Let's Be Honest, The Dem Establishment Cannot Win by Ganging Up Against Sanders


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
It appears that the moderates are dropping out trying to consolidate votes under Biden to combine their power to stop Sanders. Let's be very honest here, this might mean Biden is able to win a contested convention, but Sanders' supporters who see the Democratic establishment cares more about what politicians want than the people do, will never support or vote for Biden against Trump. When you have such a large percentage of voters who support Sanders sees that the Democratic party will do whatever it takes to keep him from winning, there is no way Biden will be able to beat Trump... so despite the rhetoric being perpetuated by the media, and most specifically MSNBC, Sanders is really the only person who has a shot at beating Trump. It's much easier for Sanders to take his 35% base and add 15% other voters to win, than to see Biden try to get enough of Sanders' 35% base to devote their votes to him.

We know that a person with a 30%-35% base along with enough voters that will vote whomever their party puts in the race, can win... it is how Trump was elected.
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Biden is the reason they put warning labels on draino.
Bernie is the reason the founders put warnings in their political statements.
Either way we are screwed.
It appears that the moderates are dropping out trying to consolidate votes under Biden to combine their power to stop Sanders. Let's be very honest here, this might mean Biden is able to win a contested convention, but Sanders' supporters who see the Democratic establishment cares more about what politicians want than the people do, will never support or vote for Biden against Trump. When you have such a large percentage of voters who support Sanders sees that the Democratic party will do whatever it takes to keep him from winning, there is no way Biden will be able to beat Trump... so despite the rhetoric being perpetuated by the media, and most specifically MSNBC, Sanders is really the only person who has a shot at beating Trump. It's much easier for Sanders to take his 35% base and add 15% other voters to win, than to see Biden try to get enough of Sanders' 35% base to devote their votes to him.

We know that a person with a 30%-35% base along with enough voters that will vote whomever their party puts in the race, can win... it is how Trump was elected.

This is the beauty of it if you are a Trump supporter. Trump is playing it right, just keep reminding his voters that the fix is in and it's a valid and honest argument.

He gained approx. 10% of Bernie voters in 2016, you can imagine it would be much higher this time. After he is screwed again, and, after 4 years of Trumps success.
I can understand them wanting to consolidate under one candidate, but Biden is probably the least desirable candidate to consolidate under. He is a child and woman molester, and he is showing the first signs of age related dementia. He is completely unfit.

The only folks that will ignore this are rabid partisans. This is bewildering. Do these corrupted elites think the American public is really this dumb? :dunno:

Locker room talk is one thing. .. . . that is something every red blooded American male does. OTH, what Joe does? I do not understand.

You know, the one person I'm watching closely in this race is Bloomberg. Why? Because he promised to support the Dem candidate, even if it wasn't him. And, he said that even if he did drop out of the race, he would continue to financially support the campaign so that Trump could be beat.

Gonna be interesting to see what he does if he doesn't get the nomination, and it kinda looks like he won't. It will be interesting to see if he keeps his word in supporting the Dem nominee.
You know, the one person I'm watching closely in this race is Bloomberg. Why? Because he promised to support the Dem candidate, even if it wasn't him. And, he said that even if he did drop out of the race, he would continue to financially support the campaign so that Trump could be beat.

Gonna be interesting to see what he does if he doesn't get the nomination, and it kinda looks like he won't. It will be interesting to see if he keeps his word in supporting the Dem nominee.

Biggest issue with that is Bernie prides himself on not wanting donations from billionaires. That couldn't stop Bloomberg from donating money to the DNC, which is said to be broke... I just don't see how anyone can really believe Bernie supporters would support anyone else the DNC puts in if it continues to be this obvious they are trying to sabotage Sanders for the second election.
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I can understand them wanting to consolidate under one candidate, but Biden is probably the least desirable candidate to consolidate under. He is a child and woman molester, and he is showing the first signs of age related dementia. He is completely unfit.

The only folks that will ignore this are rabid partisans. This is bewildering. Do these corrupted elites think the American public is really this dumb? :dunno:

Locker room talk is one thing. .. . . that is something every red blooded American male does. OTH, what Joe does? I do not understand.

I believe the American public is that dumb :dunno:
I can understand them wanting to consolidate under one candidate, but Biden is probably the least desirable candidate to consolidate under. He is a child and woman molester, and he is showing the first signs of age related dementia. He is completely unfit.

The only folks that will ignore this are rabid partisans. This is bewildering. Do these corrupted elites think the American public is really this dumb? :dunno:

Locker room talk is one thing. .. . . that is something every red blooded American male does. OTH, what Joe does? I do not understand.

You know, the one person I'm watching closely in this race is Bloomberg. Why? Because he promised to support the Dem candidate, even if it wasn't him. And, he said that even if he did drop out of the race, he would continue to financially support the campaign so that Trump could be beat.

Gonna be interesting to see what he does if he doesn't get the nomination, and it kinda looks like he won't. It will be interesting to see if he keeps his word in supporting the Dem nominee.

You're not watching Bloomberg close enough. His sleight of hand tricks and money is what's shaping the outcome of the Democrat's candidatorial process right now. Bloomberg is the "man behind the curtain" and once he winnows out the Democratic chaff, Biden is going to be the only one left standing.

I've said this before: Mike Bloomberg is not interested in occupying the White House. Being the authoritarian he is, Bloomberg is shaping the DNC, the Democrat Party, and whom he hopes is the next President, into something he has total control over. If you don't believe that, look at the 2018 mid-term congressional elections: Bloomberg's pecker tracks are all over that. The Democrats wouldn't have taken control over the House, had it not been for his influence.

Consider this a lesson.
I can understand them wanting to consolidate under one candidate, but Biden is probably the least desirable candidate to consolidate under. He is a child and woman molester, and he is showing the first signs of age related dementia. He is completely unfit.

The only folks that will ignore this are rabid partisans. This is bewildering. Do these corrupted elites think the American public is really this dumb? :dunno:

Locker room talk is one thing. .. . . that is something every red blooded American male does. OTH, what Joe does? I do not understand.


It appears that the moderates are dropping out trying to consolidate votes under Biden to combine their power to stop Sanders. Let's be very honest here, this might mean Biden is able to win a contested convention, but Sanders' supporters who see the Democratic establishment cares more about what politicians want than the people do, will never support or vote for Biden against Trump. When you have such a large percentage of voters who support Sanders sees that the Democratic party will do whatever it takes to keep him from winning, there is no way Biden will be able to beat Trump... so despite the rhetoric being perpetuated by the media, and most specifically MSNBC, Sanders is really the only person who has a shot at beating Trump. It's much easier for Sanders to take his 35% base and add 15% other voters to win, than to see Biden try to get enough of Sanders' 35% base to devote their votes to him.

We know that a person with a 30%-35% base along with enough voters that will vote whomever their party puts in the race, can win... it is how Trump was elected.

Pretty much of all of America will be turning against him. Which part of "LAND OF THE FREE" does he not understand? He can take his snakes oil to where there are buyers.

The democratic party... a other not only American but anti-democratic construct... now eaten by all the people they indoctrinated to socialism.
Sanders will, in the end, get more democratic voters.

. . . and they will have to strip it of him, and that will cost them the election, b/c NO ONE will come out and vote for Biden, not even the majority of their own party.
It appears that the moderates are dropping out trying to consolidate votes under Biden to combine their power to stop Sanders. Let's be very honest here, this might mean Biden is able to win a contested convention, but Sanders' supporters who see the Democratic establishment cares more about what politicians want than the people do, will never support or vote for Biden against Trump. When you have such a large percentage of voters who support Sanders sees that the Democratic party will do whatever it takes to keep him from winning, there is no way Biden will be able to beat Trump... so despite the rhetoric being perpetuated by the media, and most specifically MSNBC, Sanders is really the only person who has a shot at beating Trump. It's much easier for Sanders to take his 35% base and add 15% other voters to win, than to see Biden try to get enough of Sanders' 35% base to devote their votes to him.

We know that a person with a 30%-35% base along with enough voters that will vote whomever their party puts in the race, can win... it is how Trump was elected.

Pretty much of all of America will be turning against him. Which part of "LAND OF THE FREE" does he not understand? He can take his snakes oil to where there are buyers.

The democratic party... a other not only American but anti-democratic construct... now eaten by all the people they indoctrinated to socialism.

Educated voters know that Presidents will never bring everything they campaign on to fruition... because Congress are the ones who write and pass the laws. With that said, the majority of the country is heavily invested in getting as many people as possible covered with health insurance and that preexisting conditions continue to be covered. The majority of voters believe the top 1% along with the largest companies in the U.S. be taxed more and pay their employees more... there is NO REASON why a person that works for a company like Amazon is forced to also get social welfare benefits just to be able to get by. So not only are large companies not contributing to the government, they are forcing the government to make up for things they should already provide. The majority of Americans also believe that more should be invested in Pre-K, better schools, and more opportunities for secondary education.

We already live in a socialist society, the only difference is the one we live in now is socialism for the rich.

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