Liberalism and Depression


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
So many articles have been published regarding the increase in depression among young adults. Some say it's the pressure posed by modern society, but think about what has actually changed. Is the need for higher education and a competitive job market really more stressful than living through the Great Depression where even people holding jobs struggled to feed their families and keep their home? Back then, there were no entitled people and no welfare, yet people used their skills to survive. Kids today couldn't handle that. If anything, there should be less to cope with these days and yet the stress and depression is much worse. Maybe it's all in the way they've been taught to deal with life in general.

I suspect that it is tied to the changes made in schools as liberals increasing got involved in our school system.

Schools gradually coddled students more and more. Students started getting rewards for showing up. Outcome-based education sought to make every student feel smart and it wasn't about getting the answers right, just about participating. Students came to feel entitled. Teachers have instilled fear about guns, religion, military, the constitution, any competition, and those who actually want people to at least try to fend for themselves.

Look at the college students living in fear of opposing opinions (as in anything not preached by liberal teachers) and rushing to safe spaces like frightened children. They clearly aren't ready to survive in the real world and much of it is due to the garbage they've been fed by well-meaning teachers who think that hurt feelings are the worst thing in the world.

Students across the country have long been used as guinea pigs for liberal experiments. We've seen teachers praising eubonics as as second language and the result are young adults who can't even speak one language very well. We have seen welfare pushed in the schools by way of free breakfast, lunches and even dinners. They insisted that everyone apply and there are no audits. The more people lured onto the program, the more money schools received so it behooved them to have large numbers of students approved. A sense of entitlement is fed to them from kindergarten.

We've seen misguided efforts to balance the color in schools even though it meant going against parent's wishes by busing children to different schools. Liberals are only supportive of choice when you choose what they agree with. School choice is constantly attacked.

Teachers even went as far to separate children who were developing friendships on the playground. Having a best friend was strongly discouraged, despite experts long agreeing that this prevented depression in adolesence. Teachers thought developing close friendships was wrong and kids were separated from favorite playmates and made to play with other children.

Children not liking certain foods, such as tacos, were monitored because teachers feared they were racists. That likely meant some kind of mental re-training to set them straight. Choice is still discouraged when liberals disapprove of the choice made.

Liberal teachers have all but attacked Christianity, which likely sent some into a depression because teachers were contradicting family values the children were raised with. Republicans are constantly vilified in another attempt to turn students against their conservative parents. What does that do to a child when a liberal teacher is basically telling them that their Republican, gun-owning, church-going families are everything that's wrong with this country? There is no balance when students receive a bias opinion throughout their school years. 12 years of being fed liberal bullshit meant that colleges had to continue treating students with kid gloves and a huge dose of liberal kool aid. In so many colleges, they are "protected" from the evil freedom of speech and the indoctrination into liberalism continues. Once they are in the real world, they don't find the liberal utopia where businesses pander to them the same way teachers did. No more rewards just for showing up. They find a competitive job market where others leave them in the dust. Employers don't offer safe spaces and don't reward people for existing. Competition isn't something the students can handle.

Indoctrination only leaves them able to vote for those who will save them from the real world. No wonder more and more are suffering from depression. Reality bites, especially when you're ill prepared for it.

Teachers also lay a guilt trip on white students. Even those who don't have a racist bone in their body are told they pose a problem for minorities by their existence. Being told you have to make amends for the privilege of being born a certain way also prevents people from reaching their full potential. How can you do that when you are supposed to hold back for the sake of those who are more deserving?

Another factor is the way every other student is diagnosed with ADHD. Medicating young people has had disastrous results. Most mass shooters were on medications in the past.

It also means that more and more young adults will take prescription meds and continue to suffer side effects. Most of the serious problems occur when they stop taking medication.

What we need is a cure for liberalism. I don't know many happy liberals. They are either up in arms over some perceived injustice or just can't enjoy life because of various issues, whether it's guilt over whiteness or shame over living in a way that leaves even the tiniest carbon footprint. And we all know that misery loves company. If you are happy, then liberals might tell you it's because you've chosen not to care about this, that or the other thing.
You'd be depressed too if everything you tried failed. Liberals have to tire of hearing "we told you so"
The most depressed liberals have to be the climate change nutters...what no global warming again? Goddamnit all to hell lol.
Sure lol. Thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever, a corrupt world depression, and 7 years of mindless obstruction, dupes of greedy idiot billionaires. Assume the position, dumb Trumpettes.
Liberals love wussies. Everything they've done in schools is designed to cause students to run crying to big government. Gosh, people are so much easier to control if they are afraid of every little thing and incapable of fending for themselves.

So many articles have been published regarding the increase in depression among young adults. Some say it's the pressure posed by modern society, but think about what has actually changed. Is the need for higher education and a competitive job market really more stressful than living through the Great Depression where even people holding jobs struggled to feed their families and keep their home? Back then, there were no entitled people and no welfare, yet people used their skills to survive. Kids today couldn't handle that. If anything, there should be less to cope with these days and yet the stress and depression is much worse. Maybe it's all in the way they've been taught to deal with life in general.

I suspect that it is tied to the changes made in schools as liberals increasing got involved in our school system.

Schools gradually coddled students more and more. Students started getting rewards for showing up. Outcome-based education sought to make every student feel smart and it wasn't about getting the answers right, just about participating. Students came to feel entitled. Teachers have instilled fear about guns, religion, military, the constitution, any competition, and those who actually want people to at least try to fend for themselves.

Look at the college students living in fear of opposing opinions (as in anything not preached by liberal teachers) and rushing to safe spaces like frightened children. They clearly aren't ready to survive in the real world and much of it is due to the garbage they've been fed by well-meaning teachers who think that hurt feelings are the worst thing in the world.

Students across the country have long been used as guinea pigs for liberal experiments. We've seen teachers praising eubonics as as second language and the result are young adults who can't even speak one language very well. We have seen welfare pushed in the schools by way of free breakfast, lunches and even dinners. They insisted that everyone apply and there are no audits. The more people lured onto the program, the more money schools received so it behooved them to have large numbers of students approved. A sense of entitlement is fed to them from kindergarten.

We've seen misguided efforts to balance the color in schools even though it meant going against parent's wishes by busing children to different schools. Liberals are only supportive of choice when you choose what they agree with. School choice is constantly attacked.

Teachers even went as far to separate children who were developing friendships on the playground. Having a best friend was strongly discouraged, despite experts long agreeing that this prevented depression in adolesence. Teachers thought developing close friendships was wrong and kids were separated from favorite playmates and made to play with other children.

Children not liking certain foods, such as tacos, were monitored because teachers feared they were racists. That likely meant some kind of mental re-training to set them straight. Choice is still discouraged when liberals disapprove of the choice made.

Liberal teachers have all but attacked Christianity, which likely sent some into a depression because teachers were contradicting family values the children were raised with. Republicans are constantly vilified in another attempt to turn students against their conservative parents. What does that do to a child when a liberal teacher is basically telling them that their Republican, gun-owning, church-going families are everything that's wrong with this country? There is no balance when students receive a bias opinion throughout their school years. 12 years of being fed liberal bullshit meant that colleges had to continue treating students with kid gloves and a huge dose of liberal kool aid. In so many colleges, they are "protected" from the evil freedom of speech and the indoctrination into liberalism continues. Once they are in the real world, they don't find the liberal utopia where businesses pander to them the same way teachers did. No more rewards just for showing up. They find a competitive job market where others leave them in the dust. Employers don't offer safe spaces and don't reward people for existing. Competition isn't something the students can handle.

Indoctrination only leaves them able to vote for those who will save them from the real world. No wonder more and more are suffering from depression. Reality bites, especially when you're ill prepared for it.

Teachers also lay a guilt trip on white students. Even those who don't have a racist bone in their body are told they pose a problem for minorities by their existence. Being told you have to make amends for the privilege of being born a certain way also prevents people from reaching their full potential. How can you do that when you are supposed to hold back for the sake of those who are more deserving?

Another factor is the way every other student is diagnosed with ADHD. Medicating young people has had disastrous results. Most mass shooters were on medications in the past.

It also means that more and more young adults will take prescription meds and continue to suffer side effects. Most of the serious problems occur when they stop taking medication.

What we need is a cure for liberalism. I don't know many happy liberals. They are either up in arms over some perceived injustice or just can't enjoy life because of various issues, whether it's guilt over whiteness or shame over living in a way that leaves even the tiniest carbon footprint. And we all know that misery loves company. If you are happy, then liberals might tell you it's because you've chosen not to care about this, that or the other thing.

"Eubonics" huh? Is that like, good speech, or does it refer to Eubie Blake? :rofl:

Interesting that you should bring up coddling and 'everyone's a winner' though..... it's timely.

Liberals love wussies. Everything they've done in schools is designed to cause students to run crying to big government. Gosh, people are so much easier to control if they are afraid of every little thing and incapable of fending for themselves.


Which college was it that called the police because someone had written "Trump 2016" in chalk on the sidewalk?
Oh look, yet another thread of conservatives crying about the liberals who had all the fun and stole their girl and always beat them up on the playground and now humiliate them on message boards.

They're a grumpy and whiny lot, those conservatives. You don't see liberals making these whining threads.
Which college was it that called the police because someone had written "Trump 2016" in chalk on the sidewalk?

I think that was Emory University. And it was investigated as a hate crime. Had someone wrote Hillary or Bernie on the sidewalk, it would have been defended as free speech. Look at the graffiti that was legitimized as art even though it was vandalism.

Chalk rinses off, yet the college officials acted as if someone did something horrible. Of course, the only thing "damaged" was the fragile ego of the safe space kids. Anyone who would run to officials crying because they saw Trump's name or a Confederate flag on someone's computer doesn't have what it takes to survive and I hope I never have to depend on one of those crybabies for anything.

Oh look, yet another thread of conservatives crying about the liberals who had all the fun and stole their girl and always beat them up on the playground and now humiliate them on message boards.

They're a grumpy and whiny lot, those conservatives. You don't see liberals making these whining threads.

You've got that backwards. It's the libs whining about the most stupid things. We've seen you guys up in arms over chalk, flags and even watermelon. You babies need to grow up. Till then, we'll keep calling you on this crap because pointing it out and explaining why liberalism is hurting our youth isn't whining. You guys are the whiners who think it's a good idea to "wussify" students to the point they have to run for cover over chalk and opinions. Geesh!!
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Oh look, yet another thread of conservatives crying about the liberals who had all the fun and stole their girl and always beat them up on the playground and now humiliate them on message boards.

They're a grumpy and whiny lot, those conservatives. You don't see liberals making these whining threads.

Liberals never get the girl...they are too busy pretending to be a girl or chasing the other boys

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