Latest Apple Envy from Microsoft

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum

somebody I know posted this video on their blog along with a comment something along the line of this: "Somebody must hunt down the people who create Microsoft's advertising and get them to take their anti-psychotic meds"

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somebody I know posted this video on their blog along with a comment something along the line of this: "Somebody must hunt down the people who create Microsoft's advertising and get them to take their anti-psychotic meds"


How much does that suck?
Notice: All the songs sound the same to. LOL

Side note: Linux coders created the first app that did that, but the project had no interest so it vanished, Mac I think kept it though but at least Apple knows it's just a toy. How can anyone take MS seriously after this?
Just a guess, but the $60Billion in annual revenue and $170Billion market cap might have something to do with it.

Riding the tails of Bill Gates ... just because a company was good in the past doesn't mean they are now or will be in the future. It all matters on who is making the key choices, and Bill hasn't been since Win2K.
Damn D!

taking someone or something seriously equals trust? :shadow:

methinks it is their credibility that is taken none too seriously. or do big corps not lie? do big corps always get taken seriously---in their advertisements?

jesus, this is like hijacking a bible thread in teh name of hope.

oops, it's you mani.


never mind
somebody I know posted this video on their blog along with a comment something along the line of this: "Somebody must hunt down the people who create Microsoft's advertising and get them to take their anti-psychotic meds"


My ears started bleeding two minutes into the song.

I have such a headache now.


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