Liberal bias in America's schools....

Gop guy

Apr 17, 2004
West Reading PA
Moreover my own!

In our library there is a politics clipnboard, called MAKE WISE CHOICES.

It was full of nothing but communist hippy environmental crap.

They even had some shit from!

There was nothing in defense of President Bush!

This was unexpected, since or school is right smack in the middle of Bush country.

More of the left's sinister attempts to brainwash my generation with their radical rethoric.

I will not let this slide.

Let's hope it's just a phase. I was a pacifist dem. when I entered college in 97 but here we are in 2004 and I've obviously grown out of it! It seems 'fashionable' to be liberal in academia. Those of us who aren't, have to keep our mouths shut.
If you're not afraid of a little recourse, you could always add your own stuff to the board. Some cold, hard, facts never hurt anyone, and isn't that what education's all about? :)
Put something up. put up and eight 1/2 by 11 laminated sheet with nothing but the facts of kerry's various lies, flip flops, and hypocrisies. Or just a big head shot of Bush, smiling like the devil cuz he's gonna win.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Put something up. put up and eight 1/2 by 11 laminated sheet with nothing but the facts of kerry's various lies, flip flops, and hypocrisies. Or just a big head shot of Bush, smiling like the devil cuz he's gonna win.

The question is wether or not students even have that right.

Is this a board for administration use only?
i guarntee if gop guy did put soemthing Pro-Bush up there or Anti-Kerry, ti'd get ripped down and labeled propaganda immediately by the faculty. All these school teachers are aging hippies, or are a product of other hippie teachers that taught them. We need to break the cycle somehow.
I may do it anyway, lol, I gonna fight the power.

Seriously, the Principal is gonna hear about this.

Yes, everyone in my school are liberal, except for a few, and they are my best friends. You do that, and if the administrators give you any crap, fight it all the way. How would people like the school/ district if they supported biased opinons? I wish my school had something like that, I'd put a whole bunch of Bush stuff and Support Our Troops stuff. Man, I hate my school district in Alaska, everyone here hates Bush, except the military families. I wouldnt be surprised if Alaska ends up secedeing. Good luck and have fun! ;)
Your from Alaska, cool.

Don't believe ANYTHING you friends say about Bush.

Alaska would actually have the best chance of seceding.

I am a college student now and yes, most of the faculty is democratic. The best professor I have had so far was a Libertarian, however.

Yeah, my school and my brothers' school are both extremely Liberal, but it doesn't really make sense for them to be...My triplet sister and I go to an all-girls' Catholic high school (ugh) and my triplet bro and little bro go to an all-guys Catholic high school (which is 'ugh' in their opinion as well), and they spew trash at us all the time, about how Saddam was "just a politician" and then switching to topics that condemn every person who is against homosexual marriage because we're "hateful and uncaring"--I am not too sure why a so-called religious school would side with liberals when liberals are the ones who are allowing that muslim call to prayer to take place, and getting the ten commandments taken down...the best I can do is take Michael Savage's The Enemy Within and read it at school, so I anger all the Liberals at lunch time...which is about 85% of the entire many girls hate my guts at that school it's not even funny. At my brothers' school, they've had to listen to anti-war talks and all that kind of thing. Sometimes the world makes me sick.
Originally posted by Gop guy
Your from Alaska, cool.

Don't believe ANYTHING you friends say about Bush.

Alaska would actually have the best chance of seceding.


No, all my friends I have converted to Conservativism. It's the pot-smokings "preps" that are liberal. It wouldn't be so bad, except they are anti-USA for no reason. I dont get it, and Im over trying. Hopefully high-school will be more sophisticated. (I'll be a Freshman in a few months :( )
Originally posted by proud_savagette
Yeah, my school and my brothers' school are both extremely Liberal, but it doesn't really make sense for them to be...My triplet sister and I go to an all-girls' Catholic high school (ugh) and my triplet bro and little bro go to an all-guys Catholic high school (which is 'ugh' in their opinion as well), and they spew trash at us all the time, about how Saddam was "just a politician" and then switching to topics that condemn every person who is against homosexual marriage because we're "hateful and uncaring"--I am not too sure why a so-called religious school would side with liberals when liberals are the ones who are allowing that muslim call to prayer to take place, and getting the ten commandments taken down...the best I can do is take Michael Savage's The Enemy Within and read it at school, so I anger all the Liberals at lunch time...which is about 85% of the entire many girls hate my guts at that school it's not even funny. At my brothers' school, they've had to listen to anti-war talks and all that kind of thing. Sometimes the world makes me sick.

I kinda wish i was back in high school now just so i can drive the liberal teachers crazy. I think the reason for the Liberal teachers in Catholic schools is because they will higher anyone they can get. Public schools are in demand and take all the good teachers. Catholic schools always take what they can because they pay less and provide less as far as supplies and such go. Therefore faith is usually either overlooked or teachers lie and backgrounds are never checked.
I once wore my "Bring it On!" shirt of President Bush to school. It was a mistake. The administration caught wind of it and called me down to the office where they laid some bullshit down on me about "dress code dissruption." When I asked them to prove where in the code of conduct they said that I couldn't wear political afiliation apparel they wrote me a referral and called my parents. My parents are both on my side (HURRAY) and I was only punished at school.

If you want to get back at them, but Oscar Wilde Quotes all over, and resort to...well, terrorism. Make them sorry, and make it blantant. I personally put clear gelatan into the faculty toilets and road coned off the faculty parking lot...and the mishief hasn't even begun. I am also developing a following of really pissed of conservatives...crap that was the bell. Gotta go
Originally posted by NewGuy
The question is wether or not students even have that right.

Is this a board for administration use only?

I suggest he find out by action.
Originally posted by JohnGalt
I once wore my "Bring it On!" shirt of President Bush to school. It was a mistake. The administration caught wind of it and called me down to the office where they laid some bullshit down on me about "dress code dissruption." When I asked them to prove where in the code of conduct they said that I couldn't wear political afiliation apparel they wrote me a referral and called my parents. My parents are both on my side (HURRAY) and I was only punished at school.

If you want to get back at them, but Oscar Wilde Quotes all over, and resort to...well, terrorism. Make them sorry, and make it blantant. I personally put clear gelatan into the faculty toilets and road coned off the faculty parking lot...and the mishief hasn't even begun. I am also developing a following of really pissed of conservatives...crap that was the bell. Gotta go

That's ridiculous. What do you think about this TN_Independant. Still think the school systems aren't run by out of control libs?

Who is john galt anyway?
hehe, John Galt is a character in Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand's epitome of the fictional documentary of her philosophy. The question is a powerful one, but to find out why, you must at least read the first page of the book... in fact... the second line asks, "Who is John Galt?" and throughout the rest of the book irrational men search in vain for the answer (finding it means their own demise ).

I know that I probably opened a can of worms by mentioning Rand (not many people take her seriously) but don't lecture me on her philosophy's (objectivism) flaws. I personally put it to the test for about 3 weeks, and I have never recieved so much hate in my life. Her philosophy forgets one VERY important factor; people. After realizing that compassion can indeed exist for another human not because they NEED to be helped, but because they CAN be helped I soon found that a person could live a very successful life with her philosophy, but never a happy one. (AND NO! PEACE OF MIND THROUGH REASON DOES NOT MAKE ANYONE HAPPY, so don't mention it!)

thanks, hope this makes sense...
If you wore a Kerry T-Shirt to school you would be in trouble just as you would when you wore a Bush shirt, so I really don't see your point.

In my 13 years of school I have never had a teacher or school employee that I felt openly expressed their views to either the right or the left.

GOP.. you sound like it is an atrocity to not have anything in defense of President Bush.. Did they have anything in defense of John Kerry? Supporting John Kerry? I would think that any non offensive material that was put there whether it was right or left would not be torn down. I would try it, and if it was then you can be angry if it is torn down. But by assuming it would be.. wtf?

Semper you live in Alaska? Interesting. I live there as well. I don't know why you think Alaskans hate Bush because they voted for him in 2000 by a large margin, and Alaska has been very Republican for over 30 years..

Insein it is good that you disrespect America's teachers and label them all as liberals. I am sure you will be so "happy" in 10 years when we have a huge teacher shortage when all those "aging hippies" retire.
Originally posted by CrazyLiberal
If you wore a Kerry T-Shirt to school you would be in trouble just as you would when you wore a Bush shirt, so I really don't see your point.

In my 13 years of school I have never had a teacher or school employee that I felt openly expressed their views to either the right or the left.

GOP.. you sound like it is an atrocity to not have anything in defense of President Bush.. Did they have anything in defense of John Kerry? Supporting John Kerry? I would think that any non offensive material that was put there whether it was right or left would not be torn down. I would try it, and if it was then you can be angry if it is torn down. But by assuming it would be.. wtf?

Semper you live in Alaska? Interesting. I live there as well. I don't know why you think Alaskans hate Bush because they voted for him in 2000 by a large margin, and Alaska has been very Republican for over 30 years..

Insein it is good that you disrespect America's teachers and label them all as liberals. I am sure you will be so "happy" in 10 years when we have a huge teacher shortage when all those "aging hippies" retire.

They are all liberals. Open your eyes.
Originally posted by Gop guy
Moreover my own!

In our library there is a politics clipnboard, called MAKE WISE CHOICES.

It was full of nothing but communist hippy environmental crap.

They even had some shit from!

There was nothing in defense of President Bush!

This was unexpected, since or school is right smack in the middle of Bush country.

More of the left's sinister attempts to brainwash my generation with their radical rethoric.

I will not let this slide.


The only bias in our schools is against a classical education which gives our children the tools they need to go as far as they can in the world. As for defending Bush...How does one defend the indefensible?
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
The only bias in our schools is against a classical education which gives our children the tools they need to go as far as they can in the world. As for defending Bush...How does one defend the indefensible?

If by "classical education" you mean the three "r's" and less philosophical hand wringing? I agree. I notice that this thread has a lot of youngsters on it (anyone under 30), for the record I was never this well informed in high school. I was drinking, getting laid, driving fast. We elected Jimmy Carter and I didn't even notice till 1980.

My kids have taken harder subjects than I was even offered. My oldest took physics as a junior. My Middle one graduated a year early after taking college classes in the summer that counted for AP/Graduation credit. Only my youngest isn't a brain. None of them have a clue about politics other than to say "It's my right".

And, I think teaching a 16 year old how to manage a bank account and potential credit card debt is more usefull than AP physics. I like standardized tests as well, but thats another can of worms.

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