Leave it to a Democrat


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
There’s nothing to celebrate about Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s woefully botched rollout of the new coronavirus vaccine in his state. But his repeated failures deserve extra scrutiny given his own attempts to portray himself, with help from a fawning media, as a hero of the pandemic.

For the second time in as many days, Cuomo’s administration has relaxed its rules dictating who was eligible to receive the first dose of the vaccine. The adjustments came in response to reports that healthcare providers were left in the sad position of discarding expired doses of the fragile medicine when not enough patients could be found who fit the state's overly specific criteria.

The video states NY is 28th in the vaccine rollout, meanwhile not to be out done by CA which has a solid grip on the 49th position.

Andrew Cuomo's vaccine blunder is yet one more reminder of his pandemic failure

Governance in big blue cities and states totally sucks. Has sucked for decades, and will continue to suck for as long as the dumbfucks that live in those cities and state continue to vote democrats into office. Self-inflicted misery and chaos, to be followed by anarchy. The rest of us shouldn't have to pay for their fuckups IMHO.
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Governance in big blue cities an states totally sucks. Has sucked for decades, and will continue to suck for as long as the dumbfucks that live in those cities and state continue to vote them into office. Self-inflicted misery and chaos, to be followed by anarchy. The rest of us shouldn't have to pay for their fuckups IMHO.

But they want us to pay for their unrealistic pension programs when they already have out of control taxes.

Leftists love to have their things paid for with other people's money.
I don't really understand my state's system. Statistics show the the vast majority of people are white and female who have gotten the shots and we seem to have these mass vax sites that set up in our area but nobody is told about them until after the fact except for the selected people who somehow managed to become registered. The most recent one was apparently done to bolster statistics as they area's vaccine numbers were deemed lagging. I know people who meet the criteria who still cannot get even an appointment set up for shot #1. My city allegedly has an online portal to register but the link to it never works. It seems to be a disorganized mess. I am told that I will be in the next wave of eligible people but who knows when that will open up as they are too busy running in circles with the first two waves.
I don't really understand my state's system. Statistics show the the vast majority of people are white and female who have gotten the shots and we seem to have these mass vax sites that set up in our area but nobody is told about them until after the fact except for the selected people who somehow managed to become registered. The most recent one was apparently done to bolster statistics as they area's vaccine numbers were deemed lagging. I know people who meet the criteria who still cannot get even an appointment set up for shot #1. My city allegedly has an online portal to register but the link to it never works. It seems to be a disorganized mess. I am told that I will be in the next wave of eligible people but who knows when that will open up as they are too busy running in circles with the first two waves.

I'm in CA, your city sounds a lot like Southern Ca.
Benito has a huge Ego
The Corrupt Democrat Party hates average mainstream middle class people, and that is why they are fleeing NY.
The Dems looted the NY state taxpayers, and now they are looting the other states to bail-out(covid bill) their bankrupt states.

I don't really understand my state's system. Statistics show the the vast majority of people are white and female who have gotten the shots and we seem to have these mass vax sites that set up in our area but nobody is told about them until after the fact except for the selected people who somehow managed to become registered. The most recent one was apparently done to bolster statistics as they area's vaccine numbers were deemed lagging. I know people who meet the criteria who still cannot get even an appointment set up for shot #1. My city allegedly has an online portal to register but the link to it never works. It seems to be a disorganized mess. I am told that I will be in the next wave of eligible people but who knows when that will open up as they are too busy running in circles with the first two waves.

I'm in CA, your city sounds a lot like Southern Ca.

It really has been a clusterfuck. Basically the state was hoarding vaccine so people got their two but then people got upset saying they were going to take away future shipments if all of them weren't exhausted so they started jabbing more people but now don't have the second shots for most of the first shot people, and haven't scratched the surface in 1A and 1B groups. The health department portal says there are currently no more shots to be had but then they turn around and hosts these hush hush events giving out shots just a few days later. It is hard to know who the hell to believe.

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