Liberalism is a Mental Disease: Seattle Sues Trump Admin Over Sanctuary City Executive Order

Since 1808 the Federal Government is the sole arbitrator on immigration.

Article 1 - The Legislative Branch
Section 9 - Limits on Congress

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The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person.
These traitors are by no means liberals. These seditionists are hard core communist America-haters. What needs to be done is force Israel to have sanctuary cities, open borders, and take in mass floods of refugees - give them a dose of the medicine they've been forcing upon America.

WTF, Israel has nothing to do with this.
States' right issue

States are part of the union, they comprise the body of this government via duly and commensurately apportioned representatives who are voted upon by the people, according to the US Constitution. What the Constitution is is a contract among the states and the overall government. How can we call ourselves a "Union" when there are states bucking the authority of a constitutionally established federal government? How can there be a union when states are refusing to obey just law?

Yeah, state's rights. It was a stupid argument when conservatives were using it, and it's a stupid argument now when liberals like you are using it.

You seem to be having trouble distinguishing between proper enumerated powers like this one and stolen powers where the feds were enabled by the courts.
States' right issue

States are part of the union, they comprise the body of this government via duly and commensurately apportioned representatives who are voted upon by the people, according to the US Constitution. What the Constitution is is a contract among the states and the overall government. How can we call ourselves a "Union" when there are states bucking the authority of a constitutionally established federal government? How can there be a union when states are refusing to obey just law?

Yeah, state's rights. It was a stupid argument when conservatives were using it, and it's a stupid argument now when liberals like you are using it.

You seem to be having trouble distinguishing between proper enumerated powers like this one and stolen powers where the feds were enabled by the courts.
I am? It seems to me the states are the ones stealing the power here.

States' right issue

States are part of the union, they comprise the body of this government via duly and commensurately apportioned representatives who are voted upon by the people, according to the US Constitution. What the Constitution is is a contract among the states and the overall government. How can we call ourselves a "Union" when there are states bucking the authority of a constitutionally established federal government? How can there be a union when states are refusing to obey just law?

Yeah, state's rights. It was a stupid argument when conservatives were using it, and it's a stupid argument now when liberals like you are using it.

You seem to be having trouble distinguishing between proper enumerated powers like this one and stolen powers where the feds were enabled by the courts.
I am? It seems to me the states are the ones stealing the power here.


Yeah, state's rights. It was a stupid argument when conservatives were using it, and it's a stupid argument now when liberals like you are using it.

Only times I familiar with conservatives saying "it's a States right" is in relation to the feds usurping State powers. Do you have other examples?
Do you have other examples?

Remember the Arizona immigration law? That there was a state trying to take power away from the government that did not belong to it. No matter how much I agreed with the intentions, it wasn't Arizona's right to assume powers given to the federal government, even while the government was refusing to exercise them.

What's happening with California, Washington, Maryland and others, who are passing sanctuary bills, is essentially the same thing. The individual state is saying it is more powerful than the government and that is has no obligation to enforce a duly and justly enacted law, e.g. our immigration laws.

Gay rights would be another issue where conservatives used the "states rights" or "people's rights" argument. But that's a Pandora's box I'd rather not open tonight if I can help it.
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Do you have other examples?

Remember the Arizona immigration law? That there was a state trying to take power away from the government that did not belong to it. No matter how much I agreed with the intentions, it wasn't Arizona's right to assume powers given to the federal government, even while the government was refusing to exercise them.

What's happening with California, Washington, Massachusetts and others, who are passing sanctuary bills, is essentially the same thing. The individual state is saying it is more powerful than the government and that is has no obligation to enforce a duly and justly enacted law, e.g. our immigration laws.

Gay rights would be another issue where conservatives used the "states rights" or "people's rights" argument. But that's a Pandora's box I'd rather not open tonight if I can help it.

So where does the federal law say the State or localities can't assist in enforcing federal law? That was AZs intent, they were going to hold and turn over suspects to the feds. I see nothing wrong with that, do you? States assist federal law enforcement on drug cases, human trafficking and many others, the only thing that made immigration special was the maobama administration.

Also faghadist marriage was illegal under the 14th for a 140 years, nothing changed except the courts, against the will of the people I might add.
States' right issue

Not since 1808. See Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1.
Then you will never bring it up again. Ever.

Oh look at Jake issuing commands!

As the enemy liberals told us when Arizona tried to protect itself, the federal government has exclusive jurisdiction concerning immigration. It has exclusive jurisdiction over Seattle Washington too.

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