Lead Investigator Says President Biden ‘Committed Many Crimes’

Surely you realize the MEDIA has been making false allegations against Trump for 9 years. But you have your head up your ass. As do all Dem Traitors.

And yet, they just proved 34 allegations in a court of law. Sentencing in 3 weeks.
Because the prosecutor was widely known to be running a corrupt office where the prosecutors would spend more time extorting businesses for bribes than prosecuting actual criminals.

When the US started working with a special unit to go after government corruption, they started turning up evidence of corruption in his office. At that point, Shokin started going after the special unit and forcing them out.

The US did not want to spend money in Ukraine if there was no hope in rooting out corruption.

This is all detailed in testimony from state department officials who were part of the decision making process and widely known in the press, among our allies and with the Ukrainian people.
That's ridiculous, Biden didn't care about corruption in Ukraine. He only cared about lining his own pockets. Hunter was there Gathering big bucks for the family. Describing Biden as some saint fighting corruption around the world is ludicrous, he's a dishonest deceitful Lawless Pig. He threatened Ukraine with with withholding a billion dollars and bragged about it. His family received Millions for firing that prosecutor that was looking into burisma corruption. It was all about Joe's wallet. Occam's razor
What Hunter and Burisma were working on has zero to do with USA and our allies recognizing the corruption in the prosecutors office and calling for reform. Youre blinded by smoke and mirrors
You're half right, what hunter in brisma were working on has 0 to do with USA and our allies and 100% to do with lining the Biden pockets with cash.
Biden wasn’t the only one involved. The diplomats in the State Dept who were in Ukraine were the ones telling us about Shokin’s corruption. Were they supposedly lining their pockets too?

You’re not told about this because it doesn’t fit your narrative.
The whole thing was corrupt including your boy Biden. Cash was the king
And yet, they just proved 34 allegations in a court of law. Sentencing in 3 weeks.

Did you get demoted??

Seems like a pretty low level job for a Mossad you have....
Many crimes
Trump paid for a non disclosure of sex
Biden got money from foreign businesses and governments to help his derelict son.
Lib loons swear Trump's is more egregious
Surely you realize the MEDIA has been making false allegations against Trump for 9 years.
Well that's a completely unrelated little outburst to what you said.

And given your false accusations against Biden, you should probably shut the hell up.
You're half right, what hunter in brisma were working on has 0 to do with USA and our allies and 100% to do with lining the Biden pockets with cash.

The whole thing was corrupt including your boy Biden. Cash was the king

So who paid the IMF to declare Shokin was corrupt? Who paid Ukraine's Rada to vote no-confidence in Shokin?

Best yet, who paid Shokin to HELP Zlochevsky avoid prosecution in England?

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