Legalize it!

Pot doesn't really do it for me. I've tried it enough to know for sure.

That being said, I see absolutely no reason why it should be illegal, and quite a few reasons to legalize and regulate it.
I'm completely pro-legalization of marijuana. The gov. could step in and sell pot making huge amounts of rev. in taxes, which can help pay off our debt. We'll also save millions by not having to fight the drug dealers and lock up men and women who sell the drug. Pot is medically useful and much less dangerous than alcohol.

Why haven't we legalized this drug yet?

You pot heads are amazing. They see cigarette smoking practically illegal and you want to make a buck by introducing school kids to a drug that is probably ten times worse than cigarettes. Marijuana isn't a medicine anymore than heroin is and who says it's less dangerous than alcohol? The pot heads? The dirty little secret is that any pot head can get a couple of seeds and grow a marijuana bush and smoke the crap until his brains come out his ears but in their warped minds they see themselves in business selling the junk when most of them can't even keep a job.

Who told you our secret? It's been our life long goal to legalize pot just to sell it kids in school. But I guess the cats out of the bag now.:cuckoo:

Pot is less dangerous than alcohol. This is scientifically proven. Case in point, it's impossible to overdose on pot, but very easy with alcohol.

You have a lot to learn young one. The anti-pot propaganda has really done a number on you.
It's a connection addicts don't want made, that's for sure. As long as municipalities will be able to opt out of legalization, you will see the divisions in the country deepen. There will be safe, clean cities that do not allow legalized marijuana, and cities that are slums where pot users are driven. If marijuana is to be legalized, this is the most fair way to do it. There's nothing wrong with separatism.

So any city that allows pot will become a slum? While any city that rejects will be clean and safe? The number of cities that are slums without pot being legal seems to shatter you delusion.
Sorry bout that,

1. Might as well legalize it, they are going to do it at *all costs*.
2. I just can't see putting pot smokers in prison.
3. I can here two prisoners talking, first one asks, "Heyman what are you in for man? other man, "Smoking pot". Other man asks, "And what are you in for dude?, first man, "Mass murder".
4. Makes no sense.

I'm completely pro-legalization of marijuana. The gov. could step in and sell pot making huge amounts of rev. in taxes, which can help pay off our debt. We'll also save millions by not having to fight the drug dealers and lock up men and women who sell the drug. Pot is medically useful and much less dangerous than alcohol.

Why haven't we legalized this drug yet?

You pot heads are amazing. They see cigarette smoking practically illegal and you want to make a buck by introducing school kids to a drug that is probably ten times worse than cigarettes. Marijuana isn't a medicine anymore than heroin is and who says it's less dangerous than alcohol? The pot heads? The dirty little secret is that any pot head can get a couple of seeds and grow a marijuana bush and smoke the crap until his brains come out his ears but in their warped minds they see themselves in business selling the junk when most of them can't even keep a job.

Who told you our secret? It's been our life long goal to legalize pot just to sell it kids in school.

Run, along, Skippy.....


I'm completely pro-legalization of marijuana. The gov. could step in and sell pot making huge amounts of rev. in taxes, which can help pay off our debt. We'll also save millions by not having to fight the drug dealers and lock up men and women who sell the drug. Pot is medically useful and much less dangerous than alcohol.

Why haven't we legalized this drug yet?

You pot heads are amazing. They see cigarette smoking practically illegal and you want to make a buck by introducing school kids to a drug that is probably ten times worse than cigarettes. Marijuana isn't a medicine anymore than heroin is and who says it's less dangerous than alcohol? The pot heads? The dirty little secret is that any pot head can get a couple of seeds and grow a marijuana bush and smoke the crap until his brains come out his ears but in their warped minds they see themselves in business selling the junk when most of them can't even keep a job.

I would suggest that you do some more reading on cannabis to combat your ignorance.
Mr Shaman, I know you prolly dont realize this but posting the way you do about cannabis is like being a cheer leader for Monsanto et sorry to say...
All those that feel happy about the 'legalize' efforts moving forward know not what they do unless they have Monsanto et al stock...
Please try to be better informed. was your opportunity to "better inform" me.....and, you "punted".


BTW....that's p-r-o-b-a-b-l-y.​

If you knew the depth of this issue as well as you know how to spell then I wouldn't need to...btw I didnt punt Mr Sherman, its just that I doubt you really want to seam to have a head of steam based on the traditionally framed discussion on this topic and unless you are willing to take in some info from someone who knows first hand things you may not know then I would just be wasting my time...just show me a sign and I'll be willin'
Well Mr Sherman do ya want to take a quick time out and discuss this or are ya just going to keep running with the ball no matter who your really scoring for?
Im serious bro, i've spent half my life running with the ball that you are now running with and I think I can give a different perspective than most if your willing to discuss it.
I'm completely pro-legalization of marijuana. The gov. could step in and sell pot making huge amounts of rev. in taxes, which can help pay off our debt. We'll also save millions by not having to fight the drug dealers and lock up men and women who sell the drug. Pot is medically useful and much less dangerous than alcohol.

Why haven't we legalized this drug yet?

You pot heads are amazing. They see cigarette smoking practically illegal and you want to make a buck by introducing school kids to a drug that is probably ten times worse than cigarettes. Marijuana isn't a medicine anymore than heroin is and who says it's less dangerous than alcohol? The pot heads? The dirty little secret is that any pot head can get a couple of seeds and grow a marijuana bush and smoke the crap until his brains come out his ears but in their warped minds they see themselves in business selling the junk when most of them can't even keep a job.

I would suggest that you do some more reading on cannabis to combat your ignorance.

Reading about cannabis requires that only pro cannabis propaganda be considered. Otherwise you find out about the strokes and damage to developing brains.
You pot heads are amazing. They see cigarette smoking practically illegal and you want to make a buck by introducing school kids to a drug that is probably ten times worse than cigarettes. Marijuana isn't a medicine anymore than heroin is and who says it's less dangerous than alcohol? The pot heads? The dirty little secret is that any pot head can get a couple of seeds and grow a marijuana bush and smoke the crap until his brains come out his ears but in their warped minds they see themselves in business selling the junk when most of them can't even keep a job.

I would suggest that you do some more reading on cannabis to combat your ignorance.

Reading about cannabis requires that only pro cannabis propaganda be considered. Otherwise you find out about the strokes and damage to developing brains.

Read about the medicinal benefits of cannabis. It has been used for centuries.
I would suggest that you do some more reading on cannabis to combat your ignorance.

Reading about cannabis requires that only pro cannabis propaganda be considered. Otherwise you find out about the strokes and damage to developing brains.

Read about the medicinal benefits of cannabis. It has been used for centuries.

Read about the medicinal benefits of opium, it's been used for centuries too. How about the medicinal effects of belladonna? How many poisons do NOT have a medicinal effect? It's a false argument. Marijuana is used mostly to get high. It is being used by younger and younger children. It is damaging their developing brains at younger and younger ages. Strokes and heart attacks are happening to younger and younger people.

Marijuana Use Linked To Higher Risk Of Stroke

The most popular illegal drug, marijuana, may double the risk of stroke among young adults, according to findings revealed at The American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference 2013.

Sure you want to read about the medicinal effect of marijuana, but ONLY what supports marijuana use. You won't even address the damage it does.

Heavy Marijuana Use May Damage Developing Brain In Teens, Young Adults

Now you might feel obligated to find a dozen pro pot articles out there to massage away the facts and make you feel better, but it is what it is. Meanwhile we have a growing population of young people who are getting lower on the functioning scale.
Reading about cannabis requires that only pro cannabis propaganda be considered. Otherwise you find out about the strokes and damage to developing brains.

Read about the medicinal benefits of cannabis. It has been used for centuries.

Read about the medicinal benefits of opium, it's been used for centuries too. How about the medicinal effects of belladonna? How many poisons do NOT have a medicinal effect? It's a false argument. Marijuana is used mostly to get high. It is being used by younger and younger children. It is damaging their developing brains at younger and younger ages. Strokes and heart attacks are happening to younger and younger people.

Marijuana Use Linked To Higher Risk Of Stroke

The most popular illegal drug, marijuana, may double the risk of stroke among young adults, according to findings revealed at The American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference 2013.

Sure you want to read about the medicinal effect of marijuana, but ONLY what supports marijuana use. You won't even address the damage it does.

Heavy Marijuana Use May Damage Developing Brain In Teens, Young Adults

Now you might feel obligated to find a dozen pro pot articles out there to massage away the facts and make you feel better, but it is what it is. Meanwhile we have a growing population of young people who are getting lower on the functioning scale.
Guns do more damage than weed. So do cigarettes. So does alcohol. So does war. Hell, even Haliburton is more dangerous than weed. So is breathing car exhausts. Coal fired plants. and last but not least, more people die from being stupid than from smoking weed.

You pot heads are amazing. They see cigarette smoking practically illegal and you want to make a buck by introducing school kids to a drug that is probably ten times worse than cigarettes. Marijuana isn't a medicine anymore than heroin is and who says it's less dangerous than alcohol? The pot heads? The dirty little secret is that any pot head can get a couple of seeds and grow a marijuana bush and smoke the crap until his brains come out his ears but in their warped minds they see themselves in business selling the junk when most of them can't even keep a job.

I would suggest that you do some more reading on cannabis to combat your ignorance.

Reading about cannabis requires that only pro cannabis propaganda be considered. Otherwise you find out about the strokes and damage to developing brains.

Here now you wont need to read about it, and no need to get 'high' to cure whatever ails ya...
[ame=]The Power of RAW Cannabis. - YouTube[/ame]

That doesn't mean I support 'legalization' because I dont.
I support you having the 'certain rights' you were born with, the self evident inherent rights that call for you to plant any seed you need for your survival etc...'legalization' preempts your/our reestablishment of those basic fundamental rights in court etc by removing any grounds for 'standing' in order to even make a case etc.
This issue goes far beyond cannabis and its about to be a lost opportunity as soon as fed legislation passes.
Much more to be said on it all that hasn't been said in this thread but if you are stead fast pro or anti then its hard to discuss in any meaningful way.
Reading about cannabis requires that only pro cannabis propaganda be considered. Otherwise you find out about the strokes and damage to developing brains.

Read about the medicinal benefits of cannabis. It has been used for centuries.

Read about the medicinal benefits of opium, it's been used for centuries too. How about the medicinal effects of belladonna? How many poisons do NOT have a medicinal effect? It's a false argument. Marijuana is used mostly to get high. It is being used by younger and younger children. It is damaging their developing brains at younger and younger ages. Strokes and heart attacks are happening to younger and younger people.

Marijuana Use Linked To Higher Risk Of Stroke

The most popular illegal drug, marijuana, may double the risk of stroke among young adults, according to findings revealed at The American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference 2013.

Sure you want to read about the medicinal effect of marijuana, but ONLY what supports marijuana use. You won't even address the damage it does.

Heavy Marijuana Use May Damage Developing Brain In Teens, Young Adults

Now you might feel obligated to find a dozen pro pot articles out there to massage away the facts and make you feel better, but it is what it is. Meanwhile we have a growing population of young people who are getting lower on the functioning scale.

If you want a drink, you can go into a bar or store and buy it, although it is bad for you and society in general. The same goes for tobacco. Putting people in prison for smoking cannabis is ridiculous, just as ignoring the beneficial medicinal properties is ridiculous. Comparing cannabis and opiates, which are addictive, is ridiculous. If someone wants to smoke a joint and it us not effecting anyone else, they should be allowed to. If someone wants cannabis to fight off the sickness of chemo, they should be allowed. If someone wants to use it for glaucoma, MS, or a terminal illness, they should be able to. The War on Marijuana is not working. Cannabis should be sold and taxed, it is a huge cash crop and no taxes are paid on it. In a perfect world, people should not drink or smoke, or take drugs, but this is not going to happen. Forget the War on Cannabis, it is lost. It is part of society and should be legal for adults who choose to use it. Prohibition has failed.
Read about the medicinal benefits of cannabis. It has been used for centuries.

Read about the medicinal benefits of opium, it's been used for centuries too. How about the medicinal effects of belladonna? How many poisons do NOT have a medicinal effect? It's a false argument. Marijuana is used mostly to get high. It is being used by younger and younger children. It is damaging their developing brains at younger and younger ages. Strokes and heart attacks are happening to younger and younger people.

Marijuana Use Linked To Higher Risk Of Stroke

The most popular illegal drug, marijuana, may double the risk of stroke among young adults, according to findings revealed at The American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference 2013.

Sure you want to read about the medicinal effect of marijuana, but ONLY what supports marijuana use. You won't even address the damage it does.

Heavy Marijuana Use May Damage Developing Brain In Teens, Young Adults

Now you might feel obligated to find a dozen pro pot articles out there to massage away the facts and make you feel better, but it is what it is. Meanwhile we have a growing population of young people who are getting lower on the functioning scale.

If you want a drink, you can go into a bar or store and buy it, although it is bad for you and society in general. The same goes for tobacco. Putting people in prison for smoking cannabis is ridiculous, just as ignoring the beneficial medicinal properties is ridiculous. Comparing cannabis and opiates, which are addictive, is ridiculous. If someone wants to smoke a joint and it us not effecting anyone else, they should be allowed to. If someone wants cannabis to fight off the sickness of chemo, they should be allowed. If someone wants to use it for glaucoma, MS, or a terminal illness, they should be able to. The War on Marijuana is not working. Cannabis should be sold and taxed, it is a huge cash crop and no taxes are paid on it. In a perfect world, people should not drink or smoke, or take drugs, but this is not going to happen. Forget the War on Cannabis, it is lost. It is part of society and should be legal for adults who choose to use it. Prohibition has failed.

"Prohibition has failed"...quite the contrary, actually the 'prohibition' as you call it has done exactly what it was intended to do imo and could only be viewed as 'failed' if one doesnt really understand its original and continued intent which has everything to do with causing the exact circumstances we find ourselves in now (smoking epidemic prison industrial complex etc) while all the while keeping all the resource potential fully at bay until such can be corporately controlled as is about to come to fruition with the coming fed the corporate gov can effect control of every aspect of the plant including its genetics and folks are kidding themselves if they dont know thats what 'legalization' means.
Prohibition has been a tremendous success for those it meant to serve = not you and me or any anti or pro cannabis minded folks, only corporate gov interests that go to power and control and erosion of your 'certain rights held by the people' etc.
check out these 2 threads and try to understand the further depth of this issue that touches us all:

I got a whole lot of gardening to do today but I'll be back later...
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Read about the medicinal benefits of opium, it's been used for centuries too. How about the medicinal effects of belladonna? How many poisons do NOT have a medicinal effect? It's a false argument. Marijuana is used mostly to get high. It is being used by younger and younger children. It is damaging their developing brains at younger and younger ages. Strokes and heart attacks are happening to younger and younger people.

Marijuana Use Linked To Higher Risk Of Stroke

The most popular illegal drug, marijuana, may double the risk of stroke among young adults, according to findings revealed at The American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference 2013.

Sure you want to read about the medicinal effect of marijuana, but ONLY what supports marijuana use. You won't even address the damage it does.

Heavy Marijuana Use May Damage Developing Brain In Teens, Young Adults

Now you might feel obligated to find a dozen pro pot articles out there to massage away the facts and make you feel better, but it is what it is. Meanwhile we have a growing population of young people who are getting lower on the functioning scale.

If you want a drink, you can go into a bar or store and buy it, although it is bad for you and society in general. The same goes for tobacco. Putting people in prison for smoking cannabis is ridiculous, just as ignoring the beneficial medicinal properties is ridiculous. Comparing cannabis and opiates, which are addictive, is ridiculous. If someone wants to smoke a joint and it us not effecting anyone else, they should be allowed to. If someone wants cannabis to fight off the sickness of chemo, they should be allowed. If someone wants to use it for glaucoma, MS, or a terminal illness, they should be able to. The War on Marijuana is not working. Cannabis should be sold and taxed, it is a huge cash crop and no taxes are paid on it. In a perfect world, people should not drink or smoke, or take drugs, but this is not going to happen. Forget the War on Cannabis, it is lost. It is part of society and should be legal for adults who choose to use it. Prohibition has failed.

"Prohibition has failed"...quite the contrary, actually the 'prohibition' as you call it has done exactly what it was intended to do imo and could only be viewed as 'failed' if one doesnt really understand its original and continued intent which has everything to do with causing the exact circumstances we find ourselves in now (smoking epidemic prison industrial complex etc) while all the while keeping all the resource potential fully at bay until such can be corporately controlled as is about to come to fruition with the coming fed the corporate gov can effect control of every aspect of the plant including its genetics and folks are kidding themselves if they dont know thats what 'legalization' means.
Prohibition has been a tremendous success for those it meant to serve = not you and me or any anti or pro cannabis minded folks, only corporate gov interests that go to power and control and erosion of your 'certain rights held by the people' etc.
check out these 2 threads and try to understand the further depth of this issue that touches us all:

I got a whole lot of gardening to do today but I'll be back later...[/QUOTE

I see what you are saying, but you cannot look at what is happening in Mexico and say that the prohibition of drugs has worked.
At this point, drugs need to be put into free fall with non-using citizens taking whatever methods of self protection that they can. Treat it like the end of prohibition treated alcohol. Let communities decide for themselves whether they want their city to be filled with drug addicts or not and beef up patrols to put a lid on stray overs.
California, Alaska, Washington, Montana, Oregon, Nevada, Arazona, Colorado and Hawaii are all following this planned testing procedure and are sharing data.


The statistics should be fairly clear within five to ten years.
The Monsanto/GMO situation should be more fully explored as it is clear there is a move afloat to 'corner the market', just like they've done with many other crops.

When you produce a GMO plant that produces STERILE seeds it forces the grower to annually PURCHASE the ability to grow a crop, whether it be corn, soybeans, wheat or weed.

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