Left: Virginia Governor-Elect Youngkin to Blame for I-95 Storm Mess


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
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Right coast, classified
Sen. Timid Kaine (D-VA) was stuck in it for 19 hours.....That's how big a putz he is.....Every DC station kept telling everyone how bad it was going to get but yet there they were, in the worst possible place they could be.

To be honest nothing short of God could have prevented what happened.

The state could not even brine the roads due to the heavy rain that preceded the snow so once that first semi blocked the roads and the storm intensified/temps dropped it was game over.

It was of short duration but a really nasty storm. I haven't seen snow stick to everything like that in years. It was one of those snows that clogs your snowblower.....Compress it with a tire and the track left turned to ice in minutes.

It was the rare John Madden storm for my area.....Boom!
Sen. Timid Kaine (D-VA) was stuck in it for 19 hours.....That's how big a putz he is.....Every DC station kept telling everyone how bad it was going to get but yet there they were, in the worst possible place they could be.

To be honest nothing short of God could have prevented what happened.

The state could not even brine the roads due to the heavy rain that preceded the snow so once that first semi blocked the roads and the storm intensified/temps dropped it was game over.

It was of short duration but a really nasty storm. I haven't seen snow stick to everything like that in years. It was one of those snows that clogs your snowblower.....Compress it with a tire and the track left turned to ice in minutes.

It was the rare John Madden storm for my area.....Boom!
Yep, it was a Darwin storm. Most of those trapped had no business being out.
Twitter allowed Youngkin’s name to trend on the platform as the left enthusiastically accused him of shirking his duty though he won’t even take office until January 15th.

DAMN. Now Twitter is going to have to ban itself for making misleading tweets.

Look at the bright side: they wanted to blame Trump, but they didn't think anyone would buy it.
Ryan, Lisa and Rufus are randos on twitter. Great thread.
Apparently citizen Youngkin has the power to order State agencies to do things.

No comment from Virginia Democrat Governor Northam.

The DemoKKKrats in VA just LOVE their klansman and will do anything to protect him.

Uh, so 3 randos on twitter and a conservative pundit… this thread is really delivering the goods. Bwahahahah. Too funny. #epicfail

This coming from someone who believed any anonymous source as gospel on such pressing issues as Trump's meal choices and golfing habits.
This coming from someone who believed any anonymous source as gospel on such pressing issues as Trump's meal choices and golfing habits.
Those would be the only two things he did as president so I’m listening….
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