stronger ticket than anything with Hillary in the title. Only if Warren was the VP, she's crazy as fuck, but she was born with a Vagina and that gets Dems frothing at the mouth.
Whenever reality is unacceptable, right wingers turn to fantasies. Sad, really, but expected.
The centrist, Biden, together (as VP) the reformer Warren, may make for the kind of ticket that true independents (the crucial voting segment that can make a substantial difference in any elections,) may easily embrace.
The centrist, Biden, together (as VP) the reformer Warren, may make for the kind of ticket that true independents (the crucial voting segment that can make a substantial difference in any elections,) may easily embrace.
As an independent, I can say I'd look pretty carefully at that ticket.

The one thing that would make me vote third party is if they cram Identity Politics and race-baiting into the campaign, so I'd literally be making a fairly last-minute decision there.
The centrist, Biden, together (as VP) the reformer Warren, may make for the kind of ticket that true independents (the crucial voting segment that can make a substantial difference in any elections,) may easily embrace.

Sorry but that's not a strong ticket, it's better than Hillary/ person needed to fill slot for Hillary to be President, but Biden is not someone that gets people out to vote and Warren is again, crazy as fuck but has a Vagina.

You are allowed to think whatever you like, but that ticket lacks energy, it's simply better than Hillary forcing herself on voters.
Loserterianism sucks so much cock that I bet even a bad Candidate could bet you bastards. You see people want infrastructure, science, r&d, education and the safetynet.

Obama won 360 electorals in 2008 and 330 in 2012. Why because the majority of this country wants those things. We don't want a government that does nothing.

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