Liberals Are Ruining America - New York Times
This, to be blunt, is the tragic flaw of the modern liberal. We choose to see ourselves as innocent victims of an escalating right-wing fanaticism. But too often we serve as willing accomplices to this escalation and to the resulting degradation of our civic discourse. We do this, without even meaning to, by consuming conservative folly as mass entertainment.

Did you read the whole thing?

This slavish coverage of conservative scoundrels does nothing to illuminate policy or challenge our assumptions. On the contrary, its central goal mirrors that of the pundits it reviles: to boost ratings by reinforcing easy prejudices.

He is calling conservatives scoundrels, slaves and prejudiced. I knew that.

Yeah -- he's telling you that elite snobbish leftists like himself get their asses handed to them in honest open debate (like on USMB) and suggesting that you all run away and HIDE like a bunch of scared little girls...
Did you read the whole thing?

This slavish coverage of conservative scoundrels does nothing to illuminate policy or challenge our assumptions. On the contrary, its central goal mirrors that of the pundits it reviles: to boost ratings by reinforcing easy prejudices.

He is calling conservatives scoundrels, slaves and prejudiced. I knew that.

see this Frankie?.....even a dildo like Dean has some and he belong to the same come your not getting any love from these guys?....
All I do is say I don't give a shytte about rep-just another stupid Pub dupe obsession. Just like Rush, Beck, Hannity, Breitbart Inc etc etc etc backing up each others' BS- means less than NOTHING. The more rep someone has the bigger a RW jackazz they are LOL:eusa_whistle::lol:
This, to be blunt, is the tragic flaw of the modern liberal. We choose to see ourselves as innocent victims of an escalating right-wing fanaticism. But too often we serve as willing accomplices to this escalation and to the resulting degradation of our civic discourse. We do this, without even meaning to, by consuming conservative folly as mass entertainment.

Did you read the whole thing?

This slavish coverage of conservative scoundrels does nothing to illuminate policy or challenge our assumptions. On the contrary, its central goal mirrors that of the pundits it reviles: to boost ratings by reinforcing easy prejudices.

He is calling conservatives scoundrels, slaves and prejudiced. I knew that.

From the first word to the last.
Doncha just LOVE it?

Last week, the NYT printed an anti-rw op/ed and the rw's went all kinds of nuts, telling us all, repeatedly and in great detail how they NYT is a LIB-rrel rag and can't be trusted.

This week, its an anti-lib op/ed and wowie zowie, the dittohead rw's and all over it.

Next week - well, we all know, don't we.

More words from another non-reader. :rolleyes: not stopping Pub and Pub dupe idiocy...Riiggghhht! Thanks for the depression and now paralysis...

So you disagree with the article?

Do you have anyone on 'Ignore'?
The article is a condemnation of the amplification of Rightwing idiocy. There is nothing in that article that is negative towards Liberalism. It's a hit piece on wingnuts - thanks for posting it!

The headline is misleading, on purpose, to draw eyes. not stopping Pub and Pub dupe idiocy...Riiggghhht! Thanks for the depression and now paralysis...

So you disagree with the article?

Do you have anyone on 'Ignore'?
The article is a condemnation of the amplification of Rightwing idiocy. There is nothing in that article that is negative towards Liberalism. It's a hit piece on wingnuts - thanks for posting it!

The headline is misleading, on purpose, to draw eyes.

And since you appear to have such an extensive 'ignore' list then you agree with his proposed strategy?
So you disagree with the article?

Do you have anyone on 'Ignore'?
The article is a condemnation of the amplification of Rightwing idiocy. There is nothing in that article that is negative towards Liberalism. It's a hit piece on wingnuts - thanks for posting it!

The headline is misleading, on purpose, to draw eyes.

And since you appear to have such an extensive 'ignore' list then you agree with his proposed strategy?
I was responding to your question: "so you disagree with the article".

I'm not concerned with your food fight.
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This, to be blunt, is the tragic flaw of the modern liberal. We choose to see ourselves as innocent victims of an escalating right-wing fanaticism. But too often we serve as willing accomplices to this escalation and to the resulting degradation of our civic discourse. We do this, without even meaning to, by consuming conservative folly as mass entertainment.

Wow. They love to see themselves as so heroic even as they attempt to criticize themselves.
Doncha just LOVE it?

Last week, the NYT printed an anti-rw op/ed and the rw's went all kinds of nuts, telling us all, repeatedly and in great detail how they NYT is a LIB-rrel rag and can't be trusted.

This week, its an anti-lib op/ed and wowie zowie, the dittohead rw's and all over it.

Next week - well, we all know, don't we.

Actually, this one is also an anti-rw piece. He's saying liberals are ruining America by not stopping conservatives.


Liberals are destroying America by implementing their policies.
The article is a condemnation of the amplification of Rightwing idiocy. There is nothing in that article that is negative towards Liberalism. It's a hit piece on wingnuts - thanks for posting it!

The headline is misleading, on purpose, to draw eyes.

And since you appear to have such an extensive 'ignore' list then you agree with his proposed strategy?
I was responding to your question: "so you disagree with the article".

I'm not concerned with your food fight.

In any case, the article proposes a strategy of effectively putting right wing extremists on 'ignore', you have already come to the same conclusion so kudos to you, sir.
All I do is say I don't give a shytte about rep-just another stupid Pub dupe obsession. Just like Rush, Beck, Hannity, Breitbart Inc etc etc etc backing up each others' BS- means less than NOTHING. The more rep someone has the bigger a RW jackazz they are LOL:eusa_whistle::lol:

oh really? i guess Jillian and Sallow and Sarah and a bunch of others are Right Wing Jackasses? they know they are Right Wingers? you realize who sounds like a Jackass here?.....WAKE UP Frankie..... not stopping Pub and Pub dupe idiocy...Riiggghhht! Thanks for the depression and now paralysis...

So you disagree with the article?

Do you have anyone on 'Ignore'?
The article is a condemnation of the amplification of Rightwing idiocy. There is nothing in that article that is negative towards Liberalism. It's a hit piece on wingnuts - thanks for posting it!

The headline is misleading, on purpose, to draw eyes.

hey Synth? have 600+ Rep according to Frankie your moving into Right Wing better watch out.....:lol:
And since you appear to have such an extensive 'ignore' list then you agree with his proposed strategy?
I was responding to your question: "so you disagree with the article".

I'm not concerned with your food fight.

In any case, the article proposes a strategy of effectively putting right wing extremists on 'ignore', you have already come to the same conclusion so kudos to you, sir.
Ahh, I see what you are saying. Yes, I agree with that strategy. And it pisses me off when someone like Lawrence O'Donnell plays Limbaugh clips.
So you disagree with the article?

Do you have anyone on 'Ignore'?
The article is a condemnation of the amplification of Rightwing idiocy. There is nothing in that article that is negative towards Liberalism. It's a hit piece on wingnuts - thanks for posting it!

The headline is misleading, on purpose, to draw eyes.

hey Synth? have 600+ Rep according to Frankie your moving into Right Wing better watch out.....:lol:
I'm a Stealth Wingnut!
Boring to read, I stopped about half way because this man is lost, hell he admits to being lost. Everything he hates he supports, what upsets him is not Hannity but rather that he is literally getting his way but things only get worse so he looks for others to blame.

This morn talks about listening to Rush only to flip the station back to NPR for his wife when he is done in the car alone, as if NPR is different than Rush. I as an uber conservative or “small Government” libertarian/whatever, never listen to Rush. I don’t listen to Rush because Rush is a talking head, I want news, unfiltered unscripted news. Instead I will listen to NPR but not for the news despite the fact that NPR believes itself to be “strait news” when really it’s nothing better than Rush. NPR’s “news” and many shows are incredibly left, so I try and avoid the “news” on NPR and look for shows that look at stuff like science, even there they hint at a left political mindset.

My point is the whole time this guy pretends it’s being like “conservatives” that makes liberals bad… They can’t just be bad. In fact he talks about this false victim mindset of liberalism and then he does it in his piece over and over and over again.

We live in an ultra progressive big Government society, there is no debate about it, calling Republicans "conservative" does not mean we have "small Government." Republicans and Democrats hold 99% the same policy once elected, so maybe this super smarty pants should stop playing the victim and star holding his own party accountable rather than pawning it all off on the “evil Republicans!!!!”

No wonder listens to Rush, honest thought is beyond him.

I took it that he was upbraiding his own 'side' for giving the extreme right the oxygen of an audience and response.
He was suggesting that if you just ignore them then they'll fade into irrelevance.

Yeah, I did not find the article Pro-Conservative AT ALL. The first paragraph is nothing more than a condescending "look at me" narcissistic "Liberal elitist" rant.
My rep is the result of speaking truth to the Pub dupes- who are alone obsesed with building each other up. Feq em lol. A circle jerk just like RW media.

Thanks to greedy, arrogant, incompetent Pubs for ruinous voodoo, 9/11, the stuupidest wars ever, the depression, and paralyzing the country since 2/4/2010, and of course the nonstop lying propaganda machine and its dupes- a disgrace. see sig, morons. LOL! Berzerk is right. Brainwashed idiocy. Change the channel.

^^^^^^this is the reason you got no rep Frankie.........not even your fellow liberals can understand what the fuck your saying.....even Dean has rep.......even the Anti-American Douger has Rep.....speak ENGLISH Frankie......

He does make sense. Learn to fucking read.
Liberals are the scurge in America.

They pander to minorities makin up boogeyman stories about Repiublicans resetting the clocks to 1950.

Nah, just want to destroy Medicare/Aid
They pander to homosexuals forcing non-homosexuals to accept them in places like the military today despite it being counter to morale.[/QUOTE]

The Military doesn't mind, just loudmouth bigots/dupes...every other modern country does it...ISRAEL

[/QUOTE]They pander to poor people constantly claiming those that pay 90% of the taxes aren't paying their taxes. They also pander to the poor by continually giving them more goodies to hopefully get votes in return despite us running out of money for these goodies.[/QUOTE]

Pubcrappe. That's fed income tax only. Use ALL taxes and fees, and rich pay the least. There are no more goodies, just more UE thanks to this MOST RECENT Pub Depression.

[/QUOTE]They trash the work of the CIA and military claiming they're trying to colonize the world, all the while hiding behind the protection of the CIA and military when a 9/11 happens.[/QUOTE]

Dems started the CIA, dumbazz dupe. LOL

Pubs are just scum. and you're their fool.[/QUOTE]

Having trouble with those quote commands...huh?
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