Leaker from Pentagon identified

Along with the inherent promiscuity of the democrat party mind is the deliberate use of media esoteric mechanisms to keep what actually should be known, from being known. Even with low IQ and being a puppet, Biden knows how this mechanism works. Viewers can immediately scroll to the Musk dialogue:

You Lied
However................if he was a "weekend warrior" type reservist (one weekend a month and 2 weeks active duty every year), I can't see him having access to that kind of material. I've see drilling reservists show up on various ships I served on, and we'd let them do "grunt work", but didn't let them do the technical stuff, as they didn't have enough experience to do the job without constant supervision, and it was just easier to leave that stuff for ourselves since they were only there for 2 weeks.
His MOS is "Cyber Transport Systems Specialist".

That means IT Admin. Same job as Snowden, just not a contractor...

Lt. Col. Vindman Admitted Leaking Documents Meant To Help Dems Impeach Trump—Never Served Time, While 21-Yr-Old Jack Teixeira Was Arrested For The Same Crime​

15 Apr 2023 ~~ By Patty McMurray

100 Percent Fed Up reports – Alleged Pentagon document leaker Jack Teixeira was arrested Thursday and, according to Attorney General Merrick Garland, is now being investigated for the “alleged unauthorized removal, retention, and transmission of classified national defense information.”

Social Media users have responded to the conflict by calling for the arrest of Alex Vindman.

In 2019, Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman admitted while being questioned by the House Intelligence Committee Tuesday that he had leaked information to an anti-Trump whistleblower at the center of the Democrats’ partisan impeachment proceedings of President Donald Trump. Vindman attempted to provide talking points to Trump prior to his “infamous” Ukraine phone call and then leaked a mischaracterization of the call afterward. Vindman was directly confronted by California Rep. Devin Nunes. Nunes asked:
“Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, did you discuss the July 25 phone call with anyone outside the White House on July 25 or the 26, and if so, with whom?”​
“Yes. I did,” Vindman responded.​
Vindman was pressed about the details and asked who he spoke with regarding the phone call. Vindman said he talked with two individuals who were not in the White House. Vindman was asked to provide the names of the people he had spoken with but was cut off by then-Democratic Chair Adam Schiff.




Why doesn't this kid get all the "whistle blower protections" for exposing the fact that Joe Biden LIED about entering the United States into armed conflict?
Vindman belongs to the right "club". He is a member of the protected class, as long as he is a compliant toady.
What puts American lives at risk is a corrupt administration that:

1. Laundering American tax dollars in Ukraine, a corrupt country.
2. Building and maintained illegal chemical weapons laboratories in Ukraine.
3. Wasting $120B on a war America has no need to be involved in.
4. Is well aware that Ukraine's leader, Zelensky, has been skimming money from American aid.
5. Is deeply involved in attempting to instigate WWIII.
6. Lies to us daily about events in Ukraine.
7. Has been kicking laundered money back to the Bai dun Crime Family for at least a decade.
8. Is attempting to instigate a war with Russia.
9. Sabotaged Russia's natural gas pipelines to Europe.
10. Along with France, Britain and others, now has American troops on the ground in Ukraine.
The question is, what are Loyal American citizens going to do about it? Power hungry Maoist Democrats stole voting from us. Next will be censorship of online privacy so you won’t be able to question their motives any longer. What’s will be the straw that breaks the camels back? When will American citizens stand up and shout NO MORE!, and take back the Republic by force if necessary.

Reported for preaching sedition.
In part defunding the police? Are you insance? Look how well that's working out in SF, Chicago and NY
LOL, I live in a small town of under 10,000. Between the city police and the county sheriff's departments, Our town is the county seat ( county population under 25,000 ) , we have 69 security officers.plus 10 part-time officers. I believe that's a bit of an overkill. And it doesn't seem to make a difference, in comparison with other similar sized locations our security forces ranked only 40% on a scale of 0 to 100 % efficiency. Facts make a difference, emotions should never be part of the equation. You must be professional about such matters, good policemen and sheriff's officers know this.
I ain't going back, you go back dummy. If you would have read what you did, and it being counter to your response, then you would have seen what you did.
So you can’t back up what you accused me of. Maybe that’s because I didn’t alter any of your posts and you’re a lying sack of shit.

You’ve exposed how dishonest you are. You’re excused now. Make sure you remember to drop me another disagree rating.
LOL, I live in a small town of under 10,000. Between the city police and the county sheriff's departments, Our town is the county seat ( county population under 25,000 ) , we have 69 security officers.plus 10 part-time officers. I believe that's a bit of an overkill. And it doesn't seem to make a difference, in comparison with other similar sized locations our security forces ranked only 40% on a scale of 0 to 100 % efficiency. Facts make a difference, emotions should never be part of the equation. You must be professional about such matters, good policemen and sheriff's officers know this.
I was trying to find the statistics for 2000 and 2010 but couldn't find them. I remember a lot less officers ( and they weren't dressed up as ultra-military types ) and a lot less crime.
So you can’t back up what you accused me of. Maybe that’s because I didn’t alter any of your posts and you’re a lying sack of shit.

You’ve exposed how dishonest you are. You’re excused now. Make sure you remember to drop me another disagree rating.
Post #369

I may have misinterpreted the post where you said "see beagle9"......... I thought when you said see beagle9, I thought you were referring to a former post that you were wanting her to review when I defended her staying here, but I reread it and saw what you meant. LOL...

Sorry about that. I'm old, and starting to flounder a little I guess.
Post #369

I may have misinterpreted the post where you said "see beagle9"......... I thought when you said see beagle9, I thought you were referring to a former post that you were wanting her to review when I defended her staying here, but I reread it and saw what you meant. LOL...

Sorry about that. I'm old, and starting to flounder a little I guess.
Who’s the “dummy“ now, jackass?
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Sadly, beagle, no.

America is a failed experiment. Too much of humanity does not REALLY want freedom, individual liberty, all the wonderful elements in our Declaration of Independence. Too much of humanity just wants to be taken care of, and if that means a little soft tyranny--and then hey, a lot more tyranny--they're fine with it. What separates Leftists from those who are "fine with it" is that Leftists imagine they are the ones imposing the tyranny.

I don't love knowing this but I have accepted it. And my great hope is not in America at any rate.

You hate this country so much, move to fucking Russia and see how much you would living there.

The American Experiment is NOT A FAILURE. Our Democracy is evolving. You want to live in a Dictatorship, move to Russia or Belarus.

Fuck Traitorous Fucking Bitch!
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Post #369

I may have misinterpreted the post where you said "see beagle9"......... I thought when you said see beagle9, I thought you were referring to a former post that you were wanting her to review when I defended her staying here, but I reread it and saw what you meant. LOL...

Sorry about that. I'm old, and starting to flounder a little I guess.
It's always refreshing to hear someone being honest on here. Too many extremists on both sides, they never apologize. Thank you.
Not cool, he conceded he was in error, that's rare on here. It's something to be encouraged.
I commend him for not being honest about his mistake. But he also instigated the name-calling with me. So he deserves having it served right back at him, in my opinion.

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