Joe Biden must cancel Thanksgiving. MAGA and non-MAGA cannot break bread. | Opinion
Today I am calling on President Joe Biden to do the right thing for America and formally cancel this year's Thanksgiving.
Today I am calling on President Joe Biden to do the right thing for America and formally cancel this year’s Thanksgiving.
In the wake of the presidential election, the last thing any of us need to be doing is walking into potentially volatile mixed-ideology settings that often feature alcohol, long-standing feelings of familial resentment and easily thrown pies.
Maybe we can try it again next year, but this year, for the good of everyone, let’s all just stay home with our immediate family and friends and see if we can go a day without getting apoplectically angry.
Logic would suggest those on the winning side ‒ MAGA fanatics, begrudging Trump supporters and people who didn’t really pay much attention the past decade ‒ would be cheerful as the dickens over President-elect Donald Trump’s victory. That doesn’t seem to be the case, however. It’s almost as if an entire swath of the population has grown addicted to the dopamine rush of anger, to the point they can’t even celebrate the success of the guy who keeps feeding them things to feel angry about.
My comment:
I don't know which conservatives would be angry. I'm happy as hell. I've been on Cloud Nine for four weeks now. I'm bursting with optimism for this country. Have you ever noticed the only people calling for estrangement from disagreeing relatives are leftwingers? The leftwing author is wrong. The only people angry, as always, are leftwingers.