Leftard Spy Reality Winner Partially Blames Having Fox News On TV At Work For Illegally Leaking Docs


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Just HOW f*ed up are some snowflakes?

"I wasn't trying to be a Snowden or anything," Winner said, referring to NSA leaker Edward Snowden and his massive disclosures of details on U.S. government surveillance. "I guess it's just been hard at work because ... I've filed formal complaint about them having Fox News on, you know? Uh, at least, for God's sake, put Al Jazeera on, or a slideshow with people's pets. I've tried anything to get that changed."

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"Despite Winner's statement to the FBI agents, prosecutors say that in a Facebook chat in March with her sister, Winner said she was on the "side" of both Snowden and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange."

While the government has been cagey about which agency Winner worked for, the document makes clear she worked at an NSA facility unveiled to the media under tight security in 2012. It also says she was assigned to "the Iranian Aerospace Forces Office."

I hope she goes to federal prison for a very, very long time for treason illegally leaking classified.

Alleged leaker Reality Winner said she stuffed NSA report in her pantyhose

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