Last Night's Presidential Debate Was A National Embarrassment!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Presidential Debate last night was an embarrassment for America, Donald Trump's behavior was far worse but both candidates acted like school children not the statesmen the American people deserve! A fair evaluation would conclude Vice-President Biden protected his interests not much advanced it and President Donald Trump hurt his interests with such a person as President it is no wonder the Democrats and Republicans in Washington cannot come together and pass legislation the American people need passed!

It was nice to see Vice-President Biden have his moments where he demonstrated himself as a sharp leader, for instance, when he was talking about with what is needed to address the dissatisfaction with the police problem in America where he said most police officers are good people that put themselves in harm's way to protect us and there is a few bad apples and we need get them out of the job and how we need to get all the parties together and talk out the problems and figure out a way forward that works for everyone, etc.. But I think the Vice-president missed an opportunity with the debate to make the case for his candidacy. I got the impression that the Vice-President did not have the optimal perspective about the debate he should have viewed it as an interview for a job where the American people watching at home were the hiring managers and sell himself for the job of Presidency. Like when he talked about the ACA he repeatedly mentioned that the law provides health insurance for twenty million Americans and that is great but there is so much more that he could have said about the ACA the essential benefit mandate if you need inpatient treatment it is covered if you need prescription drugs it is covered, it covers preventive care which is critically valuable in lowering overall healthcare costs it puts mental health treatment in parity with physical health treatment, it has good out of pocket limits, etc., etc. etc..

The Vice-President's staff did not prepare him well they with he should have given him a simple strategy to implement when the moderator raised a major issue he should have been prepared with his important commentary he wanted to say on that and not be sidetracked. Like when the moderator raised the issue of where President Trump went wrong with his leadership on the Pandemic or to say it another way how would a President Biden have done things differently Vice -President Biden should have been there with at least one or two major strong points. He should have said President Trump dropped the ball on testing America should have had point of care testing months ago not these tests where we have to wait days for a response yada, yada, yada and this PPR even in September we still have hospitals that don't have an ample supply of N95 masks when the pandemic was clearly here in America in March and April Trump shouldn't have told governors across America I am not your shipping clerk for PPE go out in the international market and get it yourself the President back then should have used the Defense Production Act and quickly domestically manufactured all the N95 face masks the U.S. healthcare system would need.

Vice-President Biden's staff did a poor job in preparing the Vice-President for the debate the staff should have had a handout for the VP with likely questions and good responses in bullet proof form and there was many issues here. One can see the questions Biden faced from a mile away and he shouldn't have struggled for answers his staff should have better prepped him. Like the one where Trump says to Biden you say America needed good tax reform you were in Washington 47 years shy didn't you get it done. Biden should have responded that when I was VP President Obama and I passed a great tax bill into law it extended the Bush tax cuts on lower and middle income Americans and eliminated them for wealthy Americans and fixed a lot of yearly reoccurring problems in the tax code and for the prior thirty-five plus years when I was just a Senator there has been a bipartisan recognition in Washington that the tax code needed to be reformed and loophole closed for decades but special interests have thrown up roadblocks but I will tell you that America never faced trillion dollar plus yearly deficits where the deficit trajectory is even worse and so a President Biden is making a top priority closing these loop holes. Another of these easily anticipated questions was VP Biden your planning to raise taxes by three to four trillion dollars over ten years won't you hurt the economy Biden's response should have been too many American's are getting short shrifted today America is failing them miserably I am raiding this three to four trillion dollars and giving it to young men and women so they can pay for college, low and middle income families so they can pay for child care, help for families to buy their first home so they can build wealth and the ten plus other good things he wants to do!

Biden's staff should have warned Biden do not allow yourself to be pulled into following Trump down rabbit holes, stick to the important issues who really cares that Trump plays the tax code so he pays little in taxes focus on the changes to the tax code like I am going to have a fifteen percent minimum tax so these billion dollar corporation pay their fair share of taxes. Biden's staff should advise Biden to not respond to every little point Trump makes the American people know that Trump's points are often garbage we don't need your laugh over them to realize this we want to hear how you will improve and protect America! VP Biden did have some really good moments him acknowledging that he won the Democrat primary so he sets the agenda for the Democrat Party that is the way the system works and his courage to further acknowledge that the green new deal platform which will cost a fortune is not his climate protection plan his won't break the bank!
Once again, we were presented with two candidates that we cannot understand anyone voting for. One is an erratic, egocentric buffoon and the other an ineffective hack largely responsible for the mess in the Middle East. Of course, the show itself, called a debate, should so embarrass Americans that they boycott the whole affair.
The Presidential Debate last night was an embarrassment for America, Donald Trump's behavior was far worse but both candidates acted like school children not the statesmen the American people deserve! A fair evaluation would conclude Vice-President Biden protected his interests not much advanced it and President Donald Trump hurt his interests with such a person as President it is no wonder the Democrats and Republicans in Washington cannot come together and pass legislation the American people need passed!

It was nice to see Vice-President Biden have his moments where he demonstrated himself as a sharp leader, for instance, when he was talking about with what is needed to address the dissatisfaction with the police problem in America where he said most police officers are good people that put themselves in harm's way to protect us and there is a few bad apples and we need get them out of the job and how we need to get all the parties together and talk out the problems and figure out a way forward that works for everyone, etc.. But I think the Vice-president missed an opportunity with the debate to make the case for his candidacy. I got the impression that the Vice-President did not have the optimal perspective about the debate he should have viewed it as an interview for a job where the American people watching at home were the hiring managers and sell himself for the job of Presidency. Like when he talked about the ACA he repeatedly mentioned that the law provides health insurance for twenty million Americans and that is great but there is so much more that he could have said about the ACA the essential benefit mandate if you need inpatient treatment it is covered if you need prescription drugs it is covered, it covers preventive care which is critically valuable in lowering overall healthcare costs it puts mental health treatment in parity with physical health treatment, it has good out of pocket limits, etc., etc. etc..

The Vice-President's staff did not prepare him well they with he should have given him a simple strategy to implement when the moderator raised a major issue he should have been prepared with his important commentary he wanted to say on that and not be sidetracked. Like when the moderator raised the issue of where President Trump went wrong with his leadership on the Pandemic or to say it another way how would a President Biden have done things differently Vice -President Biden should have been there with at least one or two major strong points. He should have said President Trump dropped the ball on testing America should have had point of care testing months ago not these tests where we have to wait days for a response yada, yada, yada and this PPR even in September we still have hospitals that don't have an ample supply of N95 masks when the pandemic was clearly here in America in March and April Trump shouldn't have told governors across America I am not your shipping clerk for PPE go out in the international market and get it yourself the President back then should have used the Defense Production Act and quickly domestically manufactured all the N95 face masks the U.S. healthcare system would need.

Vice-President Biden's staff did a poor job in preparing the Vice-President for the debate the staff should have had a handout for the VP with likely questions and good responses in bullet proof form and there was many issues here. One can see the questions Biden faced from a mile away and he shouldn't have struggled for answers his staff should have better prepped him. Like the one where Trump says to Biden you say America needed good tax reform you were in Washington 47 years shy didn't you get it done. Biden should have responded that when I was VP President Obama and I passed a great tax bill into law it extended the Bush tax cuts on lower and middle income Americans and eliminated them for wealthy Americans and fixed a lot of yearly reoccurring problems in the tax code and for the prior thirty-five plus years when I was just a Senator there has been a bipartisan recognition in Washington that the tax code needed to be reformed and loophole closed for decades but special interests have thrown up roadblocks but I will tell you that America never faced trillion dollar plus yearly deficits where the deficit trajectory is even worse and so a President Biden is making a top priority closing these loop holes. Another of these easily anticipated questions was VP Biden your planning to raise taxes by three to four trillion dollars over ten years won't you hurt the economy Biden's response should have been too many American's are getting short shrifted today America is failing them miserably I am raiding this three to four trillion dollars and giving it to young men and women so they can pay for college, low and middle income families so they can pay for child care, help for families to buy their first home so they can build wealth and the ten plus other good things he wants to do!

Biden's staff should have warned Biden do not allow yourself to be pulled into following Trump down rabbit holes, stick to the important issues who really cares that Trump plays the tax code so he pays little in taxes focus on the changes to the tax code like I am going to have a fifteen percent minimum tax so these billion dollar corporation pay their fair share of taxes. Biden's staff should advise Biden to not respond to every little point Trump makes the American people know that Trump's points are often garbage we don't need your laugh over them to realize this we want to hear how you will improve and protect America! VP Biden did have some really good moments him acknowledging that he won the Democrat primary so he sets the agenda for the Democrat Party that is the way the system works and his courage to further acknowledge that the green new deal platform which will cost a fortune is not his climate protection plan his won't break the bank!
If I was a hiring manager, I would hire the guy with 4 years of experience ON THE JOB vs the guy with zero minutes on that job. I'd also be interested in the guy who did far more good things in 4 years, than the other guy did in 47 years, which was absolutely NOTHING, but make himself and his relatives rich.
Once again, we were presented with two candidates that we cannot understand anyone voting for. One is an erratic, egocentric buffoon and the other an ineffective hack largely responsible for the mess in the Middle East. Of course, the show itself, called a debate, should so embarrass Americans that they boycott the whole affair.
Wrong. Biden is not responsible for the mess in the middle east. The choice is clear.
Biden lied his azz off--------------over and over and over and over again---and Trump thumped him for it. The embarrassment was Biden telling huge whoppers with Wallace not doing anything to stop biden from lying.
BS. The reverse of what you said is what happened.
It was an embarrassment for Biden. The left is pleading with him to not do any more debates. They just can’t handle President Trump trolling him with questions about his corruption and abysmal record.
The Presidential Debate last night was an embarrassment for America, Donald Trump's behavior was far worse but both candidates acted like school children not the statesmen the American people deserve! A fair evaluation would conclude Vice-President Biden protected his interests not much advanced it and President Donald Trump hurt his interests with such a person as President it is no wonder the Democrats and Republicans in Washington cannot come together and pass legislation the American people need passed!

It was nice to see Vice-President Biden have his moments where he demonstrated himself as a sharp leader, for instance, when he was talking about with what is needed to address the dissatisfaction with the police problem in America where he said most police officers are good people that put themselves in harm's way to protect us and there is a few bad apples and we need get them out of the job and how we need to get all the parties together and talk out the problems and figure out a way forward that works for everyone, etc.. But I think the Vice-president missed an opportunity with the debate to make the case for his candidacy. I got the impression that the Vice-President did not have the optimal perspective about the debate he should have viewed it as an interview for a job where the American people watching at home were the hiring managers and sell himself for the job of Presidency. Like when he talked about the ACA he repeatedly mentioned that the law provides health insurance for twenty million Americans and that is great but there is so much more that he could have said about the ACA the essential benefit mandate if you need inpatient treatment it is covered if you need prescription drugs it is covered, it covers preventive care which is critically valuable in lowering overall healthcare costs it puts mental health treatment in parity with physical health treatment, it has good out of pocket limits, etc., etc. etc..

The Vice-President's staff did not prepare him well they with he should have given him a simple strategy to implement when the moderator raised a major issue he should have been prepared with his important commentary he wanted to say on that and not be sidetracked. Like when the moderator raised the issue of where President Trump went wrong with his leadership on the Pandemic or to say it another way how would a President Biden have done things differently Vice -President Biden should have been there with at least one or two major strong points. He should have said President Trump dropped the ball on testing America should have had point of care testing months ago not these tests where we have to wait days for a response yada, yada, yada and this PPR even in September we still have hospitals that don't have an ample supply of N95 masks when the pandemic was clearly here in America in March and April Trump shouldn't have told governors across America I am not your shipping clerk for PPE go out in the international market and get it yourself the President back then should have used the Defense Production Act and quickly domestically manufactured all the N95 face masks the U.S. healthcare system would need.

Vice-President Biden's staff did a poor job in preparing the Vice-President for the debate the staff should have had a handout for the VP with likely questions and good responses in bullet proof form and there was many issues here. One can see the questions Biden faced from a mile away and he shouldn't have struggled for answers his staff should have better prepped him. Like the one where Trump says to Biden you say America needed good tax reform you were in Washington 47 years shy didn't you get it done. Biden should have responded that when I was VP President Obama and I passed a great tax bill into law it extended the Bush tax cuts on lower and middle income Americans and eliminated them for wealthy Americans and fixed a lot of yearly reoccurring problems in the tax code and for the prior thirty-five plus years when I was just a Senator there has been a bipartisan recognition in Washington that the tax code needed to be reformed and loophole closed for decades but special interests have thrown up roadblocks but I will tell you that America never faced trillion dollar plus yearly deficits where the deficit trajectory is even worse and so a President Biden is making a top priority closing these loop holes. Another of these easily anticipated questions was VP Biden your planning to raise taxes by three to four trillion dollars over ten years won't you hurt the economy Biden's response should have been too many American's are getting short shrifted today America is failing them miserably I am raiding this three to four trillion dollars and giving it to young men and women so they can pay for college, low and middle income families so they can pay for child care, help for families to buy their first home so they can build wealth and the ten plus other good things he wants to do!

Biden's staff should have warned Biden do not allow yourself to be pulled into following Trump down rabbit holes, stick to the important issues who really cares that Trump plays the tax code so he pays little in taxes focus on the changes to the tax code like I am going to have a fifteen percent minimum tax so these billion dollar corporation pay their fair share of taxes. Biden's staff should advise Biden to not respond to every little point Trump makes the American people know that Trump's points are often garbage we don't need your laugh over them to realize this we want to hear how you will improve and protect America! VP Biden did have some really good moments him acknowledging that he won the Democrat primary so he sets the agenda for the Democrat Party that is the way the system works and his courage to further acknowledge that the green new deal platform which will cost a fortune is not his climate protection plan his won't break the bank!
This is a fair assessment, but Biden was getting cut off by trump who was blatantly ignoring the rules. He ran over Chris Wallace.
Once again, we were presented with two candidates that we cannot understand anyone voting for. One is an erratic, egocentric buffoon and the other an ineffective hack largely responsible for the mess in the Middle East. Of course, the show itself, called a debate, should so embarrass Americans that they boycott the whole affair.
Wrong. Biden is not responsible for the mess in the middle east. The choice is clear.
President Trump mopped up the Middle East and destroyed ISIS, something the Hussein refused to do. He kept us out of war in Syria and reversed course on the Hussein’s idiotic idea of “regime change” in Syria. Biden doesn’t have the backbone to stand up to Washington’s war machine that wants infinite wars.
Once again, we were presented with two candidates that we cannot understand anyone voting for. One is an erratic, egocentric buffoon and the other an ineffective hack largely responsible for the mess in the Middle East. Of course, the show itself, called a debate, should so embarrass Americans that they boycott the whole affair.
Wrong. Biden is not responsible for the mess in the middle east. The choice is clear.
President Trump mopped up the Middle East and destroyed ISIS, something the Hussein refused to do. He kept us out of war in Syria and reversed course on the Hussein’s idiotic idea of “regime change” in Syria. Biden doesn’t have the backbone to stand up to Washington’s war machine that wants infinite wars.
trump did nothing of the sort and there has been no president Hussein. trump is bent over taking Putins dick up his ass.
It was an embarrassment for Biden. The left is pleading with him to not do any more debates. They just can’t handle President Trump trolling him with questions about his corruption and abysmal record.
No, trump embarrassed himself and this country.
Biden was an embarrassment. He flat out lied about Hunter taking millions from Russia and China. He refused to answer the question about stacking the Supreme Court. He was a coward.
Once again, we were presented with two candidates that we cannot understand anyone voting for. One is an erratic, egocentric buffoon and the other an ineffective hack largely responsible for the mess in the Middle East. Of course, the show itself, called a debate, should so embarrass Americans that they boycott the whole affair.
Wrong. Biden is not responsible for the mess in the middle east. The choice is clear.
President Trump mopped up the Middle East and destroyed ISIS, something the Hussein refused to do. He kept us out of war in Syria and reversed course on the Hussein’s idiotic idea of “regime change” in Syria. Biden doesn’t have the backbone to stand up to Washington’s war machine that wants infinite wars.
trump did nothing of the sort and there has been no president Hussein. trump is bent over taking Putins dick up his ass.
Once again, we were presented with two candidates that we cannot understand anyone voting for. One is an erratic, egocentric buffoon and the other an ineffective hack largely responsible for the mess in the Middle East. Of course, the show itself, called a debate, should so embarrass Americans that they boycott the whole affair.
Wrong. Biden is not responsible for the mess in the middle east. The choice is clear.
If Biden is not responsible, then he is irresponsible.
Did he not vote for the illegal invasion? Did he not support aggressive, pre-emptive war? Did he resist the Libyan and Syrian folly?
Just because we cannot support Biden does not mean we support Trump. Trump is indefensible, but Biden is unsupportable, not to mention that he isn't even really the candidate; it's Harris.
The Presidential Debate last night was an embarrassment for America, Donald Trump's behavior was far worse but both candidates acted like school children not the statesmen the American people deserve! A fair evaluation would conclude Vice-President Biden protected his interests not much advanced it and President Donald Trump hurt his interests with such a person as President it is no wonder the Democrats and Republicans in Washington cannot come together and pass legislation the American people need passed!

It was nice to see Vice-President Biden have his moments where he demonstrated himself as a sharp leader, for instance, when he was talking about with what is needed to address the dissatisfaction with the police problem in America where he said most police officers are good people that put themselves in harm's way to protect us and there is a few bad apples and we need get them out of the job and how we need to get all the parties together and talk out the problems and figure out a way forward that works for everyone, etc.. But I think the Vice-president missed an opportunity with the debate to make the case for his candidacy. I got the impression that the Vice-President did not have the optimal perspective about the debate he should have viewed it as an interview for a job where the American people watching at home were the hiring managers and sell himself for the job of Presidency. Like when he talked about the ACA he repeatedly mentioned that the law provides health insurance for twenty million Americans and that is great but there is so much more that he could have said about the ACA the essential benefit mandate if you need inpatient treatment it is covered if you need prescription drugs it is covered, it covers preventive care which is critically valuable in lowering overall healthcare costs it puts mental health treatment in parity with physical health treatment, it has good out of pocket limits, etc., etc. etc..

The Vice-President's staff did not prepare him well they with he should have given him a simple strategy to implement when the moderator raised a major issue he should have been prepared with his important commentary he wanted to say on that and not be sidetracked. Like when the moderator raised the issue of where President Trump went wrong with his leadership on the Pandemic or to say it another way how would a President Biden have done things differently Vice -President Biden should have been there with at least one or two major strong points. He should have said President Trump dropped the ball on testing America should have had point of care testing months ago not these tests where we have to wait days for a response yada, yada, yada and this PPR even in September we still have hospitals that don't have an ample supply of N95 masks when the pandemic was clearly here in America in March and April Trump shouldn't have told governors across America I am not your shipping clerk for PPE go out in the international market and get it yourself the President back then should have used the Defense Production Act and quickly domestically manufactured all the N95 face masks the U.S. healthcare system would need.

Vice-President Biden's staff did a poor job in preparing the Vice-President for the debate the staff should have had a handout for the VP with likely questions and good responses in bullet proof form and there was many issues here. One can see the questions Biden faced from a mile away and he shouldn't have struggled for answers his staff should have better prepped him. Like the one where Trump says to Biden you say America needed good tax reform you were in Washington 47 years shy didn't you get it done. Biden should have responded that when I was VP President Obama and I passed a great tax bill into law it extended the Bush tax cuts on lower and middle income Americans and eliminated them for wealthy Americans and fixed a lot of yearly reoccurring problems in the tax code and for the prior thirty-five plus years when I was just a Senator there has been a bipartisan recognition in Washington that the tax code needed to be reformed and loophole closed for decades but special interests have thrown up roadblocks but I will tell you that America never faced trillion dollar plus yearly deficits where the deficit trajectory is even worse and so a President Biden is making a top priority closing these loop holes. Another of these easily anticipated questions was VP Biden your planning to raise taxes by three to four trillion dollars over ten years won't you hurt the economy Biden's response should have been too many American's are getting short shrifted today America is failing them miserably I am raiding this three to four trillion dollars and giving it to young men and women so they can pay for college, low and middle income families so they can pay for child care, help for families to buy their first home so they can build wealth and the ten plus other good things he wants to do!

Biden's staff should have warned Biden do not allow yourself to be pulled into following Trump down rabbit holes, stick to the important issues who really cares that Trump plays the tax code so he pays little in taxes focus on the changes to the tax code like I am going to have a fifteen percent minimum tax so these billion dollar corporation pay their fair share of taxes. Biden's staff should advise Biden to not respond to every little point Trump makes the American people know that Trump's points are often garbage we don't need your laugh over them to realize this we want to hear how you will improve and protect America! VP Biden did have some really good moments him acknowledging that he won the Democrat primary so he sets the agenda for the Democrat Party that is the way the system works and his courage to further acknowledge that the green new deal platform which will cost a fortune is not his climate protection plan his won't break the bank!

If you believe the polls, all Biden has to do is par the next two holes and he wins.

Believing the polls is fraught with danger as we saw in 2016. So if the criterium for success or failure is winning or losing the election, he did what he needed to do.
It was an embarrassment for Biden. The left is pleading with him to not do any more debates. They just can’t handle President Trump trolling him with questions about his corruption and abysmal record.

Where did you hear the left doesn't want Biden to do more debates? I wouldn't blame him if he refused to get back on the stage with that childish orange blowhard though.
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The Presidential Debate last night was an embarrassment for America, Donald Trump's behavior was far worse but both candidates acted like school children not the statesmen the American people deserve! A fair evaluation would conclude Vice-President Biden protected his interests not much advanced it and President Donald Trump hurt his interests with such a person as President it is no wonder the Democrats and Republicans in Washington cannot come together and pass legislation the American people need passed!

It was nice to see Vice-President Biden have his moments where he demonstrated himself as a sharp leader, for instance, when he was talking about with what is needed to address the dissatisfaction with the police problem in America where he said most police officers are good people that put themselves in harm's way to protect us and there is a few bad apples and we need get them out of the job and how we need to get all the parties together and talk out the problems and figure out a way forward that works for everyone, etc.. But I think the Vice-president missed an opportunity with the debate to make the case for his candidacy. I got the impression that the Vice-President did not have the optimal perspective about the debate he should have viewed it as an interview for a job where the American people watching at home were the hiring managers and sell himself for the job of Presidency. Like when he talked about the ACA he repeatedly mentioned that the law provides health insurance for twenty million Americans and that is great but there is so much more that he could have said about the ACA the essential benefit mandate if you need inpatient treatment it is covered if you need prescription drugs it is covered, it covers preventive care which is critically valuable in lowering overall healthcare costs it puts mental health treatment in parity with physical health treatment, it has good out of pocket limits, etc., etc. etc..

The Vice-President's staff did not prepare him well they with he should have given him a simple strategy to implement when the moderator raised a major issue he should have been prepared with his important commentary he wanted to say on that and not be sidetracked. Like when the moderator raised the issue of where President Trump went wrong with his leadership on the Pandemic or to say it another way how would a President Biden have done things differently Vice -President Biden should have been there with at least one or two major strong points. He should have said President Trump dropped the ball on testing America should have had point of care testing months ago not these tests where we have to wait days for a response yada, yada, yada and this PPR even in September we still have hospitals that don't have an ample supply of N95 masks when the pandemic was clearly here in America in March and April Trump shouldn't have told governors across America I am not your shipping clerk for PPE go out in the international market and get it yourself the President back then should have used the Defense Production Act and quickly domestically manufactured all the N95 face masks the U.S. healthcare system would need.

Vice-President Biden's staff did a poor job in preparing the Vice-President for the debate the staff should have had a handout for the VP with likely questions and good responses in bullet proof form and there was many issues here. One can see the questions Biden faced from a mile away and he shouldn't have struggled for answers his staff should have better prepped him. Like the one where Trump says to Biden you say America needed good tax reform you were in Washington 47 years shy didn't you get it done. Biden should have responded that when I was VP President Obama and I passed a great tax bill into law it extended the Bush tax cuts on lower and middle income Americans and eliminated them for wealthy Americans and fixed a lot of yearly reoccurring problems in the tax code and for the prior thirty-five plus years when I was just a Senator there has been a bipartisan recognition in Washington that the tax code needed to be reformed and loophole closed for decades but special interests have thrown up roadblocks but I will tell you that America never faced trillion dollar plus yearly deficits where the deficit trajectory is even worse and so a President Biden is making a top priority closing these loop holes. Another of these easily anticipated questions was VP Biden your planning to raise taxes by three to four trillion dollars over ten years won't you hurt the economy Biden's response should have been too many American's are getting short shrifted today America is failing them miserably I am raiding this three to four trillion dollars and giving it to young men and women so they can pay for college, low and middle income families so they can pay for child care, help for families to buy their first home so they can build wealth and the ten plus other good things he wants to do!

Biden's staff should have warned Biden do not allow yourself to be pulled into following Trump down rabbit holes, stick to the important issues who really cares that Trump plays the tax code so he pays little in taxes focus on the changes to the tax code like I am going to have a fifteen percent minimum tax so these billion dollar corporation pay their fair share of taxes. Biden's staff should advise Biden to not respond to every little point Trump makes the American people know that Trump's points are often garbage we don't need your laugh over them to realize this we want to hear how you will improve and protect America! VP Biden did have some really good moments him acknowledging that he won the Democrat primary so he sets the agenda for the Democrat Party that is the way the system works and his courage to further acknowledge that the green new deal platform which will cost a fortune is not his climate protection plan his won't break the bank!
In a world where the media and the left are lying at every opportunity and name-calling everyone on the right, you are blaming Donald Trump? This began long before he took office.

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