Let’s not pretend conservatives are banning books in school libraries simply because of graphic sexual content


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
It really does not matter if an LGBT book being banned has sexual content in it. It will be banned either way. Any mention of a gay relationship is automatically condemned.

This doesn’t just apply to LGBT books. It also applies to books with Black Lives Matter content. Oh the horror!

Conservatives only care about their own free speech - not anyone else’s.

It really does not matter if an LGBT book being banned has sexual content in it. It will be banned either way. Any mention of a gay relationship is automatically condemned.

This doesn’t just apply to LGBT books. It also applies to books with Black Lives Matter content. Oh the horror!

Conservatives only care about their own free speech - not anyone else’s.

Why are you so staunch in defending any efforts to expose young children to sexual perversion and depravity, or to violent criminal and terrorist behavior?

Most of us do not think that “free speech” covers grooming children to be sex perverts or violent criminals.
Why are you so staunch in defending any efforts to expose young children to sexual perversion and depravity, or to violent criminal and terrorist behavior?

Most of us do not think that “free speech” covers grooming children to be sex perverts or violent criminals.
If the book has actual explicit sexual language in it, I can get behind banning it in a school. If it lacks that and the content merely discusses a homosexual relationship, then it’s stupid to ban it.

Ask yourself this question: if a kid picks up a book and it depicts a gay relationship between adults but lacks sexual content, this book would have… what effect on that kid? What would happen to the kid if they read it? Do you even know? No you have no idea lol

Just admit you don’t actually give a shit about the kids. If there were books in libraries with sexual content of heterosexual relations, you would not even give a shit they would be there. You would not be whining like you are now lol
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It really does not matter if an LGBT book being banned has sexual content in it. It will be banned either way. Any mention of a gay relationship is automatically condemned.

This doesn’t just apply to LGBT books. It also applies to books with Black Lives Matter content. Oh the horror!

Conservatives only care about their own free speech - not anyone else’s.

Books on blacks like Harriet Tubman or mlk, and Malcom x are in schools and have been for decades.

Holden caufield in catcher in the rye was, illiadus and patrolucous from Greek literature we're, the color purple had gay characters.

No one banned or called for a ban on those books.

The only ones banned were due to extremism, propping those people up as special above others, taught they were better and tried to convince readers to be one of them and influential to children.

But you don't understand that because all you care about is falsely twisting things in order to hate Republicans. It's all you ever do which makes you exactly the same as the type of people you hate. That's why you have 28k posts, and 8k reactions because we all know you're an extremist contrarian.
Books on blacks like Harriet Tubman or mlk, and Malcom x are in schools and have been for decades.

Holden caufield in catcher in the rye was, illiadus and patrolucous from Greek literature we're, the color purple had gay characters.

No one banned or called for a ban on those books.

The only ones banned were due to extremism, propping those people up as special above others, taught they were better and tried to convince readers to be one of them and influential to children.

But you don't understand that because all you care about is falsely twisting things in order to hate Republicans. It's all you ever do which makes you exactly the same as the type of people you hate. That's why you have 28k posts, and 8k reactions because we all know you're an extremist contrarian.
I’m not suggesting there haven’t been books banned in the past. I’m talking about the current trend we are in now. Book banning in this day and age has been taken to a whole new level in terms of how many books and the content involved.
It really does not matter if an LGBT book being banned has sexual content in it. It will be banned either way. Any mention of a gay relationship is automatically condemned.

This doesn’t just apply to LGBT books. It also applies to books with Black Lives Matter content. Oh the horror!

Conservatives only care about their own free speech - not anyone else’s.

reading, writing and arithmetic, throw in some history.

Banned books are not new, but they have gained new relevance in an escalating culture war that puts books centering racism, sexuality and gender identity at risk in public schools and libraries. (From your source)

Ask yourself this question: if a kid picks up a book and it depicts a gay relationship but lacks sexual content, this book would have…

Why do children need to be reading about sick sexual perversions?

That's the wrong question.

The right question is why do faggots, trannies, and other sick perverts want an audience of children?

Why do YOU want these perverts to have an audience of children? What is your interest in helping these perverts to gain control and influence over children? That's the question that we really should be considering here, and any plausible answer should be deeply disturbing to any decent person.
Well...um...yeah, just maybe it just isn't appropriate for the class room? Just a guess. :rolleyes-41:
Maybe next you'll want them to watch 'Lolita' as a class extra credit.
Why would it matter if kids read a book about BLM? That’s just fucking stupid lol. A gay relationship between adults with no sexual content is also just as harmless. It simply has no negative effect on a kid.
It really does not matter if an LGBT book being banned has sexual content in it. It will be banned either way. Any mention of a gay relationship is automatically condemned.

This doesn’t just apply to LGBT books. It also applies to books with Black Lives Matter content. Oh the horror!

Conservatives only care about their own free speech - not anyone else’s.

You know, I support their efforts to the extent this is going to bite them in the ass. They got political traction because the democrats were so GD obnoxious about absolutely everything. Now, the conservatives, especially the Liberty University/MAGA conservatives are charging head first into the same fate as the dems. Every one of their victories will be short-term and fleeting in the end because the masses are quickly tiring of them.
Why do children need to be reading about sick sexual perversions?

That's the wrong question.

The right question is why do faggots, trannies, and other sick perverts want an audience of children?

Why do YOU want these perverts to have an audience of children? What is your interest in helping these perverts to gain control and influence over children? That's the question that we really should be considering here, and any plausible answer should be deeply disturbing to any decent person.
I’m not surprised at all you did not answer the question I asked because you know you have a no answer lol.

I’ll ask again to troll you: if a kid reads a book that depicts a consensual gay relationship between adults that lacks any explicit content, this book would have what effect on the kid? What specific, objective effect would this have on a kid who read it?

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