Legitimate thoughts on investing

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
NO TROLLING PLEASE! I want legitimate feedback.

I have some money I will be able to get hold of soon. I'd like to put it into the market, but I don't know much about it all.
I understand the basics, but I don't know exactly WHAT to put my money on.

I'd like to split my money between two markets, but I don't know which ones.
I'd like to make some money within the next year if possible. Not looking to "get rich quick" or anything, but some extra money would be nice.

I've researched online, and some of the most popular "high risk, high gain" stocks are:

International Paper
Big Pharma

I'm going to buy some gold as well. Not much, just a bit to start. Don't know if I should buy gold STOCK, or gold BARS, or gold COINS. All the info I find is all wishy washy and cancel each other out.

Some info says the best gold is from the US government. Others say Canadian gold is the best and purest form of gold there is. And others state that Krugerans are better than everything else. So, I don't know.
Probably bad time to get in right now. Have someone researching automation firms. Way libs are draining employees out of the economy and the chaos alrdy created something has to take up the slack.
NO TROLLING PLEASE! I want legitimate feedback.

I have some money I will be able to get hold of soon. I'd like to put it into the market, but I don't know much about it all.
I understand the basics, but I don't know exactly WHAT to put my money on.

I'd like to split my money between two markets, but I don't know which ones.
I'd like to make some money within the next year if possible. Not looking to "get rich quick" or anything, but some extra money would be nice.

I've researched online, and some of the most popular "high risk, high gain" stocks are:

International Paper
Big Pharma

I'm going to buy some gold as well. Not much, just a bit to start. Don't know if I should buy gold STOCK, or gold BARS, or gold COINS. All the info I find is all wishy washy and cancel each other out.

Some info says the best gold is from the US government. Others say Canadian gold is the best and purest form of gold there is. And others state that Krugerans are better than everything else. So, I don't know.
/----/ I've been investing since 1978, and today, I'm mostly in cash. I make money by writing covered calls and cash-secured puts, but there is a learning curve you need to get through. I'm raking in DRIP dividends with GLPI and XLE because ETFs are less volatile than individual stocks and DRIP automatically grows your number of shares.

If you don't know what ETFs, DRIPs or option calls, you need to go online and study them at Investopedia.com or use the education videos your broker provides for free. You should also join a local stock investors club. Almost every community has one. There, fellow investors help each other.

BUT NEVER NEVER NEVER hire a financial advisor to invest for you. no one cares more about your financial future than you do.
/----/ I've been investing since 1978, and today, I'm mostly in cash. I make money by writing covered calls and cash-secured puts, but there is a learning curve you need to get through. I'm raking in DRIP dividends with GLPI and XLE because ETFs are less volatile than individual stocks and DRIP automatically grows your number of shares.

If you don't know what ETFs, DRIPs or option calls, you need to go online and study them at Investopedia.com or use the education videos your broker provides for free. You should also join a local stock investors club. Almost every community has one. There, fellow investors help each other.

BUT NEVER NEVER NEVER hire a financial advisor to invest for you. no one cares more about your financial future than you do.

Yeah, I asked about DRIP funds before, and I was told that you have to have stock in the company before they would allow you to get DRIP funds. (Exxon/Mobil)

Never thought of a stock investors club. That is definitely worth researching. I hope they have one for newbies.

Well, I bought stock in the company I work for. It's not a lot, but I think it's enough to turn over into regular stock. And it's all managed by Fidelity. The company I work for is laying people off the end of October, but I've already got another job to start in Nov. So, I have my 401K and stock money coming to me in November.

I figured instead of rolling it into the new employers financial company, I'd just invest some, buy a bit of gold, and pay off some bills with the rest.......and just start over with a new 401K with the new company.

I'm not only trying to figure out what stocks I want to get into, I'm trying to decide what bills to pay off as well.
Yeah, I asked about DRIP funds before, and I was told that you have to have stock in the company before they would allow you to get DRIP funds. (Exxon/Mobil)

Never thought of a stock investors club. That is definitely worth researching. I hope they have one for newbies.

Well, I bought stock in the company I work for. It's not a lot, but I think it's enough to turn over into regular stock. And it's all managed by Fidelity. The company I work for is laying people off the end of October, but I've already got another job to start in Nov. So, I have my 401K and stock money coming to me in November.

I figured instead of rolling it into the new employers financial company, I'd just invest some, buy a bit of gold, and pay off some bills with the rest.......and just start over with a new 401K with the new company.

I'm not only trying to figure out what stocks I want to get into, I'm trying to decide what bills to pay off as well.
/——-/ DRIP aren’t funds. It’s a process where the dividends you are paid on stocks you already own are automatically reinvested into more shares as opposed to depositing cash into your account. This grows your ownership.
Paying down debt is always a good thing, but you need to add to your savings at the same time.
If you cash out your 401k, not only will you pay capital gains tax, you’ll also pay a 10% penalty. You can just roll your 401 over to your new company and avoid this.
Based on your other statements, you are a bit confused. You need to study investigating a lot more.
NO TROLLING PLEASE! I want legitimate feedback.

I have some money I will be able to get hold of soon. I'd like to put it into the market, but I don't know much about it all.
I understand the basics, but I don't know exactly WHAT to put my money on.

I'd like to split my money between two markets, but I don't know which ones.
I'd like to make some money within the next year if possible. Not looking to "get rich quick" or anything, but some extra money would be nice.

I've researched online, and some of the most popular "high risk, high gain" stocks are:

International Paper
Big Pharma

I'm going to buy some gold as well. Not much, just a bit to start. Don't know if I should buy gold STOCK, or gold BARS, or gold COINS. All the info I find is all wishy washy and cancel each other out.

Some info says the best gold is from the US government. Others say Canadian gold is the best and purest form of gold there is. And others state that Krugerans are better than everything else. So, I don't know.

Put the majority in the Shwabb
NO TROLLING PLEASE! I want legitimate feedback.

I have some money I will be able to get hold of soon. I'd like to put it into the market, but I don't know much about it all.
I understand the basics, but I don't know exactly WHAT to put my money on.

I'd like to split my money between two markets, but I don't know which ones.
I'd like to make some money within the next year if possible. Not looking to "get rich quick" or anything, but some extra money would be nice.

I've researched online, and some of the most popular "high risk, high gain" stocks are:

International Paper
Big Pharma

I'm going to buy some gold as well. Not much, just a bit to start. Don't know if I should buy gold STOCK, or gold BARS, or gold COINS. All the info I find is all wishy washy and cancel each other out.

Some info says the best gold is from the US government. Others say Canadian gold is the best and purest form of gold there is. And others state that Krugerans are better than everything else. So, I don't know.

Don’t invest that n individual stocks if you don’t know what you’re doing. Put the majority in a Schwab Mutual Fund. Download the Coinbase App. Fund it by linking to your bank. The instructions on how to do that are there. Buy fractural shares of Bitcoin, Etherum, Solana, Polygon, Agld, and leave it alone.
Put the majority in the Shwabb

Don’t invest that n individual stocks if you don’t know what you’re doing. Put the majority in a Schwab Mutual Fund. Download the Coinbase App. Fund it by linking to your bank. The instructions on how to do that are there. Buy fractural shares of Bitcoin, Etherum, Solana, Polygon, Agld, and leave it alone.
/——-/ You can buy Bitcoin through your PayPal app too.
So, I have my 401K and stock money coming to me in November.

I figured instead of rolling it into the new employers financial company, I'd just invest some, buy a bit of gold, and pay off some bills with the rest.......and just start over with a new 401K with the new company.

Before talking what to put the money into have you considered the tax consequences of, 'just starting over'? It makes sense not to roll it into the new employers financial company, but the alternative of rolling it into an IRA may save you from sending a heap of the dough along to Uncle Sam. Especially if any tax penalties are involved because of age (or lack there-of).
NO TROLLING PLEASE! I want legitimate feedback.

I have some money I will be able to get hold of soon. I'd like to put it into the market, but I don't know much about it all.
I understand the basics, but I don't know exactly WHAT to put my money on.

I'd like to split my money between two markets, but I don't know which ones.
I'd like to make some money within the next year if possible. Not looking to "get rich quick" or anything, but some extra money would be nice.

I've researched online, and some of the most popular "high risk, high gain" stocks are:

International Paper
Big Pharma

I'm going to buy some gold as well. Not much, just a bit to start. Don't know if I should buy gold STOCK, or gold BARS, or gold COINS. All the info I find is all wishy washy and cancel each other out.

Some info says the best gold is from the US government. Others say Canadian gold is the best and purest form of gold there is. And others state that Krugerans are better than everything else. So, I don't know.
Cryto currency is the future. Download a few crypto trading platforms to your phone.
Put it under your matress for a little while and leave it alone.

Avoid financial advisors.

Everything's a distortion. Now more than ever.

Maybe treat yourself to a fat sack of good weed in the mean time and giggle your ass off while you hold out for the bust.

Don't waste your time on physical gold now either. Shoulda started buying that thirty years ago for the investment to be meaningful. Depends on how old you are, really.
And watch out for financial advisors. Most of em don't even know what money is. They're largely in the business of economic distortion.
/——-/ Or open a PayPal account and trade crypto easier and faster.
Bad move. A single trading platform instead of the multiple platforms that I suggested will mean that you are limited to whatever incentives are available on that one platform. The last I checked, paypal wasn't paying 12% interest on usdc like crypto.com for example, and crypto.com wasn't paying interest on Solana like binance is. You can't even buy xrp unless you have an uphold account.
NO TROLLING PLEASE! I want legitimate feedback.

I have some money I will be able to get hold of soon. I'd like to put it into the market, but I don't know much about it all.
I understand the basics, but I don't know exactly WHAT to put my money on.

I'd like to split my money between two markets, but I don't know which ones.
I'd like to make some money within the next year if possible. Not looking to "get rich quick" or anything, but some extra money would be nice.

I've researched online, and some of the most popular "high risk, high gain" stocks are:

International Paper
Big Pharma

I'm going to buy some gold as well. Not much, just a bit to start. Don't know if I should buy gold STOCK, or gold BARS, or gold COINS. All the info I find is all wishy washy and cancel each other out.

Some info says the best gold is from the US government. Others say Canadian gold is the best and purest form of gold there is. And others state that Krugerans are better than everything else. So, I don't know.
risk tolerance and time horizon have to be established before you invest give me your age and approximate amount looking to invest and i can help set up a portfolio. i have 40 years experience and retired at 50 live seasonally in south florida and dupage county il.

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