Let he who is without crack-induced nudes cast the first stone


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Let He Who Is Without Crack-Induced Nudes Cast the First Stone

What does President Biden know about the release of private photos?
18 Mar 2022 ~~ By Cockburn

President Joe Biden often likes to tout his involvement in passing the Violence Against Women Act. So, naturally, the president was on hand to speak about the issue this week at an event marking the bill’s reauthorization.
With his trademark eloquence, Biden emphasized how the reauthorization took aim at revenge porn, which he described as “a new civil rights cause of action for those whose intimate images were shared on a public screen.”
“I bet everybody knows somebody,” the president explained, “that in an intimate relationship, what happened was the guy takes a revealing picture of his naked friend, or whatever, in a compromising position and then blackmails.”
True enough, Mr. Biden. Who among us, to pick a random hypothetical from the aether, has not had to face the scandalous repercussions of intimate, illicit photos surfacing after we left a laptop uncollected at a computer repair shop in the sleepy state of Delaware?
Cockburn shudders at the thought that such pictures, which could include anything from indelicate images of his sexual conquests and large appendage to his casual, right-before-bedtime crack pipe, might not only be seen publicly but also could carry potential consequences. And not just for him, mind you: that’s the thing people always lose sight of in matters involving revenge porn — when such photos come to light, it affects not just you but also your loved ones.

Indeed, according to one insider with intimate knowledge of Hunter Biden’s photo library, “Is it blackmail if you feel no shame about it?”
Does this mean Hunter will be arrested? Nah!
Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies policies are all about democratizing deviancy.
PM/DSA Democrat Commies are looking to put Hunter Biden up for President in 2024?
Why not? The news media and the US courts will throw their weight behind him.
They threw it behind Joey.

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