Lib Regime overthrown in Niger


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Hopefully the tremendous Republic of Niger moves back toward the center with this latest move.

The first move of the new President should be to change the name of the nation into something less offensive. The name can easily be confused with a derogatory slur, so a lot of people are definitely offended.

tremendous?.....they have been called the world capital of poverty, with 71 million people living in extreme poverty today (World Poverty Clock, 2023).....
tremendous?.....they have been called the world capital of poverty, with 71 million people living in extreme poverty today (World Poverty Clock, 2023).....

They have tremendous potential in Niger, but their offensive name seems to be holding them back
They have tremendous potential in Niger, but their offensive name seems to be holding them back
yea sure....

In 2021, the United Nations rated Niger the least developed country in the world (closely followed by the Central African Republic, Chad, Burundi, and South Sudan). Over the years, the country’s situation has only worsened as the humanitarian context grows more dire due to insecurity, hunger, the climate crisis, and COVID-19. All of these elements make the cycle of poverty even more difficult to break for millions of Nigerians living on less than $1.90 per day.
Hopefully the tremendous Republic of Niger moves back toward the center with this latest move.

The first move of the new President should be to change the name of the nation into something less offensive. The name can easily be confused with a derogatory slur, so a lot of people are definitely offended.

I can't often tell if your posts are satirical, or you really are this stupid.
Democratically elected President is a partner of the US. We also have troops there.
I understand you like a coup no matter where.
France will give an "immediate response" in the event of attacks on its citizens in Niger, Agence France-Presse reported, citing a statement from the Elysee Palace.

"Whoever carries out attacks against citizens, the army, diplomats and the country's interests will receive an immediate and unyielding response from France. The president of the republic will not tolerate any attack against her and her interests," the statement said.

Earlier, media reported that thousands of people in Niger took part in a rally against France and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), as well as in support of the "National Council for the Defense of the Fatherland" formed by the coup protesters. The action, among other things, was held at the French Embassy in Niamey.
It was noted that the protesters chanted slogans against France and ECOWAS.

According to the French Foreign Ministry, at the moment there are about 600 French citizens in Niger.
Earlier, the military of Niger during a speech on national television said that President Mohamed Bazoum was ousted, the borders were closed and a curfew was declared. Before that, military members of the presidential guard blockaded the presidential palace in the capital Niamey. Bazoum's office claimed the army did not support the rebels, but the army command later declared solidarity with them. The president is still being held at the residence. Bazoum is fine and feels well, African Union commission chairman Moussa Faki Mahamat told RIA Novosti. On Friday, the commander of the presidential guard, General Tchiani, appeared on Niger state TV as the head of the "National Council for the Defense of the Fatherland" formed by coup participants.

A former French colony, Niger remains one of the last Western allies in the Sahel. Paris has supplied the country with drones, fighter jets and stationed 1,500 military personnel to fight terrorist groups that are operating along the borders of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. France's military was previously stationed in Mali and Burkina Faso, but French forces were pulled out of the two countries after coups d'état in 2020 and 2022 respectively.

The country is also home to rich uranium reserves on which France is heavily dependent. Alexander Uvarov, editor-in-chief of the nuclear energy portal, told RIA Novosti earlier that as a result of the change of power, French nuclear workers will have to reconsider the economic conditions of work in the country, which could lead to higher prices for nuclear fuel for French nuclear power plants.

In Niger, people gathered around the French embassy. They are waving Russian and national flags, demanding that the French withdraw their military bases and get out. I wonder how that happened....

There is an old joke that as soon as oil or gas is found on Mars, the US will immediately declare that the Martians have problems with democracy and will send their own space force there. As always, there is a joke in every joke (the rest is true). Also - it's not only the US that does this, and not only with oil. Niger was included in the French sphere of influence at the Berlin Conference in 1884, in 1897 the French sent a mission to "their" new possessions, and when they were not very welcome, they sent a military expedition of Paul Voulet and Julien Chanouin, who literally burned several dozen villages and killed several thousand locals. Thus began the French administration of this territory, which has since taken various forms, but never really ended and, frankly speaking, was not friendly to African peoples.

And in 1957, at the dawn of the atomic age, the richest deposits of uranium were found there, and the picture became complete. Neither independence in 1960, nor a chain of uprisings and coups prevented the French from maintaining their influence and bringing uranium for their nuclear power plants, and Niger, despite such riches, remained one of the poorest countries, from which in the best colonial traditions sucked out all the useful resources.

The current president, Mohamed Bazoum, has had close ties with both France and Britain, and there are now both French and American military bases in the country. And of course, the starving citizens had a natural question one day, "How come?" That's what they came to the French embassy with.

What does this have to do with Russia? The fact is that Russia, being a global power, did not have African colonies like France or Belgium. It did not consider dark-skinned people as second-class people and did not turn them into slaves, like the United States. The countries within its sphere of influence were not drained dry like Britain, but developed. Some of them so that after the collapse of the USSR they were able to join the European Union.

Now the fashionable trend is "anti-colonialism", but those who are most guilty of the sin of colonialism are at the forefront of it. Russia is clean from it. And at the same time it has enough resources to help others. Therefore, surprise - the banner of anti-colonialism now looks like the Russian tricolor. With what I congratulate everyone.
Democratically elected President is a partner of the US. We also have troops there.
I understand you like a coup no matter where.

What I find ironic is that the new government in Niger has imprisoned the previous President and Blinken and the Biden Regime are pitching a bitch about it.

While they are trying to do the same with our former President here at the same time.

The hypocrisy is incredible.
France began to pull its citizens out of Niger, while continuing to threaten the military that had seized power. Following France, other EU states have begun pulling their citizens out.
The threat of foreign intervention is on the agenda. The removal of citizens may precede the preparation of an armed invasion of Niger by a coalition of several African states with the support of NATO countries. As of today, Niger has opened borders with Mali, Chad, Algeria, Burkina Faso and Libya. PMC "Wagner" is present in three of these countries, and Algeria is one of the main buyers of Russian weapons in the region.

However, the willingness of Algeria, Mali and Burkina Faso to stand up for Niger and fight aggressors on its territory, somewhat complicates the plans of potential interveners, as instead of the usual local aggression, a war that would cover the entire region may turn out. In addition, the above-mentioned African countries have threatened to withdraw from ECOWAS in the event of an invasion of Niger, which will lead to further fragmentation of the French-dependent bloc.

Well, while there is no intervention, the military is consolidating its power and has already frozen the export of gold and uranium to Europe.
Even now it is not difficult to predict that if the West does not start an invasion war in Niger, it will lead to a further depletion of Western influence in West Africa with an automatic increase in the influence of Russia and China.
France began to pull its citizens out of Niger, while continuing to threaten the military that had seized power. Following France, other EU states have begun pulling their citizens out.
The threat of foreign intervention is on the agenda. The removal of citizens may precede the preparation of an armed invasion of Niger by a coalition of several African states with the support of NATO countries. As of today, Niger has opened borders with Mali, Chad, Algeria, Burkina Faso and Libya. PMC "Wagner" is present in three of these countries, and Algeria is one of the main buyers of Russian weapons in the region.

However, the willingness of Algeria, Mali and Burkina Faso to stand up for Niger and fight aggressors on its territory, somewhat complicates the plans of potential interveners, as instead of the usual local aggression, a war that would cover the entire region may turn out. In addition, the above-mentioned African countries have threatened to withdraw from ECOWAS in the event of an invasion of Niger, which will lead to further fragmentation of the French-dependent bloc.

Well, while there is no intervention, the military is consolidating its power and has already frozen the export of gold and uranium to Europe.
Even now it is not difficult to predict that if the West does not start an invasion war in Niger, it will lead to a further depletion of Western influence in West Africa with an automatic increase in the influence of Russia and China.
The French should keep quiet and that goes for the other old Colonialist scumbags, Niger rich in Uranium and Gold, the Uranium provides much of the power in France, at the same time the people in Niger don't have much electricity, it's all about looting the natural resources and the people are pissed off about it, they want their share of the wealth.
It's taken a long time but Africans have had more than enough of those Colonial scumbags who think they are entitled to other peoples property, a question was asked i believe in a Orwell novel, what is Imperialism?the answer going to other Countries and stealing their things, Niger is rich in Gold and Uranium, that Uranium lights most of France, at the same time the Niger people don't have much electricity, they have had enough.
A map of Africa, showing the countries where the French massacred leaders.
British genocide is not the only genocide, you know.
A map of Africa, showing the countries where the French massacred leaders.
British genocide is not the only genocide, you know.
I think the French were worse, they killed a million in Algeria, little Belgium murdered almost all the people in Congo, they still have momuments to that genocidal maniac Leopold.
The newly appointed Deputy Secretary of State, Vicki Nuland, rushed to Niger. She threatened the putschists with heavenly punishment if they didn't restore "democracy" and stop welcoming the Wagnerites. She was publicly told to fuck off, and was asked to take her $ with her and spend it on fat loss.
Such savage humiliation America has never experienced before, but the Euro-faggots are used to it.
The Nigerian putschists should not rejoice too soon - the pissed off ghoul will now attract all the forces of her zonist hubby. she will take terrible revenge.
The newly appointed Deputy Secretary of State, Vicki Nuland, rushed to Niger. She threatened the putschists with heavenly punishment if they didn't restore "democracy" and stop welcoming the Wagnerites. She was publicly told to fuck off, and was asked to take her $ with her and spend it on fat loss.
Such savage humiliation America has never experienced before, but the Euro-faggots are used to it.
The Nigerian putschists should not rejoice too soon - the pissed off ghoul will now attract all the forces of her zonist hubby. she will take terrible revenge.
That fat Bitch has been eating too many of her own cookies, the mistake Yanukovych made in Ukraine was not arresting that Bitch and insane McCain at the airport, then they should have been on the next flight back to Washington.
Niger supplies France with 18% of it’s uranium
France purchases from Niger at $11/lb
France sells to the rest of the globe at $218/lb
42% of Nigerians live in extreme poverty whereas 3% of French live in extreme poverty.
If it wasn’t for western colonialism sucking the life out of the Global South, the bloodsucking parasitic societies of the West would collapse


Niger junta orders police to expel French ambassador​


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