Left wing, democrat activist attacking Kavanaugh is virulent anti Trumper....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep.....the left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporter suffering from "repressed" memories that just happened to surface when it was time to attack Kavanaugh......anti Trumper radical...

Kavanaugh Accuser Signed Letter Fighting Trump Border Enforcement

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—an open borders advocacy organization—letter was written and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in June.

Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor, signed the ACLU letter as “Christine Blasey Ph.D. Psychologist,” signing off on statements that accused Trump of using southern border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.”
Yep.....the left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporter suffering from "repressed" memories that just happened to surface when it was time to attack Kavanaugh......anti Trumper radical...

Kavanaugh Accuser Signed Letter Fighting Trump Border Enforcement

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—an open borders advocacy organization—letter was written and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in June.

Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor, signed the ACLU letter as “Christine Blasey Ph.D. Psychologist,” signing off on statements that accused Trump of using southern border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.”

ARE PEOPLE STILL PEDDLING BREITBART? On any board any where any time? I mean Jesus. BANNON? Seriously? MERCER? Seriously? Right up there with INFOWARS!
Such is the reprehensible right, seeking to blame the victim.

What victim? She doesn't remember where it happened, she doesn't remember when it happened, she didn't tell anyone, including personal friends that it happened....for 35 years.......

There is no victim here, there is a left wing democrat, bernie sanders supporter who is a left wing activist, anti Trumper seeking to make her bones with the democrat party......

She has to prove it happened .... you, who claim to be a Constitutional genius, are supposed to understand how this works..... the accuser proves they were a victim....the accused is innocent until proven guilty...

Starting out with a woman who doesn't know where it happened and doesn't know when it happened and told no one until 35 years later ........ doesn't get a conviction in a court of law...you doofus.
Such is the reprehensible right, seeking to blame the victim.

What victim? She doesn't remember where it happened, she doesn't remember when it happened, she didn't tell anyone, including personal friends that it happened....for 35 years.......

There is no victim here, there is a left wing democrat, bernie sanders supporter who is a left wing activist, anti Trumper seeking to make her bones with the democrat party......

She has to prove it happened .... you, who claim to be a Constitutional genius, are supposed to understand how this works..... the accuser proves they were a victim....the accused is innocent until proven guilty...

Starting out with a woman who doesn't know where it happened and doesn't know when it happened and told no one until 35 years later ........ doesn't get a conviction in a court of law...you doofus.
It may have been one of her drug induced hallucinations.
Such is the reprehensible right, seeking to blame the victim.

What victim? She doesn't remember where it happened, she doesn't remember when it happened, she didn't tell anyone, including personal friends that it happened....for 35 years.......

There is no victim here, there is a left wing democrat, bernie sanders supporter who is a left wing activist, anti Trumper seeking to make her bones with the democrat party......

She has to prove it happened .... you, who claim to be a Constitutional genius, are supposed to understand how this works..... the accuser proves they were a victim....the accused is innocent until proven guilty...

Starting out with a woman who doesn't know where it happened and doesn't know when it happened and told no one until 35 years later ........ doesn't get a conviction in a court of law...you doofus.
She is brave to finally speak up. Republicans have taken a liking to rapists as of late, and as the OP demostrates it is their goal to silence victims.
Such is the reprehensible right, seeking to blame the victim.

What victim? She doesn't remember where it happened, she doesn't remember when it happened, she didn't tell anyone, including personal friends that it happened....for 35 years.......

There is no victim here, there is a left wing democrat, bernie sanders supporter who is a left wing activist, anti Trumper seeking to make her bones with the democrat party......

She has to prove it happened .... you, who claim to be a Constitutional genius, are supposed to understand how this works..... the accuser proves they were a victim....the accused is innocent until proven guilty...

Starting out with a woman who doesn't know where it happened and doesn't know when it happened and told no one until 35 years later ........ doesn't get a conviction in a court of law...you doofus.
She is brave to finally speak up. Republicans have taken a liking to rapists as of late, and as the OP demostrates it is their goal to silence victims.

And if she could remember where it happened and when it happened? She needs to coordinate with the democrats to determine exactly where they want to pretend it happened......and then her "repressed Memory" will clear up and she will testify. Only you shitstains allow an actual rapist, bill clinton, in places of honor at your events......don't forget ted kennedy, al sharpton and the prosecutor of the Duke Lacrosse team..
If this doesn't wake republicans the fuck up, I don't know what will......this is not going to end, and if they are allowed to end Kavanaugh, do you really think they will stop this? Or the won't use the FBI, IRS, the DOJ on the next Republican Presidential candidate?
I was going to post a separate thread but it makes sense to post all of the following here:

To start with:

Kavanaugh’s accuser comes out of the shadows: ‘I thought he might inadvertently kill me’

Typical Libturd tactic. If the first lie doesn’t work, come up with another.

It’s just absolutely nuts. I never saw Brett act that way,” Mark Judge told the Weekly Standard of the Kavanaugh accusations. He’s the one Ford claims stopped the assault.

So, we’re back to a “he said, she said” series of accusation on something that supposedly happened almost 50 years ago.

And she’s a PhD research psychologist at Palo Alto UC. Think she might be a progressive out to destroy the judge for purely political reasons?

Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Donned ‘Brain’ Pussy Hat for Anti-Trump March @ Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Donned Pussy Hat for Protest

She’s an anti-Trump political activist
And here comes more:

Kavanaugh’s Mother Presided Over Case That Included Accuser’s Parents

Ralph and Paula Blasey looks like they lost some property due to debt in Kavanaugh’s court.

This shows actual court documents. Is it possible she’s also going after Kavanaugh because of what his mother did?

More @ Kavanaugh's Mother Presided Over Case That Included Accuser's Parents ⋆ WayneDupree.com

Meet ‘Never Trumper’, Kavanaugh accuser ‘Christine Blasley Ford’, whose signature adorns the ACLU letter that accused Trump of using border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.

From Twitter
I was going to post a separate thread but it makes sense to post all of the following here:

To start with:

Kavanaugh’s accuser comes out of the shadows: ‘I thought he might inadvertently kill me’

Typical Libturd tactic. If the first lie doesn’t work, come up with another.

It’s just absolutely nuts. I never saw Brett act that way,” Mark Judge told the Weekly Standard of the Kavanaugh accusations. He’s the one Ford claims stopped the assault.

So, we’re back to a “he said, she said” series of accusation on something that supposedly happened almost 50 years ago.

And she’s a PhD research psychologist at Palo Alto UC. Think she might be a progressive out to destroy the judge for purely political reasons?

Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Donned ‘Brain’ Pussy Hat for Anti-Trump March @ Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Donned Pussy Hat for Protest

She’s an anti-Trump political activist

As Iceberg pointed out, she also scrubbed her social media before coming out....... this is a political hit job of the worst kind and if the Republicans let it stand, they will be over as a party. Which is exactly what the democrats want...
The Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh Add Up to a Deliberate Political Smear

Here are the key points:

The first time there is any record of this allegation is in 2012.

Kavanaugh was not named in her first “memory” of the event.

Ford told her therapist she was attacked by four boys.

Ford contacted the Washington Post about the same time she contacted Congressional Democrats.

Ford is a Democrat donor.

Ford was concerned that Kavanaugh might eventually be on the Supreme Court.

Ford is not sure what year the event happened, where it happened, or what she did afterward.

Ford is sure this truly f***ed up her life.

Ford has taken a polygraph.

There is nothing in this woman’s statement that merits taking it seriously and a damned sight that fairly screams that it is a political hit. This nomination needs to go ahead on schedule.

Much, much more @ The Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh Add Up to a Deliberate Political Smear
Yep.....the left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporter suffering from "repressed" memories that just happened to surface when it was time to attack Kavanaugh......anti Trumper radical...

Kavanaugh Accuser Signed Letter Fighting Trump Border Enforcement

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—an open borders advocacy organization—letter was written and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in June.

Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor, signed the ACLU letter as “Christine Blasey Ph.D. Psychologist,” signing off on statements that accused Trump of using southern border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.”

Her account was shared with her therapist in 2012. And she has the therapist notes to back it.

Trump wouldn't announce his candidacy for at least 3 more years. Without a TARDIS or a delorean that goes 88 miles an hour, your narrative makes no sense.
And we learn more and more about her:

Kavanaugh Accuser Signed Letter Fighting Trump Border Enforcement

This radical leftist cannot remember how she got to the house where the alleged attack occurred, how she met Kavanaugh, where the house is located, when the alleged attack occurred or even the year it occurred, who was at the “party” or even how many were at the party, or how she got home. However, she remembers that Kavanaugh and his friend somehow, got her into a bedroom (how they did that she doesn’t remember), locked the door and turned up the volume of the music (how did they do this from a bedroom) so others couldn’t hear her screams. She says Kavanaugh got on top of her and tried to remove the one piece bathing suit she was wearing under her dress. Apparently, all of this occurred while he had his hand over her mouth covering her screams and she was afraid he was going to kill her. She was able to get away when his friend “jumped” on top of both of them; she unlocked the door and ran out of the room. So, Kavanaugh allegedly was on top of her with one hand covering her mouth and trying to take her clothes off? Kavanaugh must have been a magician. Then another guy jumps (from where) on top of both of them, allowing her to get away. Obviously, she was a magician as well.


Again, much more @ Kavanaugh Accuser Signed Letter Fighting Trump Border Enforcement
Kavanaugh Accuser Is Unhinged Liberal Professor who Former Students Describe as Dark, Mad, Scary and Troubled

The worst thing she’s done is gone public. She can no longer hide behind anonymity.

She spent all weekend deleting her online social media accounts.

Christine Blasey scores a 2.9 in competency from former students on the Rate My Professor website.
The student reviews are brutal and suggest she has severe psychological problems. Even the reviews

Christine ford is the worst educator I have ever experienced. Avoid taking her class and avoid any interaction with this person. I feel like she has something wrong with her and I am surprised no one has caught this. Also avoid fullerton’s MSW program as long as she is there.

Prof. Ford is unprofessional, lacks appropriate filters, and I am honestly scared of her. She’s made comments both in class and in e-mails, if you cross her, you will be on her bad side. I fear to think of the poor clients that had to deal with her while she got her MSW and her LCSW. Absolutely the worst teacher I ever had.

Do not take her class. she is unclear with directions. Hard grader and talks for 2hr 45min without giving a break. she is exact opposite of what she teaches. empowering??? not at all

Take her class and you will take antidepressant, start smoking or drinking again and gain 20lbs at your risk.

From Kavanaugh Accuser Is Unhinged Liberal Professor who Former Students Describe as Dark, Mad, Scary and Troubled
Yep.....the left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporter suffering from "repressed" memories that just happened to surface when it was time to attack Kavanaugh......anti Trumper radical...

Kavanaugh Accuser Signed Letter Fighting Trump Border Enforcement

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—an open borders advocacy organization—letter was written and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in June.

Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor, signed the ACLU letter as “Christine Blasey Ph.D. Psychologist,” signing off on statements that accused Trump of using southern border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.”

Her account was shared with her therapist in 2012. And she has the therapist notes to back it.

Trump wouldn't announce his candidacy for at least 3 more years. Without a TARDIS or a delorean that goes 88 miles an hour, your narrative makes no sense.

Hey...asswipe....she doesn't remember when it happened, she doesn't remember where it happened, she doesn't remember any other detail of the alleged night....didn't tell any of her 15 year old BFFs or anyone else, including her husband for 35 years until 2012 when she didn't name him as one of the attackers.....and the notes of the therapist say 4 boys she says two......

You are an asshat.

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