Liberal icon Al Sharpton sells rights to his life story to his own "charity" for $531K

LMAO! Faux is the closest thing to state approved media this side of RT!
That's annoyingly ignorant and I wish Trump commanded the media the way you like to pretend he does. About 90% of his problems would be solved in that case. You just make yourself seem ridiculous spewing out such nonsense...but that's okay with me. It just draws a clear red line around posters like you and invites people to laugh.
Fox only cares because beating on a black guy will get their audience in their usual daily tizzy, generating more clicks and views.
LMAO! Faux is the closest thing to state approved media this side of RT!
That's annoyingly ignorant and I wish Trump commanded the media the way you like to pretend he does. About 90% of his problems would be solved in that case. You just make yourself seem ridiculous spewing out such nonsense...but that's okay with me. It just draws a clear red line around posters like you and invites people to laugh.
Hooo-boy! Talk about annoyingly ignorant!

I think you just cornered the market!
Fox only cares because beating on a black guy will get their audience in their usual daily tizzy, generating more clicks and views.
This whole thread comes from a NY Post source. Fox in not involved at all. But I guess you can't help bringing out your favorite straw man to beat on some more. And that's pathetic.
Liberals don't have a problem with corruption; liberals have a problem with your corruption.

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Al Sharpton oprah winfrey dr nadine burke harris.jpg

Who the hell cares about some racist tax cheats life story?

I agree.

Who the hell would pay money for his life story??

He must have loads of donations if he can pay himself 500 thousand for his story.

Wonder how his donors feel about it??

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